Dark Souls Extraterrestrial.

A venerable ancestor emerged, and these ancestors were not incarnations, but real bodies descended here.

Just because in tens of thousands of years, the Dark Soul Domain was born for a hundred realm years.

At this time, the Dark Soul Domain no longer restricted the entry of the ancestors.

And at this time, the Dark Soul Domain will give birth to a second ancestral realm, and the Ancestor Realm will also give birth to more rare resources, and even give birth to resources that make the ancestors have great use.

The ancestors didn’t care about the resources before, those resources didn’t help them much, but now it’s different, what they are waiting for is today.

For these opportunities and the territory of the Dark Soul Domain, they would even fight each other.

At this time.

The Ancestor of Destruction exuded a rich aura of destruction, and the faintly revealed murderous intent made many Ancestors terrified.

At this time, one ancestor after another secretly communicated.

“The Aoba Ancestor of the Terran is afraid that he is going to be finished, how far can he grow in a hundred realm years? At the beginning, the Dark Soul Domain was able to survive the crisis, and it was the elite ancestor of the Destruction Ancestor at that time, but now the Destruction Ancestor is the top ancestor combat power, and the Aoba Ancestor has not been able to fully use the power of the Dark Soul Domain, at most it can exert the combat power of the ordinary elite ancestor. Once the Destruction Ancestor attacks the Aoba Ancestor, the Aoba Ancestor is afraid that he will not be able to live! ”

“Who let the Aoba Ancestor dare to kill a supreme domain ancestor of the Destruction Saint Race who was about to be promoted to the Ancestor, naturally angered the Destruction Ancestor and the Ancestor of Time and Space!”

“A supreme domain ancestor of the Holy Gate of All Things who was about to be promoted to the ancestor also died at the hands of the Aoba Ancestor, and the Ancestor of All Things is afraid that he will also attack the Aoba Ancestor”

“The ancestor of all things is just an ordinary ancestor, it is estimated that he is not the opponent of the ancestor of Aoba, but he will definitely attack the Terran race where the ancestor of Aoba is, such as the Ten Thousand Laws War Ancestor of the Terran race, there is definitely hope to be promoted to the ancestor, and the combat effectiveness is very terrifying, maybe the Ancestor of All Things will take revenge to kill the Ten Thousand Laws War Ancestor?”

“It’s not realistic for the ancestor of all things to want to kill the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor, the War Ancestor and the Realm Ancestor will not let it go, they will definitely stop it!”

“It may not be able to stop it, once you enter the Dark Soul Domain, many ancestors fight each other, then a chaotic situation, anything can happen!”


Time passed slowly, and the day when the ancestors entered the Dark Soul Domain was getting closer and closer.

In the past, hundreds of millions of years were just a nap time for these ancestors, but now ten thousand years seem to be incomparably long.

This day.


The Dark Soul Domain vibrates, and someone is impacting the Ancestor Realm, and the movement is extremely huge, which is many times larger than the Qingye Ancestor Breakthrough Ancestor.

“Who, who is impacting the ancestor?”

One ancestor was shocked.

At this critical juncture, someone suddenly attacked the Ancestor Realm in the Dark Soul Domain, which is too strange.

“It’s the Ten Thousand Laws Battle Ancestor of the Terran Race, no need to guess, the Dark Soul Domain is now qualified to attack the Ancestor, and the person who can make such a terrifying movement is none other than him!”

An ancestor spoke.

“There are still thousands of years, we can enter the Dark Soul Domain, the Ten Thousand Law Battle Ancestor breaks through the realm at this time, I am afraid that there is no way to completely enter the Ancestor realm, is he not afraid that the breakthrough process will be interrupted?” An ancestor said curiously.

Indeed, without a superior domain ancestor, he could not completely break through to the ancestor realm without millions of years.

Moreover, the general Time Array could not resist the breath of the ancestor at all, and there was no way to break through within the Time Array.

Thousands of years are simply not enough.

However, they ignored the existence of the Aoba ancestor.


Aoba Ancestor mobilized the power of the Dark Soul Domain and began to accelerate time in the area of Ye Tian’s Retreat.

100 times!

1000 times!

10000 times!

Accelerating Ye Tian, who was attacking the ancestor, ten thousand times faster, and frantically mobilizing the energy of the Dark Soul Domain to assist Ye Tian to break through, this paid a great price.

At this moment, the energy of the Qingye Ancestor was constantly consumed, and in order to restore the energy, a huge amount of Silent Treasures were consumed and refined by Ye Tian.

Dark Souls Extraterrestrial.

The ancestors were stunned, and they also sensed the actions of the Aoba ancestor.

“Unexpectedly, he accelerated the time of the Dark Soul Domain and fully assisted the Ten Thousand Law Domain Ancestor to break through, isn’t he afraid that after thousands of years, his state will be unstable?” An ancestor was surprised.

When many ancestors were surprised, the Destruction Ancestor opened his eyes and looked at the Dark Soul Domain.

“Hmph, Ten Thousand Law Battle Ancestor, even if the talent is no matter how evil and the foundation is deep, it is a big deal to break through the combat power comparable to the elite ancestor, but the Battle Ten Thousand Law Domain Ancestor is not the first person to break through to the ancestor of the Dark Soul Domain, and there is no way to use the power of the Dark Soul Domain, so the combat power is only the general elite Ancestor combat power, which is not afraid!”

Destroy the Ancestor Secret Path.

However, he underestimated Ye Tian.

Ye Tian not only had an extremely deep foundation, but also completed the second transformation at the level of the Superior Domain Ancestor, and mastered several extreme ancestral techniques, and his combat power was not as ordinary elite ancestor combat power as they imagined.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed in the outside world, and under the acceleration of time, Ye Tian has broken through millions of years.

Finally, on this day, Ye Tian completely completed the breakthrough, condensed the endless ancestor body, and stepped into the ancestor realm.

As soon as he broke through to the Ancestor Realm, Ye Tian’s strength did not know how many times it had increased, and the Endless Ancestor Body far surpassed other Ancestor Bodies, which could be called true immortality.

Although he didn’t have time to refine that large number of Silent Treasures now, he couldn’t quickly improve his cultivation.

But after all, he has the Ultimate Ancestral Skill, and once he breaks through the Ancestor Realm, he can fully exert the power of the Ultimate Ancestral Skill, and his combat power is stronger than that of the Ancestor of Aoba with the help of the power of the Dark Soul Domain.

According to Ye Tian’s estimation, his current strength is probably infinitely close to the top ancestor’s combat power.

Moreover, relying on the Endless Ancestor Body, the top Ancestor could not kill him.

If he was given enough time, he could easily step into the top ancestor combat power.

At this time, there were still thousands of years left in the outside world, and Ye Tian let the doppelganger Aoba Ancestor continue to accelerate the time in this area, and he began to frantically refine those silent treasures, striving to improve his cultivation a little more.


Countless Silent Annihilation Treasures were devoured and refined by Ye Tian, and their cultivation improved little by little.

It’s a pity that no matter how he cultivates, he can only cultivate for tens of millions of years, there is no way to improve too much strength, it is good to improve the strength of Sancheng, and he can only get closer to the top ancestor combat power.

But, that’s enough!

With another hundred years left, Ye Tian manipulated the doppelganger Aoba Ancestor to stop time acceleration and instead refine a large number of Silent Treasures to restore the state.

And Ye Tian destroyed the Silence Time and Space, at least he couldn’t let the other ancestors know, and wait for the future to slowly cultivate the Silence Time and Space.

Soon, a hundred years passed.

The ancestors are about to descend on the Dark Soul Domain.

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