Under Zhou Yi’s planning, the Four Seas Restaurant is divided into five grades: Heaven and Earth, Xuanhuang, and the highest level of immortals.

The yellow level is the lowest, corresponding to the town. The Xuan level corresponds to the county, the prefecture level corresponds to the county, the heavenly level corresponds to the prefecture, and the immortal level corresponds to the country.

So Zhou Yi designed five types of drawings.

As for the mountain villa, it is not divided into grades, but the construction of the mountain villa needs to be adapted to local conditions, and there will be no second Panlong Mountain Range in the world. Therefore, Zhou Yi did not design the drawings of the villa again.

After designing the drawings, Zhou Yi handed over the drawings of the villa to Wang Long, and the drawings of the Four Seas Restaurant were for people to take a copy of Tiandi Xuanhuang and give them to Wu Qiren, so that he could rebuild the Four Seas Restaurant according to the drawings. It is also responsible for the development of restaurant construction in the counties and towns under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou.

In other words, some people will ask Zhou Yi where did he get the money to do these many things?? Please don’t forget who our protagonist is, the rich man of the technology world, when he knew that he was going to go through the small world to cultivate, Zhou Yi returned to the technology world and collected a large amount of gold and silver, all placed in the space of the Chaos Nebula.

After all, no matter where the rich are the big guys, how could Zhou Yi let himself be stumped by money. So now Zhou Yi’s money is definitely more than the Dajing royal family.

Therefore, with the support of a lot of money, Panlong Villa and Sihai Restaurant began to be rapidly rebuilt. Among them, the Four Seas Restaurant is a person who is recruited externally and pays monthly wages, because of the large wages given. Therefore, the enthusiasm of the workers is very high, and the Four Seas Restaurant changes almost every day.

Moreover, with the efforts of Wu Qiren and the support of Liu Nong, the construction of Sihai Restaurants in various counties in Xuzhou also began.

Such a big project naturally caused Xu Note, and some people even had evil intentions, but under the escort of Liu Nong, these people became ghosts under the knife.

After killing a hundred people, there were several super first-class masters, although it was the middle of the junior and mid-stage, but this was also the top combat power in the martial arts, so everyone was shocked. No one dares to hit the idea of Four Seas Restaurant anymore.

Seeing that everything went up to the rules, whether it was Panlong Villa or Sihai Restaurant, it could not be built in a while.

So Zhou Yi began his next plan.

A few days later, some people appeared in Xuzhou City, these people were specifically looking for some wandering or begging children, although at this time the world was peaceful and respecting Kangdi could be regarded as a Ming Emperor, but there were still many beggars in the world.

After all, even in the modern society, where the scientific and technological civilization is extremely developed and people’s living standards have greatly improved, there are many people begging on the streets, let alone in this ancient society.

So within a few days, they had collected hundreds of children under the age of ten. The children, male and female, were almost unkempt and skinny.

And if there are masters who look closely, they will find that these children are martial arts geniuses with clear bones.

These were selected among thousands of beggars and children in Xuzhou, and from now on their fate will be changed, and they will no longer sleep on the streets hungry and be bullied.

They were lucky to meet a nobleman, and from now on they will start cultivating to become a warrior.

Such things are happening not only in Chengli, Xuzhou, but in all counties, counties and even villages under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou.

That’s right, they were the warriors in the original Panlong Village who were ordered by Zhou Yi to collect qualified orphans in Xuzhou. _

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