“According to what I know, it is very difficult to get the opportunity to enter the River of Dreams, after all, it is the ancestral land of the Dream Clan, and the Dream Clan attaches great importance to it. If it weren’t for the geniuses of the Destruction Clan who also wanted to enter the Dream Realm, the Dream Clan would not have opened the River of Dreams! ”

Ye Tian muttered.

For the Destruction Saint Race, the Dream Race was nothing, and they naturally would not resist.

Therefore, every once in a while, the dream family will open the river of dreams, but there are only 1,000 places outside.

There are only 1,000 members of the Three Thousand Evil Race, and they include members of the Destruction Saint Race.

Most of the places will be occupied by the Destruction Saint Race, and it is estimated that only three or four hundred places will be the turn of the three thousand evil races, and one evil race cannot be allocated a place.

Therefore, for many evil races, it is very difficult to compete for a place in the River of Dreams.

Even many geniuses of the evil race will automatically give up, too lazy to compete for an opportunity that is not too good for them.

Ye Tian wanted to enter the River of Dreams, after all, he was now copying his body, and improving his cultivation was of little use to him, far less important than creating a supreme domain ancestor method.

But there are only 1,000 places in total, and many of the three thousand evil races will apply to enter the Dream Realm.

The geniuses who apply for will inevitably exceed 1,000 places, and the cultivation of these geniuses must be at the domain ancestor level, otherwise the benefits obtained by entering the Dream Realm will be too few, there is no need to go, and an opportunity will be wasted.

Therefore, the genius cultivation applied for must be above the domain ancestor, but there is also an upper limit, and the upper limit is the top domain ancestor.

After all, when it comes to the strongest domain ancestor, it is extremely difficult to make further progress, and at that time, the desire for the domain ancestor method is not great.

Even if you create your own domain ancestor method, it is difficult to promote to the invincible domain ancestor level.

Moreover, the three thousand evil races and the Destruction Saint Race basically relied on the bloodline to advance, but not by the Domain Ancestral Method, which for them only had the effect of pure domain power and body and soul, and could not help them break the shackles.

Therefore, the supreme domain ancestors of the Dark Destruction Domain did not have much desire for the Domain Ancestor Method.

Otherwise, the pressure of competition will be great, and Ye Tian will not be able to take his turn.

According to the current rules, if the number of major evil races does not exceed 1,000, then all enter the fantasy realm, if the number of applicants exceeds it, you need to rely on the strength, potential and talent of the geniuses who apply, so as to decide to let those geniuses enter the fantasy realm.

There is also a way to exchange a lot of resources for places, but very few evil races do this.

Because resources are extremely important to the evil race, even more important than the chance to enter the fantasy realm.

Ye Tian didn’t care about resources, he valued this place.

So, he began to use his identity to operate.

The Holy Son of the Dead Yu is the Holy Son of the Demon Prison Clan, with a noble status, and the son of the ancestor of the Wind Demon Domain.

He almost took out his share of resources, and overdrew his future resources in advance, plus mobilization connections.

In the end, Ye Tian successfully obtained a place.

For Ye Tian’s actions, the clansmen of the Demon Prison Clan did not understand very much, and felt that Ye Tian’s doing this was a complete waste of resources, although he had obtained a place to enter the Dream Realm, how could he cultivate without resources in the future?

The evil race is very dependent on resources, they need resources to strengthen the power of the bloodline, and even need resources to break through the bottleneck, but there is no way to comprehend the taboo path like a cultivator, absorb the power of the dark taboo and easily quench the domain body to break through cultivation.

Although the Wind Demon Domain Ancestor also felt strange about his son’s behavior, he had also visited his son at the beginning, and there was no problem in terms of breath or soul.

Therefore, he did not suspect this son and let him do his calculations.

Moreover, as an invincible domain ancestor, he also had a lot of things to do, and he also thought about impacting the supreme domain ancestor level, where there was kung fu to manage the small things of the Dead Yu Saint Son.


This day.

Ye Tian, supported by a group of top domain ancestor guards, came to the ancestral land of the Dream Clan, the River of Dreams.

Outside the river of dreams, Ye Tian looked at this river that was only about a few miles long, and his heart was shocked.

Such a river actually exuded the breath of a holy relic, and it was still the ninth holy relic on the list of destruction holy relics.

It stands to reason that the relic should not be in this form.

But it is a holy relic, and no one doubts it.

In addition, the River of Dreams cannot be moved, and even the Dream Family seems to be unable to take the River of Dreams.

However, the Dream Clan still built huge cities nearby, guarding the River of Dreams to prevent other evil people from breaking into the River of Dreams.

Ye Tian waited in a dream city near the River of Dreams for a while, and when the personnel arrived, they entered the River of Dreams together.

Soon, the geniuses of the evil race arrived, and some of them seemed to be familiar with the Holy Son of Dead Yu, so they constantly greeted Ye Tian, but he pretended to be indifferent and did not respond much.

This caused many geniuses to wonder.

However, many people also knew about the Soul Trick of the Dead Yu Holy Son, and these evil geniuses only thought that the Dead Yu Saint Son’s soul was injured and his temperament changed greatly, so they did not get too entangled in Ye Tian’s attitude.

Over time, almost all 1,000 geniuses arrived.

At this moment, an invincible domain ancestor of the Dream Clan appeared.

He is the Invincible Domain Ancestor – Nightmare Domain Ancestor.

The Nightmare Domain Ancestor glanced at the geniuses of all races and spoke, “Geniuses from the Holy Race of Destruction and the major evil races, after you enter the River of Dreams, you are only allowed to enter the Dream Realm, and you are not allowed to go to other places, nor are you allowed to take away the treasures bred by the River of Dreams, understand?” If anyone violates this rule, don’t blame me for not giving face to all the races behind you! ”

“Yes, Lord Nightmare!”

An evil genius hurriedly said.

However, those geniuses who destroyed the Saint Race were on their toes one by one, and they didn’t care about the words of the Nightmare Domain Ancestor at all.

For them, the Dream Clan is just a vassal, and they are not afraid of the Nightmare Domain Ancestor.

Of course, they didn’t dare to refute it, after all, the other party was an invincible domain ancestor, not something they could offend now.

“Let’s go inside!”

After the Nightmare Domain Ancestor spoke, he led 1,000 geniuses into the River of Dreams.

From the outside, the river of dreams is small, but once you enter the river of dreams, it is almost endless.

Moreover, the pressure here is very huge, and even the top domain ancestor level feels a lot of pressure.

After flying for a long time, they finally came to the realm of dreams.

The Dream Realm appeared in five colors, exuding powerful fluctuations, which penetrated through the soul, making Ye Tian’s body feel extremely comfortable, and even burst into light.

“What a magical place!”

Ye Tian secretly exclaimed.

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