After the Frostless Lord left, Ye Tian went to the inheritance treasury of the True Sacred Land to apply for the secret technique of redeeming the Eternal Heart.

As a member of the Heaven Rank Saint Son, Ye Tian was naturally qualified to exchange the Eternal Heart Secret Technique, and he only needed to pay very few resources.

Subsequently, Ye Tian inherited this secret technique in the inheritance treasure house, but he could not teach it to others, which was a inheritance limit.

Before the inheritance, Ye Tian did not know what the so-called Eternal Heart was, but after the inheritance, he knew

The Eternal Heart is a special crystal condensed and compressed by