I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 906: Emboldened

"Believe it won't be long before you will be completely consumed to death by us, and there is no sharp aura in your physical body that can show up."

The other side spoke with a special arrogance.

Lin Chuan shook his head.

"Why can you have such a strong confidence?"

Lin Chuan said, in his eyes, the other party did think too much.

After all, the spiritual power that Lin Chuan had now condensed himself had already changed particularly intensely.

The spiritual power in it, one after another, seemed particularly terrifying when it burst out.

After a while, the power that Lin Chuan had fused himself had already burst out.

In this, there is also more dangerous aura, which radiates directly in front of the eyes.

"I don't believe that so many spiritual power breaths that you have bred now can still burst out directly. You must know that in my eyes, you don't have much spiritual power capable of exploding."

Lin Chuan spoke without caring.

After a while, all the spiritual power gathered in the palm of Lin Chuan's palm had already burst out.

The power conceived in it attacked in the direction in front of him.

Sure enough, they have been constantly retreating to these monsters

Lin Chuan shook his head, just thinking that they are like a poor joke now.

"It seems that these monsters of yours are not so powerful at all. I thought you were so terrifying. It seems that it is nothing more than that today."

Lin Chuan said with a sneer, while letting the spiritual energy burst out of his hand penetrate directly through it at the fastest speed.

Although these monsters are indeed stronger than those that appeared at the beginning.

But Lin Chuan doesn't need to care about them at all.

All the spiritual power aura fused in the palm of Lin Chuan's own palms had been radiated madly.

In this, the more and more terrifying spiritual power aura also crazily penetrated, and now Lin Chuan took the spiritual power aura in his mind back to his hand, and he smiled faintly.

After all, in his eyes, no matter how fast these monsters make their moves, it will not have much effect.

They can't shoot faster than they are now, and the spiritual power that Lin Chuan condenses at this time is also getting stronger and stronger throughout the film.

The spirit energy aura that burst out of the air penetrated in the first time.

The more power fused in his palm is constantly attacking in the direction in front of him.

Then there was even more aura of spiritual power in front of him, able to attack.

Every spiritual power aura can have more threats when it spreads out in front of you.

"I advise you to leave honestly until now. It is impossible for you to have any kind of spiritual power, and you are still attacking me."

"In my opinion, as long as I shoot directly now, you can't have any power."

Lin Chuan said nonchalantly, while continuing to take action.

After all, in his eyes, he really doesn't need to worry about something at this time.

More and more intense spiritual power auras penetrated the space, and more and more dangers appeared in it.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and then he continued to shoot. After all, the power that could be attacked in the palm of his hand was already going to be even more intense.

Lin Chuan doesn't need to worry about anything, he just needs to shoot directly, and the spiritual power bred in his palm is changing more and more intensely.

"Hehe, now do you still think you can avoid my power attack?"

Lin Chuan smiled coldly, only thinking that they were particularly pitiful.

After all, at this time, his own reckless shot, the power of the attack has become more and more intense.

The spirit power aura piercing through the entire air also caused more violent threats to their direction.

The monsters ahead were staring at Lin Chuan all the time, but by this time, they smiled bitterly. They were not as arrogant as they were at the beginning, and felt that they would definitely be able to defeat Lin Chuan.

"Very well, it seems that you all have some enlightenment now. If I advise you to die, you should leave directly, or else I don't want to forgive you in a while."

Lin Chuan said as he continued to attack, because there were monsters around him, he knew that he couldn't leave at all, so they wanted to fight to the death.

Lin Chuan didn't need to fight him desperately here. Although their monster beasts could not pose a threat against Lin Chuan, if they wanted to fight desperately, the power they burst out was particularly terrifying.

In the air, one after another spirit power aura has been directly emitted.

Now Lin Chuan continued to integrate his strength, and allowed all the spirit power aura that could be emitted from the surrounding space to be injected into his hand.

More dangerous forces have been fused around, and more and more **** auras are radiating in the direction in front of them.

More and more fierce spiritual powers can burst out in the direction in front of them, and their monster beasts have now lost the fighting aura they had when they first started.

So they keep dodge, trying to make themselves as safe as possible.

Lin Chuan looked at them and shook his head.

These monsters wanted to escape, but they were worried about being killed by the master behind them, so they didn't dare to escape at all.

Now they looked particularly embarrassed.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lin Chuan said as he spoke, as he merged all the spiritual power aura he had on hand at the fastest speed.

Enough strong and fierce aura, as long as each of them can be emitted, it will inevitably be able to burst out with a stronger force.

Now Lin Chuan smiled, because he knew that he was now controlling the fierce aura coming out of the attack, and he must be able to rush out as quickly as possible.

The spiritual power conceived in the entire space is also increasing faster and faster.

After a while, Lin Chuan sneered, not feeling that there would be any danger.

In the palm of his hand, the fusion of sword energy has already caused an extremely violent threat in the direction in front of him.

Now Lin Chuan doesn't think he will have any surprises anymore.

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