I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 429 Remuneration of Heroic Spirits and Charity Boss Xia Ruo

Tianbai city west.

Near the shelter where the player was crushed.

After Brother Thunder Beast's death, the dark clouds here dissipated a lot, and it became the only place in Tianbai City where the sun can be seen.

After Kirito dealt with the Thunder Beast Brothers, he also dealt with the remaining monsters who hadn't escaped amidst the cheers of the crowd.

Except for Brother Thunder Beast, most of the other monsters around are miscellaneous fish. Kirito almost killed one of them with his sword. Kirito wiped out the seemingly large number of monsters in a few minutes, and completely solved the monsters in this area west of the city. A safe zone has been established.

Of course, during this period, the enthusiastic players waved and greeted Kirito desperately, and there were some who wanted to sign autographs. The enthusiasm was more terrifying than monsters. Kirito was so scared that he flew to a tall building, and he breathed a sigh of relief. .

Seeing that there were no monsters or players around, Kirito finally had free time to check his attribute panel.

I just defeated a character who looked like a small boss. According to the usual routine of the game, there should be rewards.

He entered the original game entirely because of Sinon's recommendation, and the weird contract model that appeared in the real world before. The mysterious power that appeared in the real world cannot be explained by science at all.

It is precisely because science cannot explain it that he became curious about this mysterious game, but he did not know much about the specific gameplay and background of the game.

The only information I know is that I was summoned as a Heroic Spirit to fulfill the command of the Master, but I heard Sinon said that in this game, players can obtain unimaginable benefits.

What are the unimaginable benefits?

Kirito began to check his game personal interface to see what rewards he got for killing the boss.

In the original game, he appeared as a Heroic Spirit, but the interface of the attribute panel is very simple, and killing monsters does not increase the experience value.

There is only one 'Heroic Spirit Mall' and 'Reputation Point' that he cares more about.

Kirito of the heroic spirit mall naturally understands what it means. There are malls in online games, but the reputation confuses him. When he spawns monsters, there is no reminder to obtain experience points.

Could it be that the role panel of Heroic Spirit has changed experience to reputation? For Heroic Spirit, reputation is experience?

The settings of different games are always varied.

Kirito glanced at it, and his reputation has now reached 1200 and is still rising.

In fact, most of Kirito's reputation has been deducted by Xia Ruo, about 70%. A lot of prestige is left to him, but this is also the initial benefit,

If there are more heroic spirits in the later stage, it will be difficult to improve the reputation.

Kirito continued to check the personal interface, saw that there was no other important information, and then opened the Heroic Spirit Mall. However, after seeing the items and introductions in the Heroic Spirit Mall, Kirito's calm expression also showed a hint of shock.

Just the first item sold in the mall, Kirito could not calm down.

[Mysterious resurrection magic: 50000 reputation (no corpse). 】

[Introduction: Returning from the dead, the ultimate magic technique, the power to transcend life and death, ignoring the rules, can realize all fantasy magic, as long as you have the name of the dead person, even if there is no body, the mysterious resurrection magic technique can make you cherish it People return to your side, perfect magic. Side effects: none, resurrection time: none. 】

(Note: All exchange items in the Heroes Mall can be used in the world where Heroes live.)

"What does it mean that it can be used in the world where Heroic Spirits live? Can it be used in the real world?" Kirito understood the remarks given by the mall, so he was shocked. For him, the world he lives in is the real world.

As for resurrecting the dead, Kirito couldn't ignore it.

In SAO, Kirito experienced several life and death. At that time, too many players died in the SAO game. Among them, the death of the black cat group and Yuki has always been the thing Kirito regrets the most, and it is also the sadness that cannot be erased in his heart. Unexpectedly , Now in this mysterious game, I actually saw a method that can bring human beings back to life.

The original game seems to have given Kirito a chance to make up for the missed opportunity.

"Could it be, this is the 'unimaginable benefit' Sinon said."

Kirito seemed to recall what Sinon said to himself and Asuna in the coffee shop, and Sinon's serious expression.

