“Where to?”

Ye Tian asked curiously.

“Shenyin Territory!”

True Yang Saint Ancestor Dao.

Shenyin Territory?

Ye Tian has never heard of it, but it is normal, after all, there are too many territories in time and space, and many territories are not famous.

I saw that the True Yang Saint Ancestor teleported several times with Ye Tian and came to a place called the Fire Spirit Territory.

“Endless Ancestor, we tear through the space-time barrier of the Fire Spirit Territory and enter the Void Region.” True Yang Saint Ancestor said.


Ye Tian was a little puzzled.

The True Yang Saint Ancestor explained: “Because the Shenyin Territory does not have any space-time passage, it is impossible to enter the Shenyin Territory through the space-time channel, and must fly over from the Void Territory. The Shenyin Territory is a space-time territory that completely belongs to our Bajilou, and it is also one of our benefits. Many Eternal Realms wanted to seize this “two-two-three” space-time territory, but they were suppressed abruptly by many Immortal Realm territories that we walked out of the Eighth Pole Tower. Otherwise, such a space-time territory would not be able to take our turn in the Eight Pole Tower. ”

Ye Tian was full of curiosity about the Shenyin Territory, could it be that there was some amazing chance in this?

However, he didn’t ask too much, and when he entered the Shenyin Territory, he knew what the situation was.

Ye Tian and the True Yang Saint Ancestor tore through the space-time barrier of the Fire Spirit Territory and broke into the Void Territory.

Once you enter the Void Territory, all the rules are not perceived, but the rules in your body can still be used, and the strength is not much weakened, but you can’t fight here for a long time, and it’s difficult to recover.

Because in the Void Territory, it is difficult to use the Origin Power of the Source Sea.

And the void territory is full of nothingness, silence, darkness, suffocation, despair, all kinds of negative emotions rush to the heart.

If ordinary supreme beings dared to enter the Void Territory, they would be afraid that they would go crazy, but Ye Tian and the True Yang Saint Ancestor’s will was very strong, so they didn’t care about the environment here.


They were flying in the void area at an extremely fast speed, and occasionally they would see a trace of light, that is, it was a space-time territory, and there was a huge light source in the extreme distance, but the light of the light source could not extend too far, if it were not for Ye Tian’s strong strength, he could not perceive the existence of this huge light source.

This huge light source is the source sea!

Soon, they flew to the position of a faint light source, and their perception slowly became infinitely vast, perceiving a space-time territory, that is, the Shenyin territory.

“Let’s go inside!”

The True Yang Saint Ancestor casually tore through the space-time barrier of the Shenyin Territory and entered the Shenyin Territory. And Ye Tian also followed in. At the moment of entering the Divine Yin Territory, dozens of wills came across the void. Snoop on the arrival of the two. “These are the other members of the Eight Pole Building, don’t care!” ”

True Yang Saint Ancestor introduced.

Ye Tian nodded, he didn’t detect malice either, so he wouldn’t care.

In a flash, those wills all retreated.


Ye Tian was feeling the difference in the Divine Sound Territory, which was filled with a strange sound, this sound was like a whisper, like some kind of song, an esoteric sound composed entirely of a sound rule.

Ye Tian sat cross-kneeled, feeling the mystery of this sound.

The strange power of the sound penetrated into his body, as if it was difficult to stop the invasion of this sound.

Soon, he felt a little uncomfortable.

At first, he also wanted to resist this power and repair his hidden wounds.

But then, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and suddenly looked surprised.

“Hahaha, Endless Ancestor, have you discovered the benefits of the Divine Yin Territory?” True Yang Saint Ancestor said with a smile.

Ye Tian nodded and said, “The Divine Yin Territory can make us perceive the defects of the Eternal Body, no, it should not be said to be defects, but to detect a more perfect place, and the sound of the Divine Yin Territory will stimulate our Eternal Body, under this stimulation and resistance, we can improve the Eternal Body step by step, and even find a way to detachment.” ”

“Good!” True Yang Saint Ancestor said: “The Divine Yin Territory is a treasure land that allows the Eternal Body to complete detachment, even the Eternal Body that has been detached can be perfected and become stronger here, so many members of the Eight Pole Building will regard this as a place for cultivation. And Endless Ancestor, your eternal body has not yet detached, and this is just the right place for you to cultivate. Compared to the other members of the Eight Pole Building, you can get a real improvement here. ”

“Thank you True Yang Saint Ancestor for bringing me here!”

Ye Tian thanked him.

True Yang Saint Ancestor waved his hand and said, “No need to thank you, this is a place where every member of the Eight Pole Building can come, even if I don’t bring you, it won’t be long before you know this place… Next, you will find a place to cultivate in the Divine Yin Territory, hoping that you will raise the Eternal Body to the transcendent realm as soon as possible. ”

“I also hope that I can break through as soon as possible!”

Ye Tian looked forward to it.

Soon, the True Yang Saint Ancestor left here, after all, the Eternal Body of the True Yang Saint Ancestor had become detached, and he didn’t know how long he had been cultivating here, so it didn’t help him much here.

After the True Yang Saint Ancestor left, Ye Tian randomly found a mountain peak and placed a palace, and began penance in the palace.

If the copy body elevates the eternal body to the transcendent realm, it will not be long before the body can copy the past and cultivate the eternal body to the transcendent realm.

As the divine voice of the Divine Yin Territory entered the body, the flaws in Ye Tian’s Endless Eternal Body were reflected one by one.

Perhaps in Ye Tian’s eyes, these are not defects, but perfect to the extreme, but in the process of resisting the divine sound, these places are not perfect, that is, it is not good.

This is why there is a transcendent realm.

Detachment, transcendence, transcendence, to create a more perfect eternal body, this is the state of detachment.

With the passage of time, Ye Tian gradually understood the detachment meaning of the Endless Eternal Body, but if he wanted to truly complete the detachment, 3.1 was afraid that it would take a long time, and it would not be possible to complete it in a little time.


Ye Tian’s body was also constantly compressing the half-step eternal power and perfecting the stacking secret technique.

Before you know it, ten eternal years have passed.

For Ye Tian, ten eternal years were also very long years.

On this day, Ye Tian finally raised the Endless Eternal Body to the transcendent realm with the help of the Divine Yin Territory.

As soon as the Endless Eternal Body broke through the Transcendent Realm, his body strength skyrocketed many times, and Ye Tian’s strength also skyrocketed.

Moreover, in these ten eternal years, Ye Tian perfected the stacking secret technique to the level of sixty-five times, and compressed the half-step eternal power to twenty times.

Now, his overall strength is much stronger than in the past, and it is no longer comparable to the Eight Extremes Realm that he has just promoted. _

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