Remains of the Void Battlefield.

Several of Ye Tian’s replica bodies have also become immortal realm levels one by one, and when the replica body is strong, it can naturally go deeper into the battlefield ruins and have more gains.

For example, the ruins of the Quiet Void Battlefield are deeper, and he has never entered it, because it is densely packed with the power of the legendary lord, and the cultivation of the Nine Extremes Realm before cannot be approached at all, and once it is close, it will be immediately bombarded by the power of the legendary lord through time and space.

However, now that Ye Tian has broken through to the Eternal Realm and become an Immortal Realm Lord, he is also a three-step Immortal Realm Lord, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Immortal Realms, so he has a certain hope of going deep into the core of the Quiet Void Battlefield here.

“Go try it!”

Ye Tian crossed many areas of the battlefield ruins in one step, ignoring the dense void fragments and many traces of power.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the core area of the Static Void Battlefield Ruins, and this was a place that he had simply not been able to come to before.


The power left by the legendary lord was suppressing Ye Tian across time and space, but Ye Tian still resisted such suppression with his strong strength.

However, here, it is almost nothing, even if there were many treasures here, they could not withstand the attacks of legendary lords at all, and they were all shattered, so there was nothing in the eye.

However, Ye Tian still sensed something.

“That was…”

Ye Tian sensed a fragment, which seemed very far away, but it seemed to be very close.

“Is it similar to the treasure of the True Dao Trace Tree and the Mysterious Sword?”

Ye Tian muttered.

Such a treasure could not even be touched by a legendary-level lord, and he could not touch it at all.

But he thought that the thing here was just a tiny fragment, maybe he could touch it?

So, he forcibly shuttled through.


Layers of space-time barriers hindered Ye Tian, but Ye Tian, relying on the power of the Immortal Realm and the powerful power of will rules, reached over with one hand, shattered layers of space-time barriers, and finally touched that fragment.


Ye Tian grabbed this fragment and directly grabbed it, and immediately suppressed and suppressed this fragment with all his strength.

After a long time, this fragment was sealed layer by layer by Ye Tian, and it no longer looked so special.

It was a cyan fragment, about the size of a palm, and it exuded an aura far beyond the legendary level.

This fragment is enough to be regarded as the most precious item in this relic world, and it can even be said to be the most precious item on Ye Tian’s body besides the talent of copying.


Ye Tian left here, and immediately found a safe place to carefully comprehend this fragment.

With the breath of the fragments, Ye Tian’s perception saw a large bell through infinite time and space.

It was a big cyan bell, full of endless mysterious patterns, and that aura was enough to destroy everything and suppress endless time and space.


A bell sounded, passing through infinite time and space, directly shaking Ye Tian’s replica body cracked, fortunately, this force was relatively weak, so it did not kill Ye Tian’s replica body.

However, Ye Tian still comprehended from it.

This fragment is the fragment of the green bell. In the middle of a big battle, Cyan is hit. And this fragment is left.

Eternal treasure.~! Ye Tian eased these four big words in his mouth.

That cyan bell was an eternal treasure, such as what kind of eternal origin weapon and the Void Saint Soldier did not know how many times more powerful the treasure weapon.

The Origin Sea Space-Time Territory had never given birth to an Eternal Supreme Treasure, so Ye Tian didn’t know much about the Eternal Supreme Treasure.

But he gained a lot of inheritance from the ruins this time, including the introduction of the Eternal Supreme Treasure.

The Eternal Supreme Treasure can form an infinite space-time realm, without a certain strength, it is impossible to touch the Eternal Supreme Treasure, and the Eternal Supreme Treasure can also form a projection, so sometimes the Eternal Supreme Treasure he sees is not really here, but an endless distant unknown place.

In addition, some special things, although not eternal treasures, are similar treasures and can also form similar effects.

For example, the True Dao Trace Tree is obviously not an eternal treasure, but it is a treasure of this grade.

Whether the True Dao Trace Tree and the mysterious sword were really here in the Space-Time Territory, or whether it was still a projection, Ye Tian didn’t know, because he hadn’t reached that strength enough to touch the truth.

