I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 978: Solve the killer

This assassin was particularly self-righteous. Although he felt that Lin Chuan had cultivated like a metamorphosis, she was still very confident and felt that she must have the ability to destroy Lin Chuan completely.

Lin Chuan was also somewhat helpless about this.

In the process of cultivation, once these people get any breakthroughs, they will be stunned and feel that they are omnipotent.

This is also the saddest thing for most cultivators, and now Lin Chuan has burst out even more violently for the spiritual power that runs through them madly.

The speed at which they shot each other became faster and faster.

And now, the spiritual aura that can be conceived in the palms of their hands has become more intense.

After Lin Chuan clearly felt some of the power that was wrong, he himself had already circulated more intense spiritual power very quickly.

Suddenly, in the direction in front of him, the force that can penetrate has become more intense.

The speed at which they move with each other is getting faster and faster, and the spiritual power aura from each other's hands can also cause a more severe threat.

Now that Lin Chuan realized something was wrong, he tried to burst out the power on his own hand, and it became more and more intense.

"I don't believe it, the spiritual aura that I can attack now has not been able to solve a killer as small as you."

Lin Chuan smiled faintly. In his opinion, it is not difficult for him to wear more spiritual power now.

In the palm of his own hand, controlling the ascending spiritual power, there are more changes in a single moment.

They shot each other very quickly, one after another dangerous force, all burst out in the direction in front of them.

After an hour, Lin Chuan nodded his head in satisfaction. After all, the other guys, even if they want to attack, it is simply impossible.

Lin Chuan had already directed their direction, bursting out incomparably powerful power, among them, one after another dangerous spiritual power aura, after being conceived, had already formed violent fluctuations in the entire space.

At this time, Lin Chuan easily incorporated a certain spiritual energy.

Lin Chuan knew very well that if he could burst out some power at the fastest speed, he would definitely be the best.

In the air, the spiritual power possessed, the speed of promotion became faster and faster.

In Lin Chuan's own hands, the power that directly penetrated through, and now most of them have some changes.

Between them, most of the spiritual energy aura that they had merged with each other was revealed.

There is no dangerous power in the entire space now, but Lin Chuan himself still controls the more dangerous spiritual power aura, and then directly burst out in the direction in front of him.

Lin Chuan himself knew very well that any of the spiritual auras condensed in his palms could cause severe threats.

It is precisely because of this that the spiritual aura he is trying to penetrate through his hands becomes more and more intense.

They fought with each other. The assassin lying on the ground had completely closed his eyes and stared at him. He didn't even know what he should be doing.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly. When Lin Chuan realized the killer's current state, he had already relaxed and he didn't need to care about anything.

Now that he is controlling the ascension of spiritual power in his own palm, each path is becoming more and more intense.

Although they still knew that some dangerous forces would appear in the darkness, they were relaxed and didn't worry about anything at all.

In the entire surrounding space, more and more powerful sword energy forces have attacked.

Between them, they also controlled more violent fluctuations, and suddenly penetrated in the direction in front of them.

They practiced frantically, and every force formed a particularly violent fluctuation in the air.

Then they laughed, and quickly radiated all the spiritual power they had on hand.

Ning Frost and Lin Chuan looked at each other, and the spiritual power that struck out of their palms became more and more intense.

The spirit power aura that they continuously burst out has also caused a severe threat in the direction in front of them.

When Lin Chuan himself could clearly feel these forces in the surrounding space, he himself also merged one after another spirit power aura.

Then in the direction in front of him, he continued to explode.

Now they are very clear about the spiritual power aura that they can merge with each other. If there is something wrong, some dangerous spiritual power aura will appear at any time.

Moreover, these spiritual power auras will still penetrate directly in the space.

So when they arrived at this time, one or two seemed more serious.

They shot frantically, and let the spiritual energy that burst out from their hands to fuse.

They all firmly believe that as long as the spirit power aura fused in their hands is enough at this time, they will definitely be able to use a stronger spirit power to attack.

Now in the entire space, the spiritual energy aura that directly penetrates has also madly condensed some power on their hands.

Most of the spirit power aura that penetrated from it helped them explode some power out of madness.

Now Lin Chuan also clearly felt the release of some spiritual power aura, and then most of the spiritual power that was fused in the palm of his hand was emitted in the direction of the air.

The spirit power breath that penetrated through each other's shots changed more and more drastically within the first time.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and suddenly, the power that they had merged with each other also attacked in the direction in the air.

After an hour, in their palms, most of the fusion powers have some fusion of spiritual power.

It can be said that the spirit power aura bred by the direction crazily in front of them, running through their bodies, has also given birth to more dramatic changes.

Lin Chuan himself began to feel the aura of spiritual power in the entire space, he knew exactly what he needed to worry about now.

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