“Lord Aolong, if we want to kill that forbidden domain cultivator, we need at least one six-striped clan member to be dispatched, but if the six-striped clan makes a move, it will inevitably be blocked by the strong man of the other party, and the other party will also flee at the first time, it is impossible to fight with our six clansmen. Therefore, we raided once, and invested enough strength at one time, and created an opportunity for the Six Tattoo Clan to forcibly kill that cultivator instantaneously. ”

A five-striped Silent Clan suggested.

“In this way, it takes a six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan to make a sacrifice, and the clansmen who have the potential to be promoted to the Seven-Pattern Clan cannot be sacrificed, find a six-Silent Annihilation Clan who has been severely damaged and has no chance to be promoted, let him do it, kill that cultivator at all costs, and I will also strike on the other side this time to attract the attention of a large number of their strong people and create opportunities for you!” In addition, I will also find some other clansmen with more than seven stripes to help attack these damn forbidden domain creatures in many ways!” Aohlon decided.

“Yes, Lord Oron!”

Many Silent Extinctionists answered.


The area guarded by the Zhan Zu Town.


He sensed a large number of Silent Extermination Clans coming, including the Seven-Striped Silent Extermination Clan.

“Attention, the Silent Annihilation Clan is here!”

Zhan Zu made a move to resist the Seven-Patterned Silent Clan.

In other directions, the Silent Extinction Clan also attacked at the same time.

In this case, unless there is little pressure on any line of defense, it can be supported, but most of the lines of defense cannot be supported.

The place where Ye Tian was guarding had only repelled a group of Silent Annihilation Tribes not long ago, and soon sensed the attack of Silent Annihilation Tribes, and the scale was even larger than the last time.


Ye Tian and Peng Zu asked for help one after another.

However, other directions were also attacked, so there were very few people who could come to support, and it took a little time to allocate manpower, so there was no way to support it in the first place.


The two sides clashed, and Ye Tian also stopped three four-striped silent extinction clans and several three-striped silent extinction clans.


Another Silent Annihilation Clan appeared, and it was a six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan, and the other party directly found Ye Tian.

“It’s not good, quickly support the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor!”

Many Supreme Domain Ancestors exclaimed.

At this time, a half-step ancestor arrived, but when he was about to go to save Ye Tian, a five-grained ancestor stopped the half-step ancestor.

Everyone can see that the Silent Annihilation Clan will kill Ye Tian!


Ye Tian unleashed the Void Escape Ancestral Technique and quickly retreated.

He also didn’t want this replica body of his to fall like this, so he could escape.

“You can’t escape!”

The six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan cast the Silent Extermination Clan Fu, affecting the surrounding time and space, making Ye Tian’s Void Ancestral Technique greatly reduced.


One of the hands of the six Silent Annihilation Clans grabbed into time and space and grabbed towards Ye Tian’s position.


The time and space around Ye Tian shattered.

The terrifying blow directly affected Ye Tian’s body, and in an instant, Ye Tian’s various defenses were broken, and a claw directly penetrated Ye Tian’s body.

If there was no Silence Annihilation Ancestral Fu, Ye Tian would not be able to withstand such an attack, and the erosion of Silence Energy alone would be enough to kill him.

But now he has the Annihilation Ancestral Fu, although such an attack has annihilated ninety percent of his body, the Silence Energy has done no harm to him, and he also urged the Immortal Ancestral Technique to save his life in time.

“No way, you’re not dead?”

The six-striped Silent Clan was stunned.

His strength has reached the extreme of the half-step ancestor among the creatures of the forbidden domain, killing a supreme domain ancestor whose strength has not reached the half-step ancestor, and he is still in this piece of time and space, which is completely beneficial to them on the battlefield, and he didn’t kill a supreme domain ancestor with one blow?

“If you didn’t kill, then do it again!”

The Six Stripes Silent Extinction Clan was determined to kill Ye Tian.

Such a demon existence, and so difficult to kill, really made Ye Tian grow, that is the great plague of the Silent Annihilation Clan.

Just as he continued to deliver the second blow, an ancestor arrived.

At this time, if this six-striped Silent Extinguishing Clan retreated, he could still withdraw, even if the ancestor chased and killed, their Seven-Striped Silent Extinction Clan would be able to rescue him in time.

But the point was that he wanted to kill Ye Tian at all costs, so he did not retreat, but shot and killed Ye Tian again.

“Is it necessary?”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Another claw fell, Ye Tian’s flesh body was completely shattered, and this replica body was considered to have fallen.

And the ancestor also arrived, pinching the six-striped Silent Annihilation tribe with one hand, and although the seven-striped Silent Annihilation tribe of the Silent Annihilation tribe arrived, it was too late to rescue.


This six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan was directly pinched to death by this ancestor!

The gap between the half-step ancestor and the ancestor is so large that it is almost impossible to cross.


With an order, the Seven-Patterned Silent Clan began to retreat.

In the blink of an eye, the Silent Extinction Clan all retreated.

And that ancestor also left quickly, without the slightest lingering.

Peng Zu didn’t know that Ye Tian was copying the body, and thought it was the body, and suddenly sighed: “The Silent Annihilation Clan is too cunning, and the Seven-Patterned Silent Annihilation Clan was not sent at the beginning, and the ancestors naturally will not be the first to support.” As a result, they actually sent a six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan to death, and our speed of asking for help was a little slower, resulting in the ancestor not saving the Ten Thousand Laws War Ancestor in the first place! ”

“It’s a pity, if the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor rises, there is definitely hope to become the ancestor in the future!”

Another Supreme Domain Ancestor spoke.

“I don’t think you need to be a pity, the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor should not be dead!” An unsuperior mid-level domain ancestor spoke.

He was a supreme domain ancestor of the Firmament Holy Gate, so he knew a little news about the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor.

“Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor is not dead? How is it possible, we can see very clearly, but he was killed alive by the six-striped Silent Annihilation Clan, and his body and soul were worn out, and he could still live? The ancestors also can’t resurrect a supreme domain ancestor! Peng Zu shook his head.

“This should not be the essence of the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor!” The Supreme Domain Ancestor of the Firmament Holy Gate spoke: “According to what I know, the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor seems to have a doppelganger, an ontology, and that doppelganger is very peculiar, almost exactly the same as the body, no one can tell the difference, and the combat power is exactly the same. Wanfa Zhan Zu estimated that no real body came, and it should be his doppelganger. And even if his doppelganger falls, it can be condensed again! ”

“And such a doppelganger?”

Pengzu, they were shocked.

Xuan Void Holy Realm.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and muttered, “The copy body died in battle? ”

Because the distance is too far, it takes a long time to copy the body to transmit back the message, so the copy body died in battle, he did not understand the situation.

“It’s okay, condense another copy body, and go to the Holy Domain Continent again!”

Ye Tian didn’t care.

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