I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 350 Tens of millions of yen and the list of invitation letters

In fact, Xia Ruo has always remembered the appearance fee of Qingyin girl.

But the currency in the real world is different from that in the fantasy world. The yen exchanged in the real world is completely useless in the fantasy world. It is really unreasonable to give gold.

This problem was not solved until Xia Ruo went to Conan World.

Because the currency in Conan's world and Qingyin's world are the same, they are both common Japanese yen in the fantasy world, which Xia Ruo only noticed when she went to the hotel to pay.

I don't know if it is related to Japan in the second dimension, or if the system has modified its own currency.


At this moment, at Akiyama Mio's home.

"one two three four……"

Ritsu Tainaka counted the bundled Japanese yen with trembling hands. There were ten stacks of 100,000 yuan bills in total. Although there were only ten stacks, it was still shocking, at least for high school students like them. .

"This is... 10 million, is our appearance fee so much?"

"This...is too much."

Akiyama Mio's expression was also a little surprised, she never knew that there would be money in it.

For a high school band like the Light Music Department, such an appearance fee was rarely seen, let alone as much as 10 million. To be honest, Xia Ruo did promise to pay them for the concert at the time.

But in Akiyama Mio's opinion, it's almost enough to give tens of thousands of yuan, and they don't think about it if they have more. After all, they are not a famous group, and the venues and preparations at that time were also very large. It is estimated that the concert will not make much money.

In addition, Xia Ruo didn't give it for such a long time, Ping Zewei and the others thought that Xia Ruo had forgotten, anyway, the air tickets and board and lodging were reimbursed by Xia Ruo, so they didn't ask.

I just didn't expect that after such a long time, there would be such a surprise.

This ten million is enough to invite Japan's first-line stars.

"We can't take this money. It's too much. Let's send it back. If we are a famous group, forget it. A campus band like ours is not worth so much money," Mio Akiyama shook her head. I feel that Xia Ruo must have given so much for their sake.

"I support Mio-senpai, the money is too much," Nakano Azusa nodded in agreement.

Ritsu Tainaka looked at the two of them as if he was looking at a monster, "What are you talking about? This is 10 million. If we share it, each person will be 2 million. Think about it carefully, 2 million, 2 million for each of us. I can already do a lot of things, and I can buy whatever I want.”

Tainaka Ritsu's voice is like a demon, tempting his junior.

"Two...two million."

When the senior sister said this, Nakano Azusa's eyes circled slowly, as if his firm heart had been corroded by money all of a sudden.

"For two million, you can buy a better guitar..."

"Yes, I can replace my second-hand drum kit," Ritsu Tainaka continued to tempt.

For the light-tone girls, they dared to swallow the 500,000 yen that Sawako Yamanaka asked them to sell guitars at that time, let alone 10 million yen in front of them now.

In the end, Akiyama Mio still couldn't resist her friend's fiery eyes, and divided the ten million points.

Two wads of 10,000-yuan bills per person.

"Mio-chan, please, take money and hit me in the face, hurry up!" Hirasawa Yui tilted her head and stretched out her face. She liked the feeling of someone hitting her in the face with money the most.

Mio Akiyama was a little helpless, she almost forgot that Yui Hirasawa still had this strange habit, but she still picked up a stack of ten thousand yuan bills according to Yui Hirasawa, and aimed them at Yui Hirasawa's face .

"I'm coming."


The 10,000 yuan bill hit the face, making a slight noise.

"Ah~~ It's so comfortable, I'm going to die."

Hirasawa Yui groaned and fell to the ground.

Everyone: "..."

As the eldest lady, Qin Bui just looked at her partners with a smile and didn't say anything. Ten million is nothing to a person like her who can sail a yacht on vacation.

"Wait a minute, what is this?"

At this time, Yui Hirasawa finally noticed the invitation letters next to the 10 million yen. They only had money in their eyes just now, and they didn't notice at all.

"let me see."

Tainaka Ritsu also picked up a copy and glanced at the invitation letter.

"Oh, it's an invitation letter. I hope we can go to Huaguo's MW event. It's an event held by Xia Ruo. Just one month later, it said that the round-trip fare and board and lodging will be reimbursed. Do you want to go?"

