How powerful the Supreme True Ancestor was, enough to counter the weaker False Dao Ancestor!

In other words, the Daoshan Realm is also a Daozu, and many Daozu are pseudo-Daozu.

How long has it been, he has reached this level, what an amazing speed of improvement!

Of course, if it weren’t for the Purple Lake of the Black Wind Mountain, he wouldn’t have risen to the level of the Supreme True Ancestor so quickly.

At the same time, he also realized how powerful those Upper Triple Heaven forces were, and ordinary forces had no way to resist the Upper Triple Heaven forces.

The Upper Triple Heaven Force could easily cultivate a top True Ancestor, while ordinary forces could hardly even give birth to a Top True Ancestor.

Moreover, almost all of the Upper Triple Heaven Forces have Supreme True Ancestors, and there is more than one, and even the Invincible True Ancestors are seated, which can easily sweep through the True Ancestor level of ordinary forces.

“It’s a pity that the Purple Lake’s effect on me has been reduced too much, if such a treasure land can always increase my cultivation speed, how good it would be!”

Ye Tian said regretfully.

But soon, he became indifferent again.

Although there was no increase effect of the Purple Lake, he still had three ancient realm records, and he could still quickly enhance the power of the True Ancestor.

“No, I don’t have just three ancient records, but four ancient records!”

Not long ago, Ye Tian had obtained the fourth Ancient Realm record – the strongest physique record!

Because at that time, his forbidden body was refined to 10%, and the forbidden body was introduced, which was condensed into the physique of the forbidden body.

At present, among the true ancestors, he is the only one who has a forbidden body, so he has created this record, far beyond other physiques, thus obtaining this record.

Unless someone also condenses the forbidden body and transcends his forbidden body, he can break his record.

The Four Great Ancient Realms recorded that Ye Tian’s cultivation speed reached a very terrifying speed.

Therefore, leaving the Purple Lake, Ye Tian’s cultivation speed would only be slower, not too slow.

Before leaving the Wind King Small Realm, Ye Tian used those points to exchange for another Dao Technique.

Previously, the Daoist techniques obtained by Ye Tian and the Daoist techniques he practiced were basically very ordinary Daoist techniques, and according to the division of the Divine Heavenly Realm, they should belong to the Xiaoqian Daoist Technique.

Most of the Daozu practiced the Little Thousand Dao Technique, but on top of the Small Thousand Dao Technique, there were also the Middle Thousand Dao Technique and the Great Thousand Dao Technique.

And the Great Thousand Dao Technique is still not the strongest Dao Technique, the strongest Dao Technique belongs to the Supreme Dao Technique!

The Supreme Daoist Technique is the ultimate of Daoist Technique, and there is no invincible Daoist Technique!

However, the Middle Thousand Heavenly Technique was almost the foundation of the Middle Triple Heavenly Force, and it was almost impossible to pass it on, while the Lower Triple Heavenly Forces could hardly obtain the inheritance of the Middle Thousand Heavenly Technique.

The Black Wind Mountain had the inheritance of the Middle Thousand Dao Technique, but Ye Tian could only accept the inheritance to learn and cultivate, but could not pass it on.

Moreover, just for the inheritance of one Thousand Dao Technique, he would need to pay fifty thousand points, and many True Ancestors simply could not afford to pay the cost of the Thousand Dao Technique in the inheritance.

But Ye Tian didn’t care about points, he only cared about his own strength.

In general, the True Ancestor could not practice the Middle Thousand Dao Technique, but the True Ancestor who possessed the Dao-level True Destiny Talent was able to practice the Middle Thousand Dao Technique.

The Zhongqian Dao Technique that Ye Tian had chosen for himself was called the Great Desolation Law Body!

This was a Zhongqian Dao Technique that had both defense and combat strength increase, which was very suitable for Ye Tian, and he just happened to have the defensive Dao-level innate talent of the Wild Emperor.

Therefore, any Daoist technique involving defense, he could cultivate.

Back to the Terrans.

Ye Tian began to cultivate the Great Desolation Fa Body, striving to successfully cultivate this Middle Thousand Dao Technique as soon as possible, when his life-saving ability would be stronger, and his combat effectiveness would be stronger, at least it would not be the bottom of the top goods among the strongest Dao Ancestors.


The Liuli Sect had finally completed its investigation of the Void Heaven Hall, and had also figured out the general truth about the fall of the three top True Ancestors.

The Great Hall of the Liulizong Sect.

Xuan Ling Zhenzu angrily pointed at Xuan Gang True Ancestor, “Waste, you didn’t even investigate the strength of the Ten Thousand True Ancestors clearly, so you sent three top True Ancestors to assassinate him, and as a result, the three top True Ancestors fell!” He has three ancient records, can he be a simple true ancestor? No, he now has the Four Ancient Realm records, and not long ago, he once again obtained a record of the strongest physique! ”

Xuan Gang Zhenzu was scolded and could not return the scolding, but he wanted to say in his heart: Didn’t you also investigate the strength of the Ten Thousand Laws True Ancestor?

Of course, this cannot be said, who makes his strength and status inferior to that of Xuan Ling True Ancestor!

