The next scene shocked all of Gao Qiu's three views.

I saw Li Hongda bending over and bowing his head in a very low posture, and said to Qin Hongyu in a respectful voice: "Divine Doctor Qin, I didn't know Mount Tai before, please forgive me." "

Doctor Qin, you can not forgive him, but please take a step in to recuperate for Director Li." The

person who said this was Dean Hu.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Qin Hongyu is a big man surnamed Qin in Gao Qiu's mouth?"

Everyone was a little confused

! This was simply a situation that they couldn't even think of!

Everyone at the scene looked at Qin Hongyu with an indifferent face, and their eyes were extremely shocked.

The originally noisy doorway was quiet at this moment.

Everyone watched Li Hongda bow his head and bend down humbly to apologize to Qin Hongyu, as if they had seen the most unbelievable thing in the world.

On the one hand, there are seventeen or eighteen-year-old students, and on the other hand, Li Hongda, who has mastered countless high-end resources and some countless contacts in Nansha City, how is this possible?

Gao Qiu roared angrily in his heart.

He was proud to have the gold membership card of the Nansha Club, and he was proud to be able to know the big things that happened in the high-end circle of Nansha City, but at this moment, everything he was proud of became so ridiculous in front of Qin Hongyu.

He ranked 20th in the province in the college entrance examination? Qin Hongyu was the top student in the college entrance examination.

Qin Hongyu is wearing a limited-edition suit from Versace.

He had the gold membership card of the Nansha Club, but Li Hongda, the owner of the Nansha Club, went out to greet Qin Hongyu in person.

Knowing that the big man surnamed Qin is the capital he bragged about, and Qin Hongyu himself is that big man.

All these blows made Gao Qiu's face bloodless, and the whole person was as if he had been hit by thunder, and his brain was blank.

Those who had just helped Gao Qiu tell Qin Hongyu not to make trouble lowered their heads in shame at this moment, eager to bury their heads in the ground.

Those who had been neutral whispered in amazement.

And the fat man and the others, who were close to Qin Hongyu, were happy from the bottom of their hearts, and at the same time swept away the haze of Gao Qiu's yin and yang weirdness just now.

"Brother Qin personally demonstrated to us a sentence, your uncle is still your uncle. "

Why I'm smiling so happily because I see Gao Qiu's-like expression.

Xia Tiantian was the same, but while she was happy, she saw that Qin Hongyu didn't pay any attention to Li Hongda, who had been bending over, and was slightly worried, worried that Li Hongda would be annoyed and angry.

At this time, Qin Hongyu, who had not spoken, spoke: "I will continue to follow up on Director Li's illness." Hearing

this, Li Hongda was overjoyed, and Dean Hu was relieved and relieved.

"Divine Doctor Qin, why didn't you say hello to me in advance when you came over to consume today?"

Li Hongda began to find ways to get closer to Qin Hongyu.

Qin Hongyu ignored him, but chatted with Dean Hu.

Although he promised to continue to follow up on Director Li's situation, this does not mean that he has forgiven Li Hongda.

This scene fell in the eyes of others, and everyone was shocked again.

Ignoring Boss Li's words, Brother Qin is really hanging from the sky.

"From now on, I won't accept the chickens when I go to the toilet, only Brother Qin.

"If you can talk, you can talk more. "

Why are you still stunned, boasting!" "

I don't envy on the surface, but I'm really envious!"


Li Hongda didn't expect Qin Hongyu to ignore him, he was stunned for a while, and then continued to lick it: "Divine Doctor Qin, this is my supreme membership card here, it's a small meaning, it's not a tribute."

Dean Hu on the side was a little surprised when he saw the Supreme Membership Card.

Qin Hongyu was a little confused, he explained: "The supreme membership card of the Nansha Club, a total of nine are sent out, and those who can have this card are either business giants with a net worth of more than one billion, or a big man in a high position, he can give you this card, it is indeed a little sincere." Hearing

this, Qin Hongyu groaned slightly, and took the card: "Forget about the previous matter."

Li Hongda was overjoyed: "Thank you, Doctor Qin."

As he spoke, he waved to the crowd at the door, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes trotted over.

"Manager, this Divine Doctor Qin is my honored guest, you will remember to receive him later. The

middle-aged man, that is, the manager of the Nansha Club, looked at Qin Hongyu on the side in shock.

Others may not know it very well, but he knows it very well, Li Hongda is not even a bird to those children of big families, even in the face of rich people with a net worth of more than 100 million, he will not take such special care.

But now, Li Hongda said that a guy who looked like a student was his honored guest?

Although he was full of doubts, he didn't dare to ask or say, so he nodded respectfully.

Li Hongda looked at Qin Hongyu flatteringly and said, "Divine Doctor Qin, you can play with your classmates tonight, and all consumption will be free."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

The eyes of the classmates looking at Qin Hongyu were full of admiration and admiration.

Qin Hongyu was not hypocritical, and nodded.

"Then I won't bother you. Li

Hongda left Dean Hu at the right time.


Back in the boss's office, Li Hongda held his chin and thought about it, snapped his fingers, and a waiter with a hot figure and scantily clad walked in.

"You help me inquire about what the girl next to Divine Doctor Qin has to do with him.

Just now he noticed that Xia Tiantian's gaze had been staying on Qin Hongyu's body, which was different from the shocked and admiring gaze of other classmates.

Although Qin Hongyu doesn't care about the previous things, he seems to be a little rejected, and wants to have a good relationship with him to get closer, and the people around him are the best starting point.

"Okay. After

a while, there was a knock on the door, and the waiter walked in.

"Boss, that girl's name is Xia Tiantian, she is Qin Hongyu's high school tablemate for three years, the two are very close, but they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and I also found out that today is Xia Tiantian's birthday.

Isn't this the best entry point to get closer to each other

at the same table in high school?

The corners of Li Hongda's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "You quickly tell the manager to open an imperial hall for them, and give them ...... Forget it, I'll go over for myself.

With that, he hurriedly left the office, leaving behind a somewhat confused bodyguard.


the boss went there in person?

What kind of big man is there in our store?

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