Ye Tian’s replicating body became the ancestor, and many supreme domain ancestors of the Dark Destruction Domain withdrew one after another, and even many holy gates of the Dark Holy Domain withdrew the supreme domain ancestors.

No way, the Terrans gave birth to an ancestor who controlled a part of the Dark Soul Domain.

Although the ancestor cannot easily kill the Supreme Domain Ancestor, it does not mean that the First Ancestor cannot trap the Supreme Domain Ancestor and cannot injure the Supreme Domain Ancestor.

It can be said that as long as the Qingye Ancestor creates a little trouble for those supreme domain ancestors, or locks the position of the supreme domain ancestor, Ye Tian alone can sweep these supreme domain ancestors and easily kill these supreme domain ancestors.

In the Dark Soul Domain, no Supreme Domain Ancestor was able to evade the detection of the Aoba Ancestor.

In order not to let the Supreme Domain Ancestor continue to lose, these forces naturally did not dare to let the Supreme Domain Ancestor stay in the Dark Soul Domain, otherwise it would be easy to fall.

The supreme domain ancestors who really dare to stay in the Dark Soul Domain are almost all the supreme domain ancestors of the war gate and the supreme domain ancestors who have a good relationship with the war gate, these forces say hello to the ancestor of the war gate and Ye Tian, and Ye Tian naturally will not attack them.


Ye Tian controlled the primordial ancestral realm of the Dark Soul Domain, and with the strength of the doppelganger ancestor, it was not difficult to block the primordial ancestral realm, and it could even drive away all the supreme domain ancestors and supreme soul ancestors.

He will not show mercy, only allow the domain ancestor and soul ancestor of the human race, as well as the soul ancestor and domain ancestor of the war gate to enter the primordial ancestor realm, and it is impossible for other forces to enter.

In the Dark Soul Domain, no one could resist the Aoba Ancestor.

This is like the birth of the Dark Holy Gate, the Dark Holy Gate is the oldest and most powerful Holy Gate, and all the good things fall into the hands of the Dark Holy Gate.

Only because the Dark Holy Gate has the Saint Ancestor, the most powerful ancestor.

Of course, in addition to the Holy Ancestor, there are two ancestors in the current Dark Holy Gate, but it is a pity that the strength of those two ancestors is average, so the strength of the Dark Holy Gate in addition to the Holy Ancestor does not have an advantage in the ten Holy Gates, but there are more ancestors without the superior domain ancestors.

Moreover, today’s Dark Saint Domain could not increase the strength of the Saint Ancestor.

Coupled with the fact that the other ancestors jointly contained the Holy Ancestor, even the Holy Ancestor could not dominate the Dark Holy Domain.

The future of the Dark Soul Domain is also the same, and he will not be able to obtain the increase of the Dark Soul Domain sooner or later, because the increase has a time effect, that is, 100,000 realm years.

If after a hundred thousand realm years, the strength of the Aoba Ancestor is not strong, and some territory will still be divided by other ancestors, which is also an inevitable thing.


This day.

Ye Tian sent his family to the Dark Soul Domain, after all, the Dark Soul Domain was currently safer than the Xuan Void Saint Realm.

Moreover, Ye Tian hoped that his family would enjoy the treatment of the Primordial Ancestral Spring.

After all, Ye Tian’s wife, daughter, son, and sister had all been promoted to the realm of the Supreme Domain Ancestor under his full cultivation, but they were only in the early stage of the Supreme Domain Ancestor realm.

Once they entered the Primordial Ancestral Spring, they could easily forbid to advance to the Peerless Domain Ancestral Peak Realm.

Coupled with the fact that several other Terran Supreme Domain Ancestors had also broken through to the peak realm of the Supreme Domain Ancestor, the strength of that Terran was very terrifying, even stronger than a holy gate.

Another period of time has passed.

On this day, the primordial ancestral spring of the primordial ancestral realm was born, Ye Tian’s body and the supreme domain ancestors of the human race came here, and those supreme domain ancestors of the war gate also came here, and they could all enter the primordial ancestral spring to obtain the benefits of the primordial ancestral spring.

The Peak Domain Ancestor of the No Superior Domain can obtain the second Upper Domain Body Transformation, and the benefits are the greatest.

And other Supreme Domain Ancestors can also quickly quench the Supreme Domain Body, and their cultivation will increase rapidly, which is also a benefit.

“Ten Thousand Law Battle Ancestor, thanks to the Qingye Ancestor of your Terran Race this time, otherwise these supreme domain ancestors of our war gate who want to enter the Primordial Ancestral Spring are afraid that they will need to go through a fierce battle, and a supreme domain ancestor like me is not qualified to enter at all!”

The Fire Emblem Battle Ancestor said with a smile.

Indeed, he was only in the middle realm of the Superior Domain Ancestor, and his strength was too weak, and there were too many Superior Domain Ancestors who were stronger than him.

But this time, he was lucky enough to enter the Primordial Ancestral Spring, and once he was tempered by the primordial Ancestral Spring water, he completed the transformation of the second Supreme Domain Body and broke the extreme of the Supreme Domain Body, which was hopeless, but he could raise his cultivation to the peak realm of the Supreme Domain Ancestor.

At that time, he would also belong to the most powerful group of Supreme Domain Ancestors in the Dark Saint Domain.

“Let’s all go in and cultivate, who can get better benefits, it’s all up to ability!”

Ye Tian spoke.

After all, such a terrifying opportunity of the primordial ancestral spring only existed when the primordial ancestral realm was born, and it did not always exist, it was a one-time consumption opportunity, and once the spring water of the primordial ancestral spring was exhausted, there was no way to continue to be born.

Once, when the Dark Holy Domain was born, the Holy Ancestor and several ancestors used the primordial ancestral spring water to complete the accumulation of the early stage to the peak realm of the Supreme Domain Ancestor, which could break through to the Ancestor realm in a short time.

Otherwise, the Holy Ancestor would not be able to break through to the Ancestor Realm before the Dark Destruction Domain Ancestor arrived.

The supreme domain ancestors of the Terran race and the supreme domain ancestors of the war gate have entered the primordial ancestral spring.


The energy of the Primordial Ancestral Spring poured into their bodies, helping them to temper the Supreme Domain Body.

When these Supreme Domain Ancestors were cultivating, many ancestors outside the Dark Soul Domain left, and many Supreme Domain Ancestors also left.

After all, in the Dark Soul Domain where Aoba Ancestor was, the major forces could not get any benefits, even if they fought outside? It also does not affect the situation of the Dark Soul Domain.

Therefore, they simply left.

When waiting for the 100 realm years, the ancestor can come, and then it will be liquidated.

From now on, until the period of 100 realm years, the Dark Soul Domain is almost under the control of the Terrans.

Time passed slowly, and the energy of the Primordial Ancestral Spring continued to decrease.

In particular, Ye Tian absorbed too much Primal Ancestral Spring energy, and at such an absorption rate, I am afraid that there are many Supreme Domain Ancestors who cannot raise their cultivation to the peak realm of Supreme Domain Ancestors.

Everyone is trying to absorb, but some of the Supreme Domain Ancestors are too low in strength and the speed of absorption is too slow.

“Almost, my Supreme Domain Body can transform again and break the ultimate of the Supreme Domain Body!”

Ye Tian muttered.

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