I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 137 There Are Really Miracles in This World

Akiyama Mio glanced at the sky and found that the sun was about to set.

"Time flies, I have to hurry back to find my parents," Mio Akiyama looked at the gradually darkening sky and began to walk in the direction of her parents.

However, as the sky darkened, the lights of the surrounding stalls were turned on.

One by one, along the direction of the food street, all the lights turned on, as if these empty shops were finally about to open. The originally quiet food street seemed to suddenly become lively.

"that is?"

Akiyama Mio saw that there seemed to be a few translucent black shadows at the booth, so she couldn't help rubbing her eyes.

"Is it a hallucination?"

The breeze blew the hem of Akiyama Mio's clothes, and at this moment she also sensed that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, at this time another black shadow suddenly appeared and walked by Akiyama Mio's side.

This time, she saw clearly.

It is really a translucent black shadow, something that is absolutely impossible to appear in reality.

"Illusion, it's all an illusion!"

In the past, I heard ghost stories, but this time I may have encountered a ghost. Akiyama Mio was so frightened that her legs were trembling. Now she is very scared. The only people who can help her are her parents.

"Mom and Dad, where are you?"

"Dad, Mom..."

Akiyama Mio tried not to look at the abnormalities around her, and started to return along the original path, and then she quickly found her parents who were eating, but, from the back view, her parents seemed to have grown in size.

"Dad, Mom, something seems wrong here, let's go back quickly."

However, when Akiyama Mio's father turned back with the plate, a huge pig's head appeared in front of Akiyama Mio, and her parents had been turned into pigs.


Not hallucinations, neither hallucinations.

The moment Mio Akiyama saw her father turning into a pig, the hairs all over her body stood on end, and she remembered what her best friend said at this moment.

[Ominous omen, great omen! 】

My parents were turned into pigs, and I came to a place full of monsters and ghosts, which is not like a normal world. I am afraid there is no worse situation than this situation. After such a sudden change, Akiyama Mio is a bit timid. She was so frightened that she collapsed, her legs went limp and she fell to the ground.

She tried to run, but her legs couldn't move at all.

"Don't get in the way!"

A black figure with a hoarse accent stretched out his hand, it seemed to be the owner of the shop, grabbed Akiyama Mio's arm, took her to a remote corner outside the shop, and threw her there.

Akiyama Mio did not resist during the whole process. For her, all the current situations were never experienced before, and she never even thought about it.

Although Akiyama Mio was afraid, she was in a desperate situation and still wanted to save herself. She took out her mobile phone and desperately sent messages to all the people, and made calls, but the messages failed to be sent, and the calls were not in the service area. .

【Failed to send. 】

【Failed to send. 】

【Failed to send. 】


Looking at [Send failed] one by one on the phone, the tears in Akiyama Mio's eyes could no longer be controlled, and the tears gushed out like she didn't want money, "Why is this happening, who will save me..."

This is not a normal world anymore.

At this moment, the helpless Akiyama Mio is experiencing the most desperate moment in her life.

The sky has turned completely dark, and it has officially entered the night. Akiyama Mio has not noticed one thing, that is, her body is gradually becoming transparent from the bottom of her feet. It is estimated that she will disappear in this world soon up.


At this time, in the soup house.

Xia Ruo had just finished soaking in the hot spring and changed into his uniform in his room. He glanced at the sky outside the window, and Xia Ruo knew that the hot spring house was about to open.

"I'm going to work again, oh, I'm so tired, my task heroine, when will you arrive! Then I can go home."

Just as he was talking, a system prompt suddenly appeared in Xia Ruo's mind.

【Ding! The plot mission is in progress, the girl has strayed into this world and is in danger, waiting for your rescue, please find the girl as soon as possible. 】

[In order to help the host find the target, the system will give a clue prompt, Ding, the clue is being distributed...]

"Has the plot started?" Looking at the system prompt, Xia Ruo had a hint of surprise on his face. He had no choice but to stay in this world for a long time. If people don't come again, Xia Ruo will almost be unable to stay.

