Soon, the news of the Devouring Clan being wiped out spread, and many Daozu breathed a sigh of relief.

All along, the Devouring Clan was the existence they feared the most, and they didn’t even dare to leave the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm, for fear of encountering the Devouring Clan after going out, it would be the end.

Now, the Devouring Clan was gone, they didn’t have to worry, many Dao Ancestors had left the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm and were wandering around the Daoshan Realm, and the major forces had also restored their control over all parts of the Daoshan Realm.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, returned to the human realm and continued his retreat cultivation.

At present, Ye Tian had not yet reached the extreme of the Half-Step Domain Ancestor of the All Things Realm, and he wanted to cultivate for a period of time, impact the extreme of the Half-Step Domain Ancestor of the All Things Realm, and then impact the Half-Step Domain Ancestor Level of the One Realm, and reach the level of the Unity of All Things, and his strength would soar.

With his current strength, there was no need to continue to linger at the level of the All Creatures Realm.

Therefore, Ye Tian retreated to cultivate.

This time, he entered the Battle Realm of the War Tower.

Compared with the human world, the cultivation environment inside the Battle Realm Tower was much better, especially the many treasures that assisted in the enlightenment of the Forbidden Dao, and even surpassed the Eternal Source Stone statue in some aspects.

The Eternal Source Stone statue is very precious, even if it is placed in the Divine Heavenly Realm, it is also a supreme treasure.

But for the Battle Gate, the Eternal Source Stone Statue was really not too precious.

Before, Ye Tian didn’t know which creature the Eternal Source Stone statue was imitating, but now he knew.

The Eternal Source Stone Statue is a powerful person who has injected a trace of the will of the forbidden creatures at the level of the invincible domain ancestor into the Eternal Source Stone statue, which has created such a supreme treasure that can assist in the enlightenment of the Forbidden Dao and the Forbidden Dao Technique.

However, such a supreme treasure is a relatively common treasure in the Dark Sacred Realm that assists in the enlightenment of the Forbidden Path.

Of course.

Ye Tian also did not give up the opportunity to participate in the Eternal Source Stone statue, his replica body stayed in the Wind Mountain, to see the Eternal Source Stone statue, while the main body entered the War Realm Tower and went to some treasure places in the Battle Gate to participate in the cultivation of enlightenment.

In this way, the speed of simultaneous enlightenment will be very fast.

It was estimated that it would not be long before Ye Tian could ascend to the ultimate level of the All Things Realm, and even soon be able to break through to the Half-Step Domain Ancestor Level of the One Realm.

In the Dark Sacred Realm, many of the realms of all things are not in a hurry to break through, but want to accumulate deeper, even in order to cultivate some kind of arcane art, or pass some kind of examination.

But Ye Tian didn’t need to, he could now kill a domain ancestor like the Frost Heaven Saint Ancestor, what more accumulation was needed?

As Ye Tian closed his cultivation, time passed little by little.

At the same time, Ye Tian did not stop taking the Eucharistic Fruit to refine the Eucharist, nor did he give up the Sacred Technique of Enlightenment.

In short, Ye Tian made full use of his time and did not waste a single moment.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s cultivation had finally ascended to the extreme of the All Things Realm, the Forbidden Dao had been elevated to the Extreme of the All Things Realm, and the Flesh Dao had also been elevated to the Extreme of the All Things Realm.

It can be said that as long as he makes another impact and reaches the level of the unity of all things, he can enter the half-step realm ancestral realm of the Guiyi Realm.

And this step is not difficult for him at all.

“Break through!”

Ye Tian murmured.


Under the mutual influence of the Forbidden Dao of the Ultimate Realm of All Things and the Dao of the Flesh, Ye Tian’s cultivation had broken through, and his body began to usher in a qualitative change.

This time the breakthrough, Ye Tian was completed in the Battle Domain Realm.

Moreover, the Battle Domain Realm has a special breakthrough place, which fully meets his needs for breakthrough energy, and does not need other treasures to assist in the breakthrough.

A large amount of energy poured into Ye Tian’s body, promoting his breakthrough needs.

After a long time, Ye Tian’s breakthrough was completed and he completely stepped into the level of the Unity Realm.

And his strength leaf reached a terrible level.

“Very strong!!!”

Ye Tian stood up, moved his body for a moment, and felt the constant stream of terror power in his body.

At this moment, he was far ahead of his previous self.

