Just as Li Hongda was inquiring about more information about singing, dancing, rap and basketball, it was Qin Hongyu who turned back.

When passing by the rest area, Qin Hongyu heard a familiar sentence: "Hello everyone, I am Xie Guangkun, I like singing, dancing, rap, basketball, music~"

Hearing the familiar BGM, Qin Hongyu's face was a little strange.

Li Hongda saw Qin Hongyu's strange face, and thought that Qin Hongyu was attracted by the video.

He turned the volume up to the maximum, and at the same time swayed slightly to the rhythm of the music.

Qin Hongyu coughed lightly and said, "Turn off the music, I have something I want to trouble you."

Li Hongda turned off the video in response and said respectfully: "Doctor Qin, what you say, your business is my business." "

That's the case, I want to get a driver's license, but I'm still underage, is there any way for you to help me get one?"

Although you can't practice driving first if you are not old enough, Qin Hongyu still thinks that it is convenient to buy a car with a driver's license.

If you don't have a driver's license, if you buy a car and drive it out, you will be caught by the traffic police and squatting for a few days.

"Underage?" Li

Hongda was shocked again.

As far as he knew, Qin Hongyu was a high school graduate.

After graduating from high school when he was a minor, he probably had to skip a grade in school, right

? With this mind, it is no wonder that he became a special expert of the security team at a young age, and ascended to a position that 99.9% of the world's people cannot reach in their lifetime.

After coming back to his senses, he immediately said, "Small problems, wrap up on me." "

Thank you.

Li Hongda found the entry point this time, and without waiting for Qin Hongyu to leave, he continued: "Doctor Qin, you haven't gotten your driver's license yet, you shouldn't have a car yet, right?"

Qin Hongyu waved his hand, turned around and left, and at the same time, reminded in a low voice, "In public, don't put that video, it's easy to be scolded."

After speaking, Qin Hongyu left, leaving Li Hongda with a bewildered face.


Hongda was in a very depressed mood.

He thinks he's done a lot of stupid things, but this time, he's the stupidest he's ever done


! When Qin Hongyu returned to the Imperial Hall, he had been staring at the fat man and the others at the door and looked at each other, and then nodded.

Seeing this, Xiaoshuai immediately walked up to the song ordering machine and made a fuss.

The fat man picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Today is our summer school birthday birthday, first of all, we wish her a happy birthday, and next, Brother Qin will send her a birthday song."

As soon as the words fell, there was applause.

Qin Hongyu was a little puzzled, when did he say that he was going to sing a birthday song?

But seeing Xia Tiantian's slightly expectant smile, he still walked over.

His singing level is very ordinary, but he has no problem coping with birthday songs.

After singing a song, Qin Hongyu returned to Xia Tiantian's side and wanted to say something, but there were too many people around and the environment was too noisy, so he still held back.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the party ended.

After Qin Hongyu said hello to the fat man and the others, he left with Xia Tiantian.

After walking out of the Nansha Club, although the two did not speak, they walked side by side with a tacit understanding.

The breeze hit, blowing Xia Tiantian's hair and tugging at Qin Hongyu's heartstrings.

"Today...... Thank you, I've never been happier than I was today. Xia Tiantian suddenly whispered.

At this moment, the breeze stopped, as if time had stood still.

Qin Hongyu looked at her, and then saw his figure in her eyes.

Qin Hongyu didn't speak, and the two looked at each other quietly.

The sun rested on their faces, and the atmosphere gradually warmed up. Qin Hongyu was sent to the gods and grabbed her little hand.

Xia Tiantian only felt that her brain was blank in an instant, her fair face was instantly blood-red, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if there was a fawn beating back and forth in her heart.

She subconsciously wanted to pull her hand back.

But how could Qin Hongyu do what she wanted, his big hand was like a pliers, pulling her small hand.

Xia Tiantian was so shy that she was about to bury her head in her chest, and her voice was inaudible: "You let go." "

Why do you want to put it?" Qin Hongyu asked with a smile.

Although he didn't seem nervous at all, his heart was beating fast. For some reason, the moment he touched Xia Tiantian's little hand, a voice sounded in his heart: I will always hold her hand in the future.

He heard his own heart.

"It's easy for you to misunderstand us. Xia Tiantian's voice was unnatural, and her palms were about to sweat.

"Then don't struggle, it's not a misunderstanding.

Xia Tiantian's heart beat even harder, and she asked secretly: What kind of consciousness does he have when he says this? Is this confessing to me?

Qin Hongyu no longer spoke, but pulled her forward slowly.

Xia Tiantian bit her red lip and silently followed behind him, and before she knew it, her hand was completely relaxed, and she was held by Qin Hongyu.

The two of them dragged their hands like this and walked slowly by the river.

The sun was shining down, and their shadows were very close.

At this time, there are many people on the riverside, most of them are couples or couples.

Qin Hongyu asked with a smile, "Do you think we are the same as them

?" "What do you mean?" Xia Tiantian was stunned, and felt a pang of anxiety in her heart—is this nerd finally going to confess to me?

Qin Hongyu was about to speak, when the phone suddenly rang, it was a sales number.

He hung up the phone with some annoyance, and then took a deep breath, but Xia Tiantian suddenly broke free of his hand and trotted forward for a while.

Qin Hongyu was a little unsure.

"Idiot, I'll go home first. Although you were asked to hold my hand, don't think that you will be able to eat me, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and you are still far away!"

Xia Tiantian turned her back to him, and after saying this, she covered her face and ran away quickly.

Seeing this, Qin Hongyu inexplicably felt a little cute.

This is probably the legendary mouth and body integrity - the mouth says no, but the body is very honest?

It's so cute!


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