Although the plot mission this time was designed by the system, the system is quite conscientious. It gave itself a reminder when the girl arrived, and it seemed that it had to give clues. It must be more convenient to have clues.

Xia Ruo glanced out the window.

Now that girl should have just fallen into this world. It is already dark. Ordinary humans will disappear directly if they don’t eat the things in this world. I have to race against time to find her before she disappears, but there are many shops near the soup house. , it takes a long time to find a human being among them.

If it takes too much time to find someone, she will probably disappear before I can find her, so the system's prompt is extremely important.

It's just that Xia Ruo wants to know how the system will give him clues.

Just when Xia Ruo was thinking this way, Xia Ruo suddenly noticed that the mobile phone placed in her private space rang.


The phone is ringing?

Not to mention the problem of whether there is a signal in this world, Xia Ruo has put the phone in his private space, why does the phone ring, and Xia Ruo remembers that he turned off the phone when he put it down.

Because the space is Xia Ruo's own ability, Xia Ruo can also know what is going on in the space, but it is a bit weird that the phone is ringing. Xia Ruo can easily think of this abnormal situation. Just now the system said To give yourself clues, after all, only the system can do it anymore.

In order to give clues, the system even turned on the phone that was turned off by itself.

"Is this a clue?"

Xia Ruo couldn't help but took out her mobile phone, and then saw the text message sent by Akiyama Mio.

[Who will save me, I have arrived in a strange world. 】

"Is it her? Is it Mio Akiyama who came to this world? But, it's obviously not from the same world, so is this the fusion of worlds that the system says?"

Xia Ruo quickly connected all the previous information together.

It's just that the fusion of the world, doesn't the world view have to be the same? Xia Ruo now really wants to know what the system measures the worldview, and whether the worldview is the same as long as the people inside speak Japanese.

Thinking about this is meaningless now, the most important thing now is to find Akiyama Mio, otherwise she may be in danger, Xia Ruo immediately picked up the phone and sent a text message to Akiyama Mio.

【Where are you now? 】


Mio Akiyama is sitting quietly in the corner, with her arms around her knees and her head buried in her knees, like a frightened little rabbit nestled into a ball, how she hopes that this is just a horrible dream .

But whether she pinches her body or bites her tongue with her teeth, she can feel pain.

Everything is reminding her that this is not a dream, this is real. The message could not be sent out, her parents turned into pigs, Mio Akiyama was very scared, she could not return to the normal world.

"Wake up, wake up..."

Akiyama Mio didn't know how long she had been crying, but when she was crying, she saw that her knees became a little transparent.


Seeing this scene, Akiyama Mio was startled, she took another look at her hands, and found that her palms were also slowly becoming transparent, through which she could even see the ground.


At this time, Akiyama Mio suddenly heard the vibration of the mobile phone.


The mobile phone rang unexpectedly, obviously the sending of the message just now failed, now the mobile phone rang suddenly, Akiyama Mio seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and immediately turned on the mobile phone, but this time, the sender that Akiyama Mio saw was actually the person he used to be Xia Ruo who kept sending messages failed.

【Where are you now? 】

Seeing this news, for some reason, Akiyama Mio recalled the appearance of that boy in his mind, and at the same time, Akiyama Mio felt a moment of relief in his heart. Even though this matter was very abnormal, Akiyama Mio still cried Then returned the news.

[I have arrived in a strange world, and I am so scared. 】

[Don't be afraid. 】

Immediately after this news, Xia Ruo called, and Akiyama Mio answered Xia Ruo's call with his translucent hands.

On the other side of the phone, Akiyama Mio heard Xia Ruo's familiar and stable voice.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen, tell me your location now, and I'll go find you."

"You can't come, I went to another world, I'm scared now, it's so strange here, surrounded by transparent shadow people, and my parents have also become pigs, my body has also become transparent, I want Disappeared, I was so scared..."

Finally hearing a familiar voice, Akiyama Mio confides her uneasiness and fear loudly to the phone.

"Although what I said is too bizarre, it's all true. Do you believe what I said? It's really scary here. I can't get through except your phone, only you."