"Go, of course, I have been to Huaguo twice, and they are both good, not to mention the reimbursement of board and lodging expenses, long live Xia Ruo," Ping Zewei agreed with both hands.

"With so much money from others, it's really unreasonable not to go," Nakano Azusa said in a low voice with two million in her hand. In her opinion, she could go even if she didn't reimburse the travel expenses.

Taking so much money from others, even though it was an appearance fee, Nakano Azusa still felt a little guilty.

"Okay," Kotobuki also nodded.

"Then go, I also agreed to Xia Ruo-jun," Akiyama Mio picked up the invitation letters, counted them, and found that Xia Ruo had put out a total of seven invitation letters.

"Qifen, when we went to the last concert, there were also seven people."

"Xiao Zuohe, you can also go there, anyway, you can get reimbursed, and they also said last time that they want to go to Huaguo again," Ping Zewei said, wringing his fingers.

"Then it's settled."


At this time, Xia Ruo has returned to the modern age, sitting in her room, and there are still eight invitation letters on the table in front of Xia Ruo.

"That's great, Qingyin World, sent out seven invitation letters at once, but there are still eight invitation letters, who can I find?"

Xia Ruo gave the Qingyin girl 10 million, which is actually not much to him, after all, what the Qingyin girl earned for herself in the real world is far more than that.

Moreover, the money given to them was obtained by Xia Ruo from the Black Clothes Organization, and Xia Ruo didn’t feel bad for giving another ten million. Originally, Xia Ruo wanted to give more, but she was afraid of scaring them, so she only gave one thousand. Ten thousand.

In Xia Ruo's view, sending out invitations is more important than money, and the system's rewards are the most important.

If you get [Tianlai Novel www.23txt.info] with an excellent score, maybe you can open a good world.

Xia Ruo looked at the invitation letter on the table, tapped the table twice with her fingers, then took out a piece of white paper and a pen from the side, and wrote the name of the light tone girl group on the paper .

"There are eight more. Let me think about it. It is best to invite people from modern society, at least with modern knowledge, so that when you come to the MW site, you will not cause riots."

With only eight left, it's not that hard.

"Should I send one to Nayue Subaru? After all, he has lived in the modern age, and he is also an ordinary high school student. Nothing will happen. After all, it would be too strange to invite girls."

Xia Ruo thought about it for a while, and felt that Subaru Nayue could occupy a spot, and then wrote down the name of Subaru Nayue on the white paper.

There are still seven.

Xia Ruo continued to write her name on the white paper.

"It's okay for Kikyo. She has accepted modern life now, and Kikyo will be a surprise."


Only six more.

"Mi Yi from the shield girl world can be invited. She has a good relationship with me. Maple, Sally seems to have a good relationship with Xia Meng. You can also invite me. Under the line, Xia Meng should be very happy."

"Maple, Miy, Sally."

Only three more.

After writing this, Xia Ruo stopped writing. He was a little surprised, because it seemed that there were a lot of fifteen invitation letters. At first, Xia Ruo felt that it was impossible for him to send them out. But when it was actually distributed, Xia Ruo suddenly felt that there were too few invitations, and the invitations were not enough.

Is the system too conservative? I only gave myself fifteen cards, and I feel that I can send out twenty cards.

"Save the last three invitation letters. Anyway, there is still a month left. I'm not in a hurry. Although I still have a few candidates, maybe there are better ones."

Xia Ruo put the list and invitation letter she had just written in her private space. He was a little emotional, but what he didn't expect was that the invitation letter was not enough in the end.

"Since the candidate has already been booked, let's go and send the invitation letter first. Who should I send it to first?"

Xia Ruo recalled the names of the people on the list, and finally recalled the figure of the devil Maple, and the president of Yandi Kingdom, Mi Yi, both of whom were very cute girls.

Compared with Maple, Xia Ruo has a deeper impression of Mi Yi, the president who pretends to be strong, but is actually a weak girl, even though she pretends to be strong, she is surprisingly charming.

At that time, I also cooperated with her to kill the silver wing boss.

But after she retires, Mi Yi must have worked harder.