“My current conventional combat strength should have reached the combat strength of the Eightfold Returnee Realm, and if I cast the Eternal Immortal Sacred Body and the Extreme Dao Force, I should be able to step into the top Ninefold Returnee Realm half-step Ancestral Combat Strength.” If you perform the Xiaocheng Peak-level Holy Skill again, the combat strength may be able to break the combat strength limit of the Nine Returning Half Step Domain Ancestors and step into another level, I don’t know if it can be comparable to the elite Domain Ancestors in the Dark Forbidden Domain? ”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Moreover, he had just broken through to the realm of unity, and there was still a great deal of improvement, and there was a lot of room for improvement in the Holy Technique and the Holy Body.

“The half-step domain ancestor level of the One Realm, the Forbidden Dao and the Flesh Dao are all one, and there is no room for continued progress, but the Forbidden Dao and the Flesh Dao can be fused, and the Unity Realm Half-Step Domain Ancestor Level is the process of constantly merging the Forbidden Dao and the Flesh Dao.” Only by perfect integration can we be considered the true level of the consummation of the one realm. After that, after comprehending the true meaning of the Domain Ancestor, the forbidden body reaches ten percent perfection, and you can impact the Domain Ancestor Realm! ”

Ye Tian murmured.

The level of the Unity Realm takes a long time, and even in the Dark Sacred Realm, those so-called Divine Sons, who have sufficient resources, also need to stay in the Unity Realm for a long time.

Therefore, Ye Tian wanted to impact the Domain Ancestor level in a short period of time, which was almost unrealistic.

At the same time as Ye Tian’s progress, Jinchen Daozu, Longying Daozu, and Lei Hao Daozu also made relatively great progress, and they traded all the resources from the Xuanxu to the Ancient Realm in exchange for a lot of points from the Battle Realm Tower, in exchange for a good inheritance, and exchanged resources that were useful to themselves, so the strength of each one was not slow, and it was much stronger than in the past.

According to the division of the strength of the Dark Sacred Domain, the Dragon Shadow Palace Lord currently roughly possessed the five-fold return to one realm half-step domain ancestral combat strength, and the Thunder Robber Palace Lord and the Jinchen Daozu roughly possessed the four-fold return to one realm half-step domain ancestral combat strength.

As for the Wind Mountain Lord, his strength has not changed, because he is a doppelganger and cannot improve his strength.

This day.

The Lord of the Wind Mountain invited Ye Tian to enter the Wind Mountain to discuss something, and Ye Tian came!

“Ten Thousand Laws Dao Ancestor, Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm is afraid that he is about to be promoted!”

Wind Mountain Main Road.

“Promotion? Are you saying that the Ancient Realm is about to be promoted to the Forbidden Realm? ”

Ye Tian was surprised.

“Good value for money” The Wind Mountain Lord nodded, “Originally, it was impossible to be so fast, but the last time the Devouring Clan was killed, they sacrificed the Devouring Clan, thus making the origin of the Xuanxu to the Ancient Realm grow a lot, and the appearance of the Battle Realm Tower allowed the Half-Step Domain Ancestors to contact the Half-Step Domain Ancestors in the depths of the Dark Sacred Domain, and they could also exchange for many precious treasures, among which the treasures that promoted the world were very common in the Dark Sacred Domain.” Even in the Forbidden Realm, for the Dark Sacred Realm, it was just a weak world. The Heavenly Emperor Palace seemed to be jealous of your strength, so he exchanged a treasure and merged into the Xuanxuan Ancient Realm, and you were cultivating in retreat, so you didn’t find it, but I found it. Moreover, if you carefully probe the origin of the Xuan Void to the Ancient Realm, you will know that it is about to be transformed! ”

Ye Tian’s consciousness probed the origin of the Xuanxuan to the Ancient Realm, and sure enough, he found that the origin of the Xuanxuan to the Ancient Realm was much stronger than in the past, and it was in a period of imminent promotion.

“It seems that the Heavenly Emperor Palace is going to take over the Hao Sea Ancestor, and my body will also come when the time comes!” Ten Thousand Laws Daozu, I don’t know what the situation is in the Divine Heavenly Realm now, but once the Forbidden Realm is born, I am afraid that there will be another dispute here. ”

The Wind Mountain Lord sighed.

Ye Tian nodded, but he wasn’t afraid of anything.

His strength had improved a lot now, even if he was facing the elite domain ancestors of the Divine Heavenly Realm, he dared to fight with him, who won and who lost, it was still unclear!

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