“If you give Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm some more time, then Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm can give birth to some half-step domain ancestors, and even give birth to another Guiyi Realm Half-Step Domain Ancestor combat strength, then it will be much easier to deal with the Devouring Clan!”

Ye Tian thought.

Unfortunately, the Devourers couldn’t wait.

The Devourer he copied and occupied had no identity, and the other Devourers would not listen to his arrangements and suggestions.

If he dared to speak casually, he would absolutely be killed.

“Ten days later, we will attack the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm, and everyone must go, and if anyone does not go, our four great ancestors will kill whom!”

The War Emperor threatened.

He doesn’t threaten no, because some Devourers like to live sneaky lives, are unwilling to prove the battle, and want to wait for the other Devourers to win, and then he will appear to clean up the mess and happily devour the fruits of victory.

If everyone in the Devouring Clan thought like this, then how could they attack the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm?


One by one, the devourers answered, and no one dared not agree.

The plan was made, and one of the devourers left and went back to prepare.

Ten days later, they set off.


Mysterious to the ancient world.

Ye Tian’s body naturally also knew the movements of the Devouring Clan for the first time, and immediately frowned.

Immediately, he summoned the Half-Step Domain Ancestors of the Black Wind Mountain, held a meeting, and informed the Wind Mountain Lord and the Jinchen Daozu of them.

Wind Mountain.

A half-step domain ancestor descended here, and almost all the half-step domain ancestors of the Black Wind Mountain had arrived.

“Wanfa Daozu, what exactly are you calling us for?”

“Wanfa Daozu, is there something big wrong?”

“Wanfa Daozu, we have already come, so let’s talk about anything quickly!”


After the arrival of one half-step domain ancestor, they inquired one by one.

Ye Tian saw that the people were almost here, so he said, “Gentlemen, the Devouring Clan is coming to attack our Xuanfu Ancient Realm!” ”


Jinchen Daozu asked hurriedly.

“It’s true, the news is 100% correct, and as for the sources, you don’t need to go overboard!”

Ye Tiandao.

He couldn’t say the source, he couldn’t say that he could copy the body of any living being, as long as the other person’s realm did not exceed his own.

With that said, is that okay?

Everybody is at risk, even afraid of him!

Because he could turn into someone else at any time, such a threat was too great, and perhaps other half-step domain ancestors would come to resist him!

The half-step domain ancestors of the Black Wind Mountain asked one by one whether the news was true, but Ye Tian only answered affirmatively, but never revealed the source.

At last.

Ye Tian said, “After ten days, you will know, there is no harm in preparing in advance, isn’t it?” ”

Many Half-Step Domain Ancestors nodded, it really didn’t hurt to prepare in advance, even if the news was false, they had nothing to lose.


Black Wind Mountain revealed the news to the Heavenly Emperor Palace and many forces in the Xuanxu Ancient Realm.

As a result, one force after another began to prepare.

In fact, most of the forces have already made preparations, and if something happens, they should apply those preparations at any time.

So now, they’re just better prepared.

In addition to the Half-Step Domain Ancestors, those Invincible Dao Ancestors united one by one, ready to control the large array to counter the Half-Step Domain Ancestors of the Devouring Clan, while the Supreme Dao Ancestors united to counter the Invincible Dao Ancestors of the Devouring Clan.

As for the Sevenfold Heavenly Dao Ancestors and the weaker Dao Ancestors, they couldn’t help at all, and the only thing they could do was to hide and not be affected.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, did not place his relatives in the human realm, but in the Terran territory in the outside world.

Because the devouring tribe only devours the world, the human world is also one of the worlds, and it is even more dangerous to put it in the human world.

It was safer to put them on those realm stars in the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm, because the Devouring Clan had no interest in these stars and would not attack.

This time, Ye Tian was a little selfish, not letting his wife, sister, and a pair of children participate in the war, with his current position, even if he did this, the Black Wind Mountain would not say anything.

Although Ye Xingchen and Ye Xingyue very much wanted to participate in the battle, Ye Tian knew very well that the half-step domain ancestors would fall at any time, and the invincible Daozu had no hope of saving their lives, and once they were unlucky, a group of invincible Daozu would all die.

Time passes by day by day, and ten days will soon come.

Day 10.

A half-step domain ancestor hid in the chaotic void outside the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm.

If the Devouring Clan really came, they were ready to place the battlefield in the Chaos Void instead of the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm.

After all, if so many half-step domain ancestors fought in the Xuanxuan to Ancient Realm, it would cause great damage to the Xuanxuan to Ancient Realm.

If they really couldn’t resist it, they would definitely withdraw to the Xuanxu to the Ancient Realm and fight with the Devouring Clan in the Xuanxuan to Ancient Realm, which was also a helpless thing.

Little by little, the half-step domain ancestors were a little nervous, and those invincible Dao ancestors were even more nervous.

Once the war starts, it will not be a small fight, but a real life-and-death fight, I don’t know how many invincible Daozu, the supreme Daozu will fall, and even the half-step domain ancestor will fall some.

For many Daozu, they would prefer that the intelligence this time be false.

Ten days passed, and another half a day passed.

At this time, the void in the distance was turbulent, and a series of figures appeared.

“Devourers, here it comes!”

Jin Chen Daozu said.

This is enough to prove that the intelligence is correct, the Devouring Clan has really come to invade the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm.

“I didn’t expect that the intelligence of the Ten Thousand Laws Daozu was true!”

Jin Chen Daozu was very surprised, and he couldn’t guess how the intelligence was obtained.

He knew that Ye Tian had a double body, but even if he went to devour the realm and send him to death, there was no way to get intelligence!

After all, those devouring clans were also intelligent races, and they wouldn’t be so stupid as to reveal information to Ye Tian.

Moreover, the Devouring Clan has a half-step domain ancestor of the Guiyi Realm, and wants to sneak in and eavesdrop on the plan, which is even more nonsense.

Therefore, he couldn’t think of any way Ye Tian could get the intelligence.

Jin Chen Daozu didn’t think much about it, at this moment the war was the most important.

If he couldn’t defeat the Devouring Clan, the Xuan Void Ancient Realm would no longer exist, and the Black Wind Mountain’s Small Realm would not want to exist.

At that time, the foundation of the Black Wind Mountain will inevitably be gone.

“Mountain Lord, the Devouring Clan has arrived!”

Jin Chendao’s ancestors sent a message to the Lord of the Wind Mountain.

“Okay, I get it!”

The Lord of the Wind Mountain summoned him.

Immediately, a figure tearing space descended, it was the Wind Mountain Mountain Lord.

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