Compared with the Holy Sword Assembly, the Flame Emperor's Kingdom is weaker in strength. Xia Ruo also heard Xia Meng talk about some situations in NWO. Since he left, the Holy Sword Assembly has once again become the strongest guild in NWO.

But this is also normal. The president of the Holy Sword Assembly, Pei Yin, is indeed stronger than Mi Yi.

Recalling these past events, Xia Ruo decided to send invitations to the world of "Shield Lady" first.

"Let's go to the world of "Shield Girl" first to send an invitation letter, but I'm not familiar with Maple, and I don't know if she will accept the invitation. It seems that inviting people is also part of the difficulty of the mission."

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo felt that it would be better to call Xia Meng. Recently, Xia Meng has been playing NWO and working as a nanny in Big Maple World.

But Xia Meng went to school today, Xia Ruo waited for several hours before Xia Meng came home from school.

"Xia Meng, you're back," Xia Ruo smiled at her sister when she saw her return.

"Well, what's the matter?" Xia Meng tilted her head, her intuition told her that her brother was a little strange today.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, which floor is your NWO at now?" Xia Ruo first found a topic and pretended to be chatting normally.

Xia Meng was a little surprised, "We have reached the fifth floor now, brother, didn't you quit playing after becoming the number one in the server? What, you want to come back again?"

Xia Ruo shook her head, "No, it's just that we haven't played games together for a long time, let's play together today, by the way, find some acquaintances in the game, and see how your big maple tree is doing now,"


Xia Meng agreed quickly without any doubts, "Hurry up and log in to the game."

After that, Xia Ruo took out her previous helmet and logged into NWO. In the game, Xia Ruo re-entered her account.

The most agile account, although the level has not been upgraded since I retired, but the equipment and attributes are quite luxurious.

After all, Xia Ruo used to be the strongest in the whole server. Although the equipment is not as good as Gandi, it is still considered the top equipment.

Xia Ruo tried to swing a knife a little bit, and used a set of sword skills. The sword moves performed by using the physical fitness of the game characters are much stronger than her own body in terms of speed and strength, especially agility. In the game, Xia Ruo moves It's like teleporting.

Xia Ruo also used this game body in the game, and the player as a target, to improve her swordsmanship to the extreme. Almost in this kind of holographic game, the battle is equivalent to actual combat.

Now entering the game again, Xia Ruo still has some nostalgia. At that time, she spent a lot of happy time in NWO, fighting bosses, doing activities, and trying to find a way to fight the big devil Maple.

Those days of playing games were still very interesting, especially when several large-scale events added up, almost tens of thousands of players had their necks cut by themselves.

Otherwise, when Xia Ruo fought against the intestine hunter, how could she mistakenly think that Xia Ruo was a murderer, and it was Xia Ruo who killed the players.

After a while, Xia Ruo saw the message from Xia Meng in her email.

[Brother, send you a coordinate, come here quickly. 】

After Xia Ruo saw the message, she immediately sent back to Xia Meng.

【Okay, I'll be there soon. 】

However, Xia Ruo noticed that it wasn't just Xia Meng's messages. Xia Ruo found that there were still many unread messages from people on her mail list, but she didn't log in, so none of those messages were replied.

Among them, Mi Yi's avatar sent the most messages, probably hundreds of messages. After all, she is a member of the Emperor Yan Kingdom, and she is the president.

It seemed that she was sending herself a message every day, Xia Ruo was a little curious, so she opened the message Mi Yi sent to herself.

[Is it because you are very busy at work and have no time to play? If you're busy with work, you'd better be busy with work first, and I can handle it with the guild. 】

[Before you obviously came once a week to maintain your level, why haven't you been online recently, are you still working overtime? Overtime is too serious. 】

[It's so pitiful, living in a social animal, but occasionally I want to play games and relax. 】

[We have reached the fourth floor, and we are now preparing to clear the boss on the fourth floor. Although we can do it without you. 】

[The boss on the fourth floor has been defeated by us, and now we are preparing to go to the fifth floor, but why are you still not online? Is something wrong? 】

【You, have you really retired? 】

【idiot! 】

[Is it no longer online? 】




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