The Qingyu Domain Ancestor only reminded Ye Tian under the order of the battle gate, and did not say much.

After speaking, the Blue Fish Domain Ancestor left.

After the Qingyu Domain Ancestor left, Ye Tian was slightly dignified.

He knows very well that no matter where there are forces that want to cause trouble.

Now that the situation in the Dark Saint Domain is chaotic, the forces who want to make trouble at this time are afraid that they will come forward, and the value of the Xuan Void Saint Realm is too high, and there are definitely many domain ancestors who want him to die.

Maybe at some time, the Supreme Domain Ancestor will attack him.

As for the Invincible Domain Ancestor, he should not come to assassinate him.

After all, the Invincible Domain Ancestor was also a big man in the Dark Saint Domain, so he wouldn’t come to the Xuan Void Saint Realm to assassinate him.

Moreover, if there is really an invincible domain ancestor attacking him, the battle gate will definitely not let that invincible domain ancestor go.

If the Supreme Domain Ancestor attacked, if he was killed, it would be inferior, and even if the battle gate would be angry, the consequences would not be so serious.

The forces of the Dark Holy Domain, none of that force dared to send the Invincible Domain Ancestor to attack him.

After all, the invincible domain ancestor made a move, that is to bully the small with the big.

After all, there is an unwritten rule in the Dark Holy Domain, the Invincible Domain Ancestor is not allowed to attack the Supreme Domain Ancestor, the Supreme Domain Ancestor is not allowed to attack the Supreme Domain Ancestor, and the First Ancestor is not allowed to strike at will.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for those geniuses to grow up.

“If the Invincible Domain Ancestor doesn’t make a move, with my strength, I am not afraid of any Xuan Qiang Domain Ancestor, not to mention in the Xuan Void Saint Realm, I can use the power of the Xuan Void Saint Realm, enough to crush everything, if anyone dares to make a move against me, then wait for bad luck!”

Ye Tian muttered.

He was not worried about his own safety, but mainly worried about the safety of his family, so he left everything he needed to save his life to his family, and asked his family not to leave the Void Saint Realm.

Next, Ye Tian had another choice, that is, whether he should use the Soul Saint Realm Flower.

The Soul Saint Realm Flower allows a supreme domain ancestor to raise his soul to the level of soul holy light, easily impacting the realm of the invincible domain ancestor.

Ye Tian would not impact the Invincible Domain Ancestor Realm with soul holy light, but it was undeniable that the Soul Saint Realm Flower could allow his soul to reach the level of soul holy light, thus saving countless years.

Otherwise, if he wanted to raise his soul to the level of soul holy light, I am afraid it would take a long time.

Moreover, the Soul Saint Realm Flower is not very helpful to the Soul Saint Light level Supreme Domain Ancestor, because it cannot help the Soul Saint Domain Ancestor condense the Holy Soul, and if you want to condense the Holy Soul, the Soul Saint Realm Flower is not qualified enough.

But Ye Tian had such a Soul Saint Realm flower in his hand, and once he used it, his family would not be able to use the Soul Saint Realm Flower.

“Let’s use it, anyway, the Soul Saint Realm will give birth to a new Soul Saint Realm flower in the future, maybe the Xuan Void Saint Realm will also give birth to a treasure that is more precious than the Soul Saint Realm Flower.” At present, improving my strength is the most important, and once I ascend to the level of soul holy light, my strength will usher in a small transformation. ”

Ye Tian decided.

So, Ye Tian took out the Soul Saint Realm Flower and began refining it.

The energy of the Soul Saint Realm flower is very strong for the quenching of the soul, like tearing the soul apart in an instant, but the energy it contains will repair the soul tear, so the quenching effect far exceeds the effect of quenching in the Soul Saint Realm.

Originally, Ye Tian’s soul was already very powerful, and if 100 points of soul was the soul holy light level, then Ye Tian had reached the level of seventy or eighty points before.

Now refining the Soul Saint Realm Flower, it didn’t take too long, only one-third of the Soul Saint Realm Flower was refined, and it completely stepped into the Soul Saint Light level.


Ye Tian’s soul was condensed to the extreme, and a trace of holy light emanated from the soul origin, this trace of holy light was like a trace of white thread, containing powerful power, and like substance, it was integrated into the whole body, and could be combined with domain power to exert powerful attack power.

It is precisely because of this that once you step into the Soul Saint Light level, your strength will increase a lot.

Ye Tian combined the soul holy light with the domain power and casually cast a blow, and the power of this blow skyrocketed.

“Soul Holy Light has increased my attack power by about 2 times!”

Ye Tian estimated and said.

Of course, if you do this, it will make the consumption of soul holy light more serious, which is equivalent to using soul power to fight, once the battle is long, the soul will be very weak, this weakness is the weakness of the soul origin, it is difficult to make up for it in a short time.

However, this consumption does not overdraw the potential, and it is too helpful for the battle, so everyone wants to give birth to the soul holy light.

The birth of soul holy light is only the beginning, such as how powerful Ye Tian’s soul is, but there are very few soul holy light, after all, he has just been born soul holy light, if the entire soul is transformed into soul holy light, that kind of soul is a holy soul!

However, once the Supreme Domain Ancestors gave birth to the Soul Holy Light, they were satisfied, and they would attack the Invincible Domain Ancestor Realm.

After all, it was almost unrealistic for them to want to raise their souls to the Holy Soul level.

I don’t know how many incomparably ancient supreme domain ancestors, who have cultivated so far, are far from reaching the holy soul level.

Ye Tian continued to refine the Soul Saint Realm Flower, because once the Soul Saint Realm Flower destroyed the whole, it must be refined all in a short time, otherwise the other parts would slowly dissipate.

Therefore, it is also unrealistic to want to preserve the Soul Saint Realm flower for others to use.

It didn’t take too long for Ye Tian to refine all the Soul Saint Realm flowers, and more soul holy light was born, and the soul holy light could increase Ye Tian’s attack power by 3 times.

But this is not far from the impact holy soul level, even so far that Ye Tian can’t see the end.

“I just gave birth to such a little soul holy light, I can increase the attack by 3 times, even if it is used for holy skills, it will weaken a lot, but it can also increase the power of holy skills. If those supreme domain ancestors who had gone far on the path of soul holy light, how terrifying was their amplification effect and how terrifying was their combat effectiveness? ”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

At this time, he finally understood the meaning of Qingyu Domain Ancestor’s reminder.

He really couldn’t be proud, those who were not holy endowments, but if there were enough soul holy lights, it was enough to make up for the gap in holy skills.

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