After a long time, Ye Tian finally completed the breakthrough.

At this moment, his domain body had already stepped from the elite domain body level to the top domain body level, and his cultivation had reached the top domain ancestor realm.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s strength was much stronger than in the past.

Now, when ordinary Xeon Domain Ancestors fight him, he can easily kill in seconds, even if it is some very powerful Xeon Domain Ancestors, they are not his opponents.

Of course, the kind of strong person who used to be a holy son and now cultivated to the peak realm of the supreme domain ancestor, he is not estimated to be an opponent, unless he can cultivate a holy technique to the extreme realm, or raise his cultivation to the peak realm of the top domain body, he will be sure to compete with such a supreme domain ancestor.

It was naturally very difficult to cultivate the Saint Technique to the extreme realm, but it was not too difficult to raise the cultivation to the peak realm of the top domain body.

After all, Ye Tian still had ancestral medicine in his hand, and with ancestral medicine, he could easily raise his cultivation to the peak realm of the top domain ancestor.

Therefore, Ye Tian continued to retreat, absorbing the refining ancestral medicine.

After hundreds of thousands of years, with the help of the energy of the ancestral medicine, Ye Tian finally refined the top domain body to the peak realm, and his cultivation also reached the peak realm of the top domain ancestor.

At this time, Ye Tian’s own strength was comparable to those top supreme domain ancestors, and if he used the power of the Xuan Void Saint Realm, he could even suppress those more demonic supreme domain ancestors.

Of course.

If many Xeon Domain Ancestors combined, he still couldn’t stop it.

However, he has the war gate as a backer, and he is not worried.

Originally, Ye Tian thought that the Soul Saint Realm Flower of the Soul Saint Realm would take a long time to be born, but this day, the origin of the Xuan Void Saint Realm had grown again.

Almost every once in a while, the Genesis Mixed Yuan Well would cause the origin of the Xuan Void Saint Realm to skyrocket, but it was not visible on the surface.

After all, if the Xuan Void Saint Realm no longer evolved into the Ancestral Realm, no matter how it skyrocketed the Origin, the Xuan Void Saint Realm would still be so big.

However, due to the skyrocketing of the origin of the Xuanxian Saint Realm, the speed of the birth of resources in the Xuanxian Saint Realm has accelerated a lot, and I am afraid that many precious resources will be born in the future.

And the origin of the Soul Saint Realm naturally skyrocketed, resulting in the birth speed of the Soul Saint Realm Flower naturally much faster.

This day.

The Soul Saint Realm Flower was born!


Within the Soul Saint Realm, many domain ancestors were refining their souls with the help of the Soul Saint Realm.


A unique fluctuation was transmitted, causing all the domain ancestor souls to shake, and they all looked at the central area of the Soul Saint Realm.


A Domain Ancestor quickly rushed towards the center of the Soul Saint Realm.

However, the domain ancestors with lower strength could not enter the central position of the Soul Saint Realm, and their souls could not withstand the impact of the black shadow, and if they forcibly entered there, they would directly crush their souls and die.

Of course, if the top domain ancestor casts a defensive soul secret technique and some soul domain weapons, he can still resist the black shadow impact.

The domain ancestors of the war gate, plus a few domain ancestors of other forces, came to the central region of the Soul Saint Realm.

Here, they saw the Soul Saint Realm Flower.

At this time, it wasn’t long before the Soul Saint Realm Flower had just been conceived, and it would take some time for it to fully grow.

There were countless black shadows near the Soul Saint Realm Flower, some of which were very large, like a mountain.

This kind of mountain-like black shadow could not be blocked even by ordinary Xeon Domain Ancestors.

And so many black shadows surrounded the Soul Saint Realm Flower, almost enveloping it.

If anyone dares to pick the Soul Saint Realm Flower, they will inevitably withstand the impact of these countless shadows, and I am afraid that the top Supreme Domain Ancestor will also be instantly torn apart by countless black shadows and die.

Of course.

The top domain ancestors did not dare to pick the Soul Saint Realm flower, but the strongest domain ancestors had a way to pick the Soul Saint Realm flower.