Xuan Ling True Ancestor was the only Supreme True Ancestor of the Liuli Sect, and he was only the top True Ancestor.

“Xuan Ling True Ancestor, the Ten Thousand Laws True Ancestor has the four ancient realms to record the increase in cultivation speed, which is a huge threat, and with his talent, I am afraid that he will soon be able to ascend to the Supreme True Ancestor!”

Xuan Gang Zhenzu reminded.

“He wants to be the True Ancestor of the Most Strong, how can it be so easy!” According to the results of our investigation, he had also fought with the three true ancestors of our Liuli Sect for a long time before killing them, and perhaps he was injured. Therefore, the strength of the Ten Thousand True Ancestors should belong to the good combat strength among the top True Ancestors. However, he possessed the strongest physique and the strongest True Ancestor power, so it was difficult to kill. No matter how wicked the Heavenly Pride is, it is not difficult to become a top True Ancestor, but if you want to become the Supreme True Ancestor, it takes a long time, or a great opportunity to have hope! How long has it been, how could the Ten Thousand True Ancestors become the Supreme True Ancestor! But one thing you are not wrong about is that he has four ancient world records and is definitely a huge threat! ”

“This time, I’m ready to take matters into my own hands!”

Xuan Ling True Ancestral Dao.

“What, Xuan Ling True Ancestor, you want to take matters into your own hands?”

Xuan Gang Zhenzu was horrified.

Xuan Ling Zhenzu personally intervened, what did he represent, it meant that the Liuli Sect was afraid that it was going to invade the Void Heaven Realm in an all-round way.

In this way, the loss of the Liuli Sect is probably very large!

“This is the order of the Daozu!” Xuan Ling Zhenzu said, “The Dao Ancestors already know about the existence of the Ten Thousand Laws True Ancestor, and they also feel that a person like the Ten Thousand Laws True Ancestor is too dangerous.” Moreover, killing the Ten Thousand True Ancestors is also of great benefit to us, he should be the son of qi luck in the Xuanxu Ancient Realm, once we kill such a son of qi luck, we can deprive some of our qi luck, and we Liuli Sect can even rise. Moreover, we still have boundary stones, and we are even expected to ascend to the ranks of the Triple Heaven Forces! When the time comes, we will overlook those weak and small forces, won’t we be happy! ”

“Then when did you invade the Void Innocence Kingdom?” Xuan Gang Zhenzu had some expectations.

He didn’t worry about his own safety, after all, he was the best among the top True Ancestors, not to mention that there were also the Supreme True Ancestor Xuan Ling True Ancestors taking the lead, while the Void Heaven Hall only had four top True Ancestors.


No matter how fierce the fight was, the Liuli Sect was not afraid at all!

“When the True Ancestors of the Dark Temple arrived, although the Dark God Temple was hunted down and killed by the Void Heaven One Line, the number of their True Ancestors was even greater than ours.” Even though most of these True Ancestors are ordinary True Ancestors and elite True Ancestors, there are not many top True Ancestors, but they are also a powerful force, plus the True Ancestors of the Dark Temple, we can definitely take down the Void True Ancestor at the smallest price! Xuan Ling Zhenzu said confidently.

Immediately, they began to let the True Ancestor of the Fire Cloud contact the True Ancestor of the Dark Temple.

For this plan, the Dark Temple also agreed, although it may be very tragic, but as long as the Void Innocence Realm is destroyed, they don’t care.

Soon, the Dark Temple began to mobilize a large number of True Ancestors, and almost 80% of the True Ancestors were mobilized, and the Dark God Temple Lord personally transported them.

Although the Void Heaven Daozu had been crouching outside the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm, he could not monitor everything around him all the time, so he was found by the Dark God Temple Lord to instantly send a large number of True Ancestors into the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm.

Subsequently, the Dark Temple Lord used a secret treasure to flee in an instant when the Void True Ancestor attacked, and he did not know where he went.

At this time, the Void Heaven Dao Ancestor also conveyed the message, a large number of True Ancestors of the Dark God Temple had descended to the Xuan Void Ancient Realm, and I was afraid that they would have to deal with the Void Heaven True Kingdom.

Suddenly, all the True Ancestors of the entire Void and True Kingdom came out of the retreat and began to prepare for war.

Ye Tian also ended the retreat, he knew very well that this time the enemy was probably not only the Dark Temple, but also a single Dark Temple did not dare to be so desperate to fight with the Void Heavenly Realm, behind which there must be the support of the Liu Li Sect.

In other words, the Liuli Sect attacked together with the Dark Temple.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, the Void and Innocence Kingdom would be destroyed if it was not careful.

At the first time, the False and Innocent Kingdom chose to ask for help from some True Countries with better relations, but it was quickly refused.

Those True Kingdoms had long been warned by the Liuli Sect that if any force dared to support the Void Heavenly True Kingdom, it would be to offend the Liuli Sect, and few forces dared to make enemies of the Fifth Heavenly Force.

Moreover, if you really ask for help, how many true ancestors will die, and which force will be willing to do so?

Suddenly, the kingdom of innocence was in crisis.

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