At the same time, outside Villa No. 16 in Century Garden Villa Park, after Da Hei drove the car to the door of the villa area, he endured the pain like a tear in his abdomen, and gasped and walked out of the car.

He was very suspicious that Qin Hongyu's three kicks just now directly kicked his spleen. However, before he could go to the hospital, Liang Chen sent a text message.

Although the content of the text message is very short, Dahei, who is familiar with Liang Chen, knows that the fewer words Liang Chen has, the bigger the matter. Therefore, he didn't dare to delay a bit, so he directly ignored his injuries and drove all the way over.

Seeing that the door of the villa was open, and there were two big men in black standing at the door, the villa was brightly lit, and the big black walked in.

Sure enough, Liang Chen was sitting in the center of the sofa, knocking on Erlang's leg, looking at him coldly, full of big guy sitting posture.

Seeing Da Hei come back alone, the chill on Liang Chen's face deepened, and he quickly typed a few words on his mobile phone: "What about Qin Hongyu?"

"Da Shao, don't be angry first!" Da Hei waved his hand again and again, "I can explain this matter clearly

!" "Explain your mb!" Liang Chen typed a line of words, and then raised his foot and kicked over.

Da Hei didn't dare to hide, but he didn't expect to be kicked down by Liang Chen, and suddenly fell to the ground in a cold sweat, his whole body convulsed, and his face was dark! Liang Chen

turned a blind eye, just looked at him coldly, and quickly typed on his mobile phone: "Waste

!" "How many chances have you given you?" "

At the beginning, tell me that within a week, bring Qin Hongyu to me, but no one can find it!"

For the sake of your intentions, Lao Tzu forgave you for a few days, but finally found someone, why didn't you bring anyone back for a few days

?" "The other party is just a hairy kid who has just graduated from high school! The family wants money but no money, and there is no background, let me ask you, why is it so difficult to catch?"

Da Hei was already in a cold sweat, but he still nervously explained: "Da Shao, I can really explain, that kid is not simple! Even if it is me, it is not his enemy!" "

Then you don't know how to use your brain?" After Liang Chen typed these words, he slapped the big black again.

This time, Da Hei didn't dare to say anything.

"Rubbish!" Liang Chen glared at him viciously again and gave him another kick.

Da Hei was involved in the wound, and he couldn't help but gasp again.

Liang Chen didn't seem to hear it, and coldly typed two words: "Get up!"

Da Hei knew that he had something to do by himself, so he hurriedly endured the pain and got up from the ground.

By the time he finally got back on his feet, Liang Chen had already typed a long paragraph.

After reading it, Da Hei immediately understood - Liang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and he was going to let himself help call a friend from the Public Security Bureau, and he would find a random reason to arrest Qin Hongyu and force Qin Hongyu to treat him.

Seeing that he finished reading it, Liang Chen directly took back his mobile phone, dialed out a certain number, and then turned on the speakerphone and handed it to Da Hei.

Da Hei took the phone, and when he saw that the phone remarks showed the three words "Li Hongda", he immediately became nervous.

He knows very well that although Li Hongda is just a small police officer, his uncle is the director of the Nansha City Bureau, and his cousin Li Feiyang is also the captain of the Nansha City Public Security Criminal Investigation Brigade

Li Hongda usually has a good relationship with Liang Chen, and he has helped Liang Chen deal with some people and things that are not long-sighted, and he is usually more polite and respectful to people at his level, especially Liang Chen, but if he is below him, it is definitely arrogant and domineering.

Da Hei still clearly remembered that once Li Hongda, Liang Chen and a few little second generations drank, just because a rich second generation said that he was allergic to alcohol and did not accompany him to drink, he directly slapped a few big mouths of the rich second generation in front of everyone, and then forced the rich second generation to pour a full bottle of whiskey in front of everyone, causing the rich second generation to almost die of allergies on the spot!

And the rich second generation who almost drank to death is also an absolute big man in the eyes of Da Hei!

Therefore, since then, Da Hei has known that he has to be extra careful with Li Hongda. Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you may be killed by him!

Soon, the phone was connected, and Li Hongda's frivolous voice came from there: "Liang Dashao, what's the good thing about looking for me at such a big night?" "Boss Li

, it's me, Da Hei, Da Shao's voice is in a bit of a situation, and he can't make a sound, so now I'm standing next to it and listening." Da Hei nodded.

Li Hongda answered, and then asked, "What did Liang Shao ask you to do with me?" "

Recently, there was a short-sighted person who broke ground on Liang Shao's Tai Sui's head, Liang Shao was very angry, and wanted to ask Boss Li for a favor and arrest him!"

"That's it?" Li Hongda smiled disdainfully, "Say, what's the name of that short-eyed one, I'll go to help Liang Shao catch it early tomorrow morning!"

Da Hei said, and was about to introduce Qin Hongyu's basic situation, but suddenly heard a noise on the other end of the phone, and a sound of ping-pong glass and ceramic items breaking.

Then, Li Hongda's voice suddenly raised, "Liang Chen, you asked me to arrest him, did you deliberately want to kill me?"

Da Hei was stunned for a moment.

Liang Chen was also stunned for a while.

Why did Li Hongda react so much?

Isn't it just to catch a high school student with no money and background

?" "Boss Li, are you friends with Qin Hongyu?" Da Hei asked cautiously.

Li Hongda didn't answer his words, but just said coldly on the other end of the phone: "Liang Chen, I don't want to die yet!" Also, I also advise you, if you don't want to die either, it's best not to provoke him! Otherwise, I will be the first to let you go!"

After speaking, without waiting for Da Hei to respond, he hung up the phone directly.

Da Hei listened to the busy sound of the phone, and his brain was in a daze again.

But Liang Chen's face was dark, and his eyes stared at Da Hei as if he was about to kill.

Daikoku only felt chills all over his body.

Liang Chen snatched the phone and quickly typed a line of words on it, "This is what you told Lao Tzu, Qin Hongyu has no money, no power, no relationship, no background?"

"Da Shao, I ......" Da Hei wanted to explain, but he was speechless.


, a character who can scare a lawless person like Li Hongda half to death, and even does not hesitate to turn his face with his iron buddies and Liang Chen, the eldest and youngest of the Liang family, will this kind of person have no relationship and no background

? Who will believe this when he says this?

Liang Chen looked at him coldly after venting and beating Da Hei violently.

Da Hei shrank on the ground, not daring to make a sound, nor daring to cry out in pain.

"Now tell me, what about my throat?" Liang Chen asked.

Da Hei pondered for a moment, and after a while, he said, "Da Shao, since even Li Hongda is afraid of Qin Hongyu, it means that Qin Hongyu is far older than him."

Liang Chen still looked at him coldly, waiting for his later text.

"In that case...... Da Hei swallowed his saliva fiercely and said stiffly, "Then you apologize to him and ask him to raise his noble hand, it is not a loss of face." Besides, the conflict between you at the beginning was also the fault of ......"

Before he could finish speaking, Liang Chen's mobile phone smashed over!


On the other side, after Qin Hongyu went home, he washed and slept directly.

He had his first major surgery and was so tired that he lay down and immediately fell asleep.

By the time I opened my eyes again, it was already ten o'clock the next day.

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