Not long after, Ye Tian came.

After all, when a treasure like the Soul Saint Realm Flower was born, it was naturally impossible for him not to appear.


Ye Tian appeared, and everyone’s eyes looked at Ye Tian.

“Ten Thousand Law Saint Son, the Soul Saint Realm Flower is of great use to me, I want to buy it, can I?”

The True Spirit Domain Ancestor spoke.

“True Spirit Domain Ancestor, the Soul Saint Realm Flower can create an invincible Domain Ancestor, do you think I will sell it to you? It was born in my soul holy realm, naturally belongs to me, I hope you don’t rob it, otherwise you will offend me!” ”

Ye Tian said coldly.

These domain ancestors of the battle gate wanted the Soul Saint Realm flower very much, but this flower belonged to Ye Tian after all, and if it was robbed, it would undoubtedly offend Ye Tian.

But if you choose not to rob it, then this opportunity will be lost!

Some Domain Ancestors who felt that there was no hope of snatching the Soul Saint Realm Flower shook their heads and chose to give up.

But the True Spirit Domain Ancestor, a supreme domain ancestor with earth-shattering combat power, was a little unwilling.

As for offending Ye Tian, he actually didn’t worry about anything.

If he really snatched the Soul Saint Realm Flower and became an invincible domain ancestor in the future, he would offend Ye Tian, and he was afraid that Ye Tian would not be able to kill him in the future?

Ye Tian is gifted with demons, but he also has a backer!

Of course, in this situation, he will not directly say it.

At that time, if there was any hope of snatching the Soul Saint Realm Flower, he would still make a move.

At this time, another supreme domain ancestor, the Hundred Cold Domain Ancestor, spoke: “Ten Thousand Law Saint Son, you also know very well the preciousness of the Soul Saint Realm flower, and you can’t keep it alone. If I auction the Soul Saint Realm Flower to us, the highest price will win, and then we will help you resist the supreme domain ancestors of other forces. Otherwise, with so many supreme domain ancestors attacking, we may not be able to keep this Soul Saint Realm Flower! “

The Hundred Cold Domain Ancestor was also a Saint Son at the beginning, and his strength was second only to the True Spirit Domain Ancestor.

At this time, the words of the Hundred Cold Domain Ancestor showed that if Ye Tian was unwilling to sell the Soul Saint Realm Flower, then they would not do their best to keep the Soul Saint Realm Flower, and they would release water when the time came.

In that case, with Ye Tian’s strength, there was no way to keep the Soul Saint Realm Flower.

“Guys, I don’t ask you to block the attacks of other Supreme Domain Ancestors, but if anyone participates in the robbery, they will not be allowed to enter my Soul Saint Realm to cultivate, or even enter the Xuan Void Saint Realm!”

Ye Tian reminded.

However, the Hundred Cold Domain Ancestor and the True Spirit Domain Ancestor and the others didn’t seem to care much about Ye Tian’s threat.

In fact, although they were afraid of Ye Tian, they were not afraid of Ye Tian.

In the battle gate, it is also divided into many factions, and they are also in competition with each other.

If it weren’t for Ye Tian’s good luck and occupying the Xuan Void Saint Realm, plus Ye Tian’s identity was not ordinary, otherwise they would have banned Ye Tian’s status and occupied this Saint Realm.

The Soul Saint Realm flower is too precious, if they really snatch it, it doesn’t matter if they never enter the Xuan Void Saint Realm.

Therefore, Ye Tian’s threat was nothing to them.

Ye Tian glanced at the many domain ancestors of the battle gate and some domain ancestors of other forces, and he knew very well in his heart that many domain ancestors here would make a move.

But he didn’t care.

Unless all the Domain Ancestors made a concerted move, these Domain Ancestors alone could suppress them with the power of one person.

Ye Tian did not leave the Soul Saint Realm, but sat cross-kneeled here, using the black shadow to quench the soul while waiting for the complete maturity of the Soul Saint Realm flower.

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