I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 998: Darkness hides

More and more dangerous forces spread out directly in the surrounding direction.

At this time, they all realized something was wrong. Lin Chuan himself could feel the spirit power aura from the opponent, but that didn't mean that other people could also feel some changes.

Lin Chuan frowned, and he quickly controlled the spiritual energy aura condensed in his palm.

He felt that this time had come, if he could continue to fight and penetrate directly, he might still have certain fluctuations.

The aura of spiritual power spreading from each other's moves, one after another, exuded more spiritual power in this entire space.

When Lin Chuan himself clearly realized some fluctuations in the space, they cooperated better with each other.

Now they all know that they must get cooperation as soon as possible to be able to kill even more dangerous spiritual power around here and penetrate.

The spirit power auras that have been raised in their hands have already burst out one after another, bursting out fierce spiritual attacks.

The surrounding puppets, they are also madly attacked and killed. In their consciousness, if they can now possess more dangerous spiritual power and can penetrate it, it will definitely be the best.

Now in the entire space, countless dangerous spiritual power auras, all have spread, and the spiritual power auras they possess with each other are exploding faster and faster.

"No, we have to deal with the man in black who is hiding in the dark and controlling these puppets. Otherwise, if we fight in our state, it is very likely that we will end up with most of the spiritual power in our own physical body. Will be consumed completely."

"At that time, the spiritual power aura that can be displayed in our physical bodies will not be much."

Lin Chuan and the others kept talking one by one, trying to penetrate the spiritual energy that had gathered in their flesh as much as possible.

The power they have with each other will become more intense.

The **** breath that burst out one after another also spread out in this entire space.

When they shot each other, the fierce aura that they gave birth to became more and more intense.

He promised that he hurriedly ran out a certain spiritual power, and killed him in this entire space.

Suddenly, the aura of spiritual power that penetrated was already killed in the direction in front of him, causing extremely violent fluctuations.

Between them, they constantly shot each other, and allowed the **** power controlled in their palms to form strong sword energy fluctuations.

Suddenly, a black figure flashed by in the darkness, and Lin Chuan sneered. The reason why he exuded so much power in the surrounding space just now was to judge the whole space around it. There is something wrong.

Now that he has detected it, the fierce aura that has gathered on his own hand has suddenly penetrated one after another, directly in the surrounding direction.

And around here, more and more terrifying spiritual power auras spread out crazily.

The power they have ascended to each other has changed extremely drastically.

Dangerous forces spread out one after another, and then the spirit power aura that they raised from each other had some different changes.

It was already this time, and the power they had madly killed each other had become particularly intense.

Suddenly, in the palm of Lin Chuan's own hands, the appearance of more green dragon sword aura was also elevated.

The black figure of the other party is particularly powerful, and after he hides in the darkness again, it is not easy for Lin Chuan to find his current position.

Therefore, Lin Chuan could only take precautions as much as possible, and radiate more power in the surrounding space.

Lin Chuan felt that as long as he burst out enough dangerous spiritual power around here, he would surely be able to gather more dangerous power around here.

They were moving faster and faster with each other, and it didn't take long for the forces floating out of the entire space around them to explode faster.

Lin Chuan frowned. After all, Lin Chuan originally felt that at the beginning, the spiritual power gathered in his physical body could definitely become particularly intense.

The power that they have gathered on their hands, the speed of change is becoming more and more intense.

Afterwards, one or two of them were madly killed, and more spiritual energy aura directly penetrated the entire surrounding space.

At this time, Lin Chuan realized that there was not much power that could be condensed in the palm of his hand.

They are making crazy moves with each other, and they are all trying their best to control the rising power in their palms, and can have certain changes.

Suddenly, a burst of spiritual energy aura gathered between them, which continuously penetrated the entire space.

Then they felt the power released from the surrounding space, and they all had the next move.

It's been up to now, and they have started a crazy battle with each other.

One or two of them are exploding out more power on their hands very quickly, and it didn’t take long for the power that can be condensed in their palms, one after another, directly in the entire space. Just follow through.

At this time, Lin Chuan himself also felt something wrong.

"This is weird. Why at the beginning, the spiritual energy that I condensed was unable to threaten these puppets, but at this time, the power that can emerge in the entire space has become Is it so intense?"

Lin Chuan frowned, feeling the power erupting from his palm, while continuing to plunge into the battle.

Lin Chuan is particularly clear. If he can still cause a particularly violent fluctuation around here, then in the end, there is definitely not much spiritual power in the palm of his hand, which can continue to be released.

Now there are not many spiritual auras that can be gathered in their hands.

After a quarter of an hour, there was even more crazily piercing through their palms.

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