Looking at the items in the mall, Kirito suddenly had a glimmer of expectation. The original world game is even more mysterious than Kirito imagined. Although he thinks that resurrecting the dead is too outrageous, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Kirito will not will give up.

The only thing that surprises Kirito is that this kind of magic that can resurrect the dead only sells for 50,000 prestige.

"50000 prestige? It's too cheap."

For a game tycoon like Kirito, who is both passionate and skilled, 50,000 prestige is really not a lot. After all, he just came here today and earned more than a thousand prestige. According to this calculation, the price of a magic spell is even a piece of magic equipment. None of them count.

At this speed, it is not possible to revive a person in a month.

And if it is an important person, let alone 50,000, it is 500,000, 5 million, it doesn't matter to those people, because it gives them a hope of resurrecting the important person.

Of course, Tongren didn't know that this was already the result of Xia Ruo's price increase. According to Xia Ruo's own estimation, the fantasy power consumed to revive a dead person without a corpse is about 30,000 reputation, and he has raised the price enough.

However, just when Kirito was full of confidence and was about to work hard to resurrect his friends in the liver world, he saw an item under the resurrection magic, and then he couldn't hold back anymore.

[Ghost girl Litao's resurrection technique: 500 reputation (corpse or ashes are required). 】

[Introduction: The clay sculpture resurrection technique of Litao, a powerful monster and ghost girl, turns decay into a magical sorcery. As long as there are corpses and ashes, the dead can be brought back from the underworld, and the dead can be resurrected with clay sculptures. It is simple, convenient, economical and affordable. It is strongly recommended that the appearance and bodily functions of the person remain the same as before death.

Side effects: The essence of the resurrected body is a terracotta figurine, which can be exchanged for a flesh body by providing 1000 prestige. Resurrection time: one day. 】

Kirito: "..."

Compared with the 50,000 prestige just now, the price of this 500 prestige is so eye-catching.

Kirito suddenly wants to go offline to try whether the resurrection of this game is real.

Of course, there are more than that in the mall.

[Short limb rebirth: 100 reputation. 】



[Disease recovery: 1-200 prestige (depending on the severity of the disease). 】



[Forever Youth: 10,000 reputation. 】



[Increased lifespan: 100 prestige/1 year. 】



The mall of heroic spirits is different from the mall of players.

When Xia Ruo designed the Original Realm, she knew that Heroic Spirits could not be won over only by their own affection and contract. If they want to complete a truly powerful Hall of Heroes that spans the heavens and worlds, they must have sufficient benefits and rewards.

Only when there are benefits, heroes from different worlds will willingly become a member of the Hall of Valor, driven by Xia Ruo.

The more heroic spirits, the more prestige, the richer the mall, and the stronger your own fantasy power. This is a virtuous cycle in the original world, so although Xia Ruo has drawn most of the commissions in the Hall of Valor, but the things in the mall It is indeed more conscientious.

As long as the heroic spirit is summoned and does not touch the fish, and shows off a little, he can buy what he wants and realize his wish.

In fact, Xia Ruo could exploit it even more ruthlessly. Just by reviving this bug ability, the heroic spirits could work hard every day to earn prestige for themselves in order to revive important people, but Xia Ruo didn't do it.

When Xia Ruo founded the fantasy Hall of Valor, he never thought of using this thing to enslave heroic spirits and conquer all worlds.

Let the players summon heroic spirits to their heart's content, let the heroic spirits gain prestige and revive the people they care about, everyone can reap happiness, and earn a little more prestige for themselves, it seems that this kind of original world is what Xia Ruo wants to see.

Just as Xia Ruo thought, when Kirito saw the prices of Heroic Spirit's merchandise, he thought for a moment that he was dreaming.

I have just played this game for less than an hour, and now the reputation I have gained can already revive dead friends, and I can resurrect two of them.

Is this reasonable?

Or the gods started to do charity, just happened to meet me.

Kirito couldn't wait to test whether the effect of reputation was so magical, so Kirito chose to go offline, and the body of the heroic spirit also dissipated in the original world.

Of course, Kirito disappeared, but more Heroic Spirits were summoned.

Around Tianbai City, beams of summoning light appeared one after another.

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