“Void slash!”

In the consummation-level space, the holy technique slashed towards the black pupil holy son.

The power of this move is very terrifying, if the Black Pupil Saint Son can’t defend it, it will still be hit hard.

After all, in essence, even though the Black Pupil Saint Son was stronger than other Saint Endowers, he had no advantage in defense.

Unless, he will defend against holy skills.


A set of ice armor appeared on the black-eyed holy son.

This is the holy technique, the Nine Ghost Ice Armor, which is the famous holy skill of the Nine Ghost Ice Ancestor of the Dark Destruction Domain, and the Black Pupil Saint Son is the heir of the Nine Ghost Ice Ancestor of the Supreme Domain Ancestor, and is one of the many heirs, but the talent is enough to rank in the top five.


The Nine Ghost Ice Armor was not able to block the void slash, and was directly chopped.

The remnants of the Void Slash directly bombarded the body of the Black Pupil Saint Son, but it was blocked by a set of holy relics.


A set of black armor appeared on the Black Pupil Saint Son, and his own aura became very powerful.

“This is…”

Ye Qingtian’s expression changed, and he recognized the origin of this black battle armor.

He had seen the complete list of holy relics from the war gate, and the list had the pattern of each holy relic, and the holy relic on the black pupil holy son was the black sky armor ranked 2999th on the divine object list.

The defense effect of the Black Sky Armor is very powerful, but correspondingly speaking, the cost of urging the Black Sky Armor is relatively large, even the Black Pupil Saint Son can’t urge the Black Sky Armor for long.

“Damn, you actually forced me to urge the Black Sky Armor!!!!”

The black-eyed holy son said angrily.

A life-saving thing like Black Heaven Jia is difficult to urge with his current realm, just like Ye Tian wants to urge the Forbidden Yuan Blade, it also needs to pay a great price.

Of course, the price of the Black Heavenly Armor is not as great as the Forbidden Yuan Blade, but afterwards, the Black Pupil Saint Son will be weak for a long time, and he must use the extremely precious holy medicine to restore his body, otherwise it will leave sequelae.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he would not use the Black Sky Armor.

But now there is no way, Ye Tian’s attack is too powerful, and his Nine Ghost Ice Armor can’t be blocked by this holy technique.

He didn’t want to get hurt, otherwise it would be easy to fall.

“Damn, since even the Black Sky Armor has been used, then he must be killed today!”

The Black Pupil Saint Son hurriedly summoned the other Saint Fus.

“You involved this man for me, and the treasures on his body afterwards will be divided into ninety percent of you, and I only need one!”

The black-eyed holy son spoke.

“Black Pupil Holy Son, do you want to use that thing?”

The other Saint Fu people said in shock.

As a Saint Fu and a member of the Destruction Saint Family, they naturally knew that the Black Pupil Saint Son had a very rare holy relic on his body, and this matter was a treasure given to the Black Pupil Saint Son by the Nine Ghost Ice Ancestor.

It is said that this holy relic can kill ordinary supreme domain ancestors, and the one realm saint endower is unstoppable, once locked, unless it has a very rare life-saving thing, it will definitely die.

“That’s right, I just want to use that holy relic, that disposable holy relic, I didn’t want to use it, but if you don’t use it, are you sure to kill him?”

The black-eyed holy son questioned.

The other Saint Fu people stopped talking, Ye Tian’s strength, they saw it in their eyes.

They are not opponents, even if several people work together, they will not be able to defeat Ye Tian, but will be killed one by one.

Perhaps more than ten Saint Fu people would go all out, so that they could hope to kill Ye Tian, but they were afraid that they would also fall five or six Saint Fu people.

The price paid for this is too great, and no one dares to do so.

In fact, they all wanted to escape, and they were not prepared to surround and kill Ye Tian.

But now that the Black Pupil Saint Son said to use that holy relic, they were moved.

“Okay, I agree!”

“Black Pupil Saint Son, say okay, you must use that thing, otherwise we will immediately escape, and we will definitely not intercept this Saint Fu from the Dark Holy Domain!”

“Black Pupil Holy Son, as long as you really use that holy relic, we will definitely restrain this holy endower!”



A famous Saint Fu killed Ye Tian, leaving only one person to contain the light-clothed Saint Girl.

That person may not be a match for the light-clothed saint, but relying on the holy relics and life-saving things, he can hold out for a while.

In addition, two more holy fu have just arrived.

Eight Saint Fu besieged Ye Tian, while the Black Pupil Saint Son was not far away trying to urge that holy relic.

It would take time to urge that holy relic, otherwise the Black Pupil Saint Son would not have allowed these eight holy endowers to besiege Ye Tian.


The eight great saints attacked in unison, covering this area, and there was no way to hide.

Ye Tian urged Jin Chenjia, and then cast the holy technique, the holy armor, which was a double-layer defense.

And the Holy Armor Saint Technique has a physical increase, which is comparable to the Perfection Saint Technique.

Therefore, this round of attacks by the eight great sages was all withstood by Ye Tian.

Ye Tian locked a seemingly weaker Saint Fu, and directly used the Saint Technique, Zhen Shen, to launch a soul Saint Technique blow against him.

Although that Saint Fu had a soul secret treasure, it was not a soul holy relic, and when he was hit by the Zhen Divine Technique, his soul suddenly shook, and he couldn’t even control the holy relics on his body.

It was at this time that Ye Tian cast a holy technique to slash.


The saint was cut off by a blow and suffered heavy injuries, and if it were not for the life-saving thing that hoisted his life, he would have died.

But he can’t withstand the second blow, and once he bears it, he will definitely die!

“Take me away!”

The battered Saint Fu urged a Saint Fu who had a good relationship with him and roared.

Immediately, the Saint Fu grabbed him and fled quickly, not caring about the matter of the Black Pupil Saint Son.

However, they could not escape.

Ye Tian cast the Saint Technique Aurora, and his speed instantly skyrocketed many times, easily catching up with the severely damaged Saint Fu.

This time, Ye Tian did not cast a virtual slash, and casting a virtual slash twice in a row would cause a huge burden on his body, and he needed to wait for a while.

But he cast the Golden Silk Saint Technique, which was not much burden on the body.


A golden thread tore through the battered Saint Fu and killed him in an instant.

The second Saint Fu has fallen!

“Black Pupil Holy Son, are you okay, if you delay any longer, we won’t be restrained!”

A Saint Fu shouted.

No one wants to die, and they don’t want to die.

But now, the two holy endowers have fallen!


The Black Pupil Saint Son responded.

I saw that at this time, a wooden strip appeared in front of the black-eyed holy son.

This wooden bar was held in the hand of the Black Pupil Saint Son, and began to absorb the power of the Black Pupil Saint Son’s bloodline, gradually becoming sharper, and actually turned from a wooden bar into a wooden spear.

This wooden spear is full of destructive aura, as if it can kill everything!

It does not belong to the holy relics on the holy relics list, and its level is average among the holy relics, but it can be called a supreme holy relic in the hands of the One Realm, and it can burst into terrifying attacks, but once the strength is exhausted, this holy relic is scrapped.

It has a name called the Blood Eater Spear!

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