The fifteenth floor of the True Holy Tower.

Ye Tian faced the Initial Realm Legendary Lord of this layer, and had to perform a legendary-level eternal technique, otherwise there would be no system to break through this layer at all.

When Ye Tianshi displayed the legendary eternal technique, he easily defeated the opponent of the fifteenth layer.

Sixteenth floor!

Seventeenth floor!

Eighteenth floor!


The opponent’s strength in each layer did not increase too much, but by the nineteenth layer, even if Ye Tian displayed a legendary eternal technique, he had to go all out to defeat the opponent.

Ye Tian estimated that he couldn’t break through a few more layers, maybe the twentieth layer was his limit.

Finally, Ye Tian came to the twentieth floor.

The opponents in this layer are very strong, all three opponents can perform legendary-level eternal skills, and Ye Tianshi exhibits a variety of legendary eternal skills such as Void Step, Billion Void, Will Wall Light, Void True Body, etc., which are enough to resist them.


The entire twentieth floor seemed to have turned into a place of annihilation, and the fight between the two sides tore apart all the rules here, but even so, there was no way to cause damage to the True Void Saint Tower, and no matter how the inner void was destroyed, it would slowly recover later

After fighting for a long time, Ye Tian began to get injured, but at this time, he cast the Ten Thousand Life Eternal Dao.

This Eternal Path was realized by him 110 from the Eternal to the Treasure Leaf, and although he could not use the Blue Leaf, there was no problem in using the Eternal Dao.

Under the influence of the Ten Thousand Life Eternal Dao, the injuries in his body recovered extremely quickly, but the injuries of the three Initial Realm Legendary Lords could not be recovered, after all, they were just Legendary Lords condensed from the True Saint Tower, and it would be unfair if they could recover their injuries.

In this way, Ye Tian won abruptly.

Twenty-first floor.

Ye Tian entered this layer, but found that he was not an opponent, so he immediately chose to quit the True Wu Saint Tower, because if he couldn’t fight, he couldn’t fight, and continuing to fight was just a waste of time.

When Ye Tian walked out of the True Void Saint Tower, he immediately greeted the gaze of many Eternal Realms.

At this moment, all the Eternal Realms looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

“What is the origin of this guy, he actually broke through the twentieth floor of the True Void Saint Tower!!!”

The Silver Moon Lord was a little incredulous.

If someone had told her before that someone could break through the twentieth layer of the True Void Saint Tower, he would never believe it, unless it was those Legend Realm Lords, there was hope to do so, but the Legendary Realm Lord would not come to the True Void Saint Tower to break through.

The True Sacred Tower is just a sub-building for entry screening, and the powerhouses of the True Holy Land will not come here to test it.

Therefore, only the Eternal Realm that wants to join the True Void Saint Tower will come to the test, so how many of these Eternal Realms who want to join the True No Saint Tower are very terrifying?

Not a single one!

But now, a demon like Ye Tian actually came to participate.


A figure appeared above the True Void Saint Tower. This was a woman, her body was cold, and many eternal realms just glanced at it, as if their will was frozen.

“I’ve seen the Frostless Lord!”

Many Eternal Realms respectfully said.

The Five Frost Lord was one of the high-level of the True Sacred Land, a half-step Legend Xuan Lord, and even among the Half-Step Legend Realm Lords, he was extremely powerful.

Under normal circumstances, such a half-step Legend Realm Lord would not come here, but now he came, obviously for Ye Tian.

“Two of them passed our entry exam, come with me!”

The Frostless Lord waved his hand.

The Silver Moon Lord and Ye Tian were pulled to the front one after another, but Ye Tian did not resist.

After approaching the Frostless Lord, the Frostless Lord took Ye Tian and the Silver Moon Lord and began to go to the True Holy Land of the True Void Holy Land.

In fact, this is only the territory of the True Holy Land, but it is not the power of the True Holy Land.

The real location of the True Sacred Land is located on the Island of True Nothing, which is also the largest eternal island of the True Islands

In the blink of an eye, they passed through a barrier. Entered the True Holy Land.

Soon, Ye Tian followed the Frostless Lord to an ancient hall in the True Void Holy Land.

Here, Ye Tian met several Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords and several Half-Step Legendary Realm Lords.

As for the Legend Realm Lord, Ye Tian did not see one, this kind of existence is too mysterious, it is not something that can be seen by meeting.


The Frostless Lord spoke, “Silver Moon Lord. You have broken through the ninth level of the True Void Holy Tower, and as for your origin, we have already verified it, starting today. You are a member of the Human Rank Saint Son of the True Holy Land, and you can choose any position that a Human Rank Saint Child member can choose.”


The Silver Moon Lord replied.

According to her own understanding, with her own strength and potential, she can only obtain a place for a one-level Saint Son member, of course, she can continue to improve in the future, but she needs a certain opportunity, and she has just joined the True Saint Land, and she will definitely not be able to upgrade quickly.

“What level of membership will the Endless Lords receive?” The Silver Moon Lord was curious.

However, the Frostless Lord did not immediately announce Ye Tian’s membership treatment, but asked, “Endless Lord. We only know that you come from beyond the Infinite Sea, but there is no way for the True Unholy Land to detect the situation outside the True Sacred Land. You need to show the situation, and then the True Holy Land will build a space-time ladder to investigate the situation, so that you can be announced to join the True Void Holy Land. If you feel that your privacy is offended, you can refuse, but you can only become an ordinary disciple of the True Void Holy Land, or choose to leave the True Void Holy Land. ”

Ye Tian did not have the slightest hesitation, and said directly: “I come from the Source Sea, an eternal sea that has not been detected by the Infinite Sea, and it is not too far away from the Infinite Sea, I can tell the space-time coordinates of the True Sacred Land, and build a space-time ladder from the True Sacred Land to the Origin Sea to find out the situation.” ”

The new Eternal Sea !!!!

The Frostless Lord and the other high-level people of the True Holy Land were all surprised, such an Eternal Sea, its value is not small!

If it is spread, I am afraid that many top forces want to occupy it and develop it into their own back garden.

Of course, the True Unholy Land does not care about an Eternal Sea, because it does not help the True Unholy Land much.

“Okay, let’s build the space-time ladder.”

The Frostless Lord agreed.

Subsequently, after Ye Tian reported the space-time coordinates, the Frostless Lord could build the space-time ladder.

Soon, the space-time ladder was completed and connected to the source sea.

Source Sea, somewhere.

The Frostless Lord walked out of the ladder of time and space and sensed the source sea.

“It really is an unknown Eternal Sea, and it is still relatively young!”

The Frostless Lord muttered.


In the distance, the void rippled, and Ye Tian’s replica body walked over, saw the Frostless Lord, and respectfully said: “I have seen the Frostless Lord!” ”

When the Frostless Lord saw Ye Tian’s replica body, he knew that it was Ye Tian’s doppelganger or body, and he roughly knew some information.

However, the Frostless Lord still spent a little time probing the Source Sea, as well as spying on the memories of some creatures in the Source Sea, and knew the situation here.

As long as it is proved that Ye Tian does not belong to some legendary power, then there is no problem.

And there are only a few legendary realm lords in the source sea, and naturally there are no legendary-level forces.


“Endless Lord, after certification, you are fully qualified to join the True Void Holy Land and receive the treatment of a member of the Heaven Rank Saint Son!” The Frostless Lord announced.

“What, Heavenly Order Saint Son !!!”

When the Silver Moon Lord heard such treatment, he was immediately shocked.

As soon as he joined the True Holy Land, he became the highest level holy son, which was a great treatment.

But when she thought of Ye Tian’s strength, she felt normal again. _

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