On the other side of the phone, Xia Ruo listened quietly to the girl's confidant, feeling the girl's uneasiness. Who could keep calm when encountering such a thing.

"I take your word for it."

Hearing that Xia Ruo believed her words, Akiyama Mio felt moved, but after she glanced at her transparent hands, her eyes dimmed again.

"Xia Ruojun, I... I'm about to disappear."

"You won't disappear. I know the situation. You calm down first, and you will be fine. I promise, I will be able to find you before you disappear."

While comforting Akiyama Mio, Xia Ruo asked her where she was, "Think about it now, can you recall what was written on the signboard of the restaurant your parents ate at?"

"You can't come, this is another world, and I don't know the way, it's my father's car."

Akiyama Mio's tone became desperate, and she seemed to realize that even if someone heard her cry for help, it was impossible to come here to save herself, because she didn't know the way at all.

"Mr. Xia, what are you doing, the guests are coming soon..."

On the other side of the phone, Akiyama Mio seemed to hear someone else's voice, which seemed to be in Japanese. It was very strange, isn't Xia Ruojun in Huaguo?

"Don't despair, don't give up hope, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you, Mio, do you believe me?"

Xia Ruo, who was on the other side of the phone, felt Akiyama Mio's despair, asked, and even called Mio.



How can you believe that you can't do it at all.

Akiyama Mio also wants to believe in Xia Ruo, but no matter how you think about it, it is impossible. This world is no longer normal. Unless it is a miracle, otherwise, how could Xia Ruo find herself before she disappeared.

She saw that not only her knees and hands, but also her upper body gradually became transparent. It is estimated that in another ten minutes, she will disappear. It is absolutely impossible to find herself in such a short period of time. Possibly, unless, really, there are miracles.

"Quickly tell me your location!" Xia Ruo was still asking on the other side of the phone, and the voice on the other side of the phone was very loud, as if Xia Ruo was running.

"Xia Ruojun, I am very satisfied to be able to chat with you before I die. I thought I would die alone, but I didn't expect..."

"Stop talking about that mess, tell me your location!!"

Xia Ruo's voice was a little louder this time, scaring Akiyama Mio who was crying.

"The location is a food street full of black shadows," Mio Akiyama stopped crying and replied weakly when Xia Ruoji arrived.

"What's the sign of the restaurant where your parents eat?" Xia Ruo on the other side of the phone asked this question again.

"I think about it, I seem to have an impression," Akiyama Mio didn't expect Xia Ruo's tone to be so serious, so she also seriously recalled, "It seems to be some kind of octopus shop. There are two big red lanterns at the door. I It's in the corner of the aisle near that store now."

"I see." Xia Ruo on the other side of the phone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Okay, Ms. Akiyama Mio, calm down now, then close your eyes and count down for five seconds. If you open your eyes after the countdown, maybe There will be surprises."

"It's useless, I'm about to die," Akiyama Mio didn't expect that Xia Ruo was still joking with himself at this time, did he think that what he said was all lies?

How can you make such a joke at this time.

"Listen to me, close your eyes and count down, I won't lie to you," this time, Xia Ruoyu on the other side of the phone was much gentler.

I don't know why, after hearing this voice, Akiyama Mio couldn't help but want to believe what he said. It might be that after Xia Ruojun answered the phone, his tone of voice was very serious, which made people want to believe it.


Akiyama Mio really closed her eyes and began counting down quietly.

Akiyama Mio counted down with her mobile phone. During the countdown, she found that Xia Ruo had hung up the phone. When she heard the call was hung up, Akiyama Mio was a little flustered, but she still finished the countdown.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

When the countdown ended, Akiyama Mio opened her eyes.

Looking up, she saw a familiar face appearing in front of her, as well as the voice she had just heard on the phone.

"I said, I will find you before you disappear."

After Xia Ruo finished these words gently, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Akiyama Mio's head.

"I'm here, everything is fine."

The moment Xia Ruo appeared in front of her, Akiyama Mio didn't know what she was thinking at that time, maybe her brain was messed up at that time, she opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't say anything.

But one thing is certain.

That is--

There are really miracles in this world.

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