However, the piece in front of him was a real eternal treasure fragment, which was really held in his hand.

Eternal Treasure not only has great power, but also special effects.

As for what special effect this Eternal Supreme Treasure fragment had, Ye Tian was still unclear, and he needed to slowly comprehend it to know.

Time passed slowly, Ye Tian continued to study this Eternal Supreme Treasure Fragment, and even made a few mistakes, bursting out the power of the Eternal Supreme Treasure Fragment, thus causing the replica body to shatter.

But after studying it again and again, he still understood the usefulness of this eternal treasure fragment.

It has three uses for Ye Tian.

The first use, it can briefly form layers of space-time barriers, which can be used to resist the attacks of others, but it consumes a lot of power and can only be used as a hole card.

The second use is that it can break any spatial barrier, such as using it to leave this relic world, and even enter many places without restrictions.

The third use can be regarded as the real chance, Ye Tian can comprehend the various uses of the Eternal Space Dao from this fragment, thus creating the Space Legend Eternal Technique, or even more powerful Eternal Technique.

If it is created into a treasure land, it can even allow the human race to comprehend the spatial eternal skill in such a treasure land.

“It’s a pity that it’s just a fragment, if it is an eternal treasure completed, how good it would be!” Ye Tian sighed.

But if you think about it, if it is really a complete eternal treasure, he can’t take it away.

In the following days, Ye Tian became familiar with this Eternal Supreme Treasure Fragment.

After a long time, Ye Tian was ready to leave this ruins world.

Therefore, he urged this piece of Eternal Supreme Treasure Fragment, directly tore the barrier of the relic world, turned into a crack, and easily left the relic world.

He could actually go out through some other cracks, but there would inevitably be traps laid out by the Void Beast, and there might even be a fifth-order Void Beast attacking him.

But now that he suddenly opened a crack and rushed out of the ruins world, he would inevitably surprise those void beasts, so that he would have time to break through and leave.

Ye Tian only went out to copy the body, and did not carry the Eternal Supreme Treasure fragment.

As soon as he left the ruins world, Ye Tian’s replica body shuttled at an extremely fast speed and unleashed itself.


That fifth-order void beast made a move, chasing and killing Ye Tian.


Ye Tian constantly attacked and blocked his Void Beast, showing his powerful Immortal Realm combat power.

The fifth-order Void Beast bombarded with one blow, and Ye Tian resisted it with the Will Defense Eternal Technique plus the Void True Body, so that he was not killed in seconds, but he was also hit hard.

“~How is this ability a bit like the ability of my clan?”

The fifth-order Void Beast was extremely puzzled.

But Ye Tian was obviously not a Void Beast, so it didn’t keep his hand.

Ye Tian had no idea of fighting with a fifth-order void beast at all, and only kept fleeing, escaping far away at all costs.

But in the end, the replica body was killed.

But all this was expected by Ye Tian.

After killing Ye Tian’s replica body, the fifth-order Void Beast left, obviously thinking that Ye Tian was not in that Zhao’s) Trace World.

And this area also returned to tranquility, and what the fifth-order void beast didn’t know was that another replica body that Ye Tian had been staying in this area appeared, and came to an area on Ye Tian’s escape road.


A small area of void cracked, bringing up a void ball.

Ye Tian directly took this void ball away and disappeared.

His real purpose in letting a replica body leave the ruins world this time is not to escape, just copy the body, and it doesn’t matter, there is no need to escape, his real purpose is to send resources.

The replica body in the outside world lacks resources, there is no way to continue to condense the replicate body, and if you want to copy the body of a void beast to hunt other nihilistic beasts, you can’t do it at all.

Therefore, he had to send out the large amount of resources collected by the relic world.

Just now, the fifth-order Void Beast only cared about chasing and killing Ye Tian, plus Ye Tian deliberately covered it up and hid this Void Ball.

Now that the resources are in hand, he only needs to leave a replica body in the relic world to comprehend the Eternal Supreme Treasure fragment, and other replica bodies can be condensed in the outside world to plan to hunt the Void Beast.

This is his truly perfect plan! _

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