“The copying talent has really changed too much!”

Ye Tian was quite excited and excited.

For him, the biggest change is the change of the copy body, although he can condense two copy bodies before, but in fact they are all doppelgängers, but now after the replication talent is upgraded and promoted, there is no difference between the copy body and the doppelganger.

Even if the ontology falls, the duplicate body will become a body.

That is, it is difficult for him to be killed, as long as any of the replica bodies are alive, he cannot be killed.

Moreover, he now copies not just two, but five.

That is to say, he can now form a total of six bodies with his body, and the enemy must kill six of his bodies at the same time to really kill him, and it is very difficult to do this, and it can even be said that it is impossible to do so. “Two Three Seven”

Other than that.

After the replication talent is upgraded, it has already condensed on the immortal ancestral endowment, and now he can copy other people’s immortal ancestral endowments very easily, and he can copy it successfully in an instant, and he can also fuse the same kind of immortal ancestral endowment, as long as there is a large number of immortal ancestral talents, he can fuse into more powerful talents.

And the range of the Replication Talent Shroud has also increased significantly, about ten times the range.

I have to say that today’s copying talent is really much stronger than before.

First time.

Ye Tian condensed a new replica body, which was also equivalent to a real body.

The Dark Forbidden Domain sits on an ontology, that is, the original body, a replica body enters the other side of the Source Sea and hides in a treasure land.

On the side of the Abyssal Land, the replica body was also condensed, and two bodies were condensed at once.

In this way, on the side of the Abyssal Land, it is equivalent to having three replica bodies, and the three replica bodies enter the Abyss Land everywhere to look for the Void Beast.

He didn’t look for the Void Beast before, it was the Void Beast that was of little use to him.

But now, he can fuse the Immortal Ancestral Endowment, and naturally he has to look for the Void Beasts and copy the Immortal Ancestral Endowment on their bodies.

As time passed, Ye Tian’s three replica bodies found many Void Beasts in the Abyssal Land, and once they copied the immortal ancestral endowments on their bodies, they immediately left and did not fight with them.

Ye Tian couldn’t kill the Void Beasts, so there was no need to entangle with them, it was a waste of time.

Unfortunately, the number of Void Beasts in the Abyssal Land was not very large, so Ye Tian wanted to use the talents in these Void Beasts to fuse into higher-level talents, which was almost impossible.

However, at least this is a good start, and if he finds some Void Beasts in the future, won’t he be able to fuse into a higher-level talent?

Pass this day.

The Abyssal Land ushered in an Immortal Realm existence, and he came here with ten simple purposes – that is, to deal with the third-order Void Beast on the Black Island, and no one could shake that third-order Void Beast without the Immortal Realm Lord making a move. Therefore, he came

In the void not far from the black island, an Immortal Realm Lord came here, and the reason why they dared to come here again was naturally because of that Immortal Realm Lord.

“Void Sword Lord, this is it!”

An Immortal Realm Lord said respectfully.

The Void Sword Lord, one of the Immortal Realm Lords, is also the Immortal Realm existence who once went to the Origin Sea and took away the Eternal Insight Golden Sea Tree.

In the Endless Time and Space Territory, many Immortal Realm Lords did not appear much, or they were not in the same circle as other Eternal Realms and Half-Step Eternal Realms at all, and it was usually difficult to see.

However, the Void Sword Lord was very active, and he was one of the Immortal Realm Lords who were easy to see.

It stands to reason that the Immortal Realm Lord will not care about the resources here in the Immortal Realm, but the Void Sword Lord can see that he wants everything, because he wants to cultivate many concubines, so he will also collect resources that are not useful to the Immortal Realm.

Moreover, the Abyssal Land was not dangerous to him, so he would come here to harvest a wave of resources.


The Void Sword Lord crossed onto the black island in one step.

Suddenly, that third-order void beast struck.


The third-order Void Beast rushed towards the Void Sword Lord, the Void Rule protected the whole body, making the body illusory, and his hands turned into black roulette wheels, suppressing the Void Sword Lord.

This is the real move of the third-order Void Beast, and it is going all out to deal with the Void Sword Lord alone.

If other Immortal Realm Lords came here and fought against the third-order Void Beast alone, I am afraid that they would soon be killed.


The Void Sword Lord condensed his own eternal will plus the innate Void Sword Eternal Rules, integrated into his own sword, and a sword pierced the body of a third-order Void Beast…….

But this sword seemed to pierce into the void, but it still brought some injuries to the third-order Void Beast.

However, the third-order Void Beast healed quickly.


The Void Sword Lord and the third-order Void Beast are constantly fighting, and it seems that the Void Sword Lord has the advantage, but in fact, it is difficult to kill the third-order Void Beast.


The Void Sword Lord created an Eternal Realm Rule World, trapping the third-order Void Beast, and constantly fighting with it.

At this time, the Immortal Realm under the Void Sword Lord immediately poured into the black island and began to collect the many resources on the black island.

This was the intention of the Void Sword Lord.

He was not prepared to kill this third-order void beast at all, because he was not sure of anything, all he valued was the resources here.

Soon, all the resources on this black island were collected, and even some veins were uprooted.


The Void Sword Lord urged his subordinates to leave the Eternal Realm.


An Eternal Realm Lord shuttled away, lest he be chased and killed by a third-order Void Beast.

The third-order Void Beast had a very strong sense of belonging to the territory, so seeing that his territory was destroyed so completely, he was completely crazy, and his last reason was lost.

But even so, he still couldn’t beat the Void Sword Lord, and was completely suppressed by the Void Sword Lord 2.7, if it weren’t for his Void Talent being too terrifying, otherwise he would have been hit hard.

But after fighting for a while, the Void Sword Lord didn’t want to continue fighting.

As a result, the Void Sword Lord turned into a sword light that tore through time and space, fled, and in a blink of an eye, he was out of the perception range of the third-order Void Beast.


The third-order Void Beast left the island and began to take revenge, and once it encountered the Eternal Realm or the Half-Step Eternal Realm, it began to kill it.

After Ye Tian learned the news, he was ready to leave.

Not only Ye Tian, but the other half-step Eternal Realms or Eternal Realms were all ready to leave.

But when Ye Tian left the Abyssal Land, not long after he came out, the void area in the distance began to ripple.

Next, he saw an amazing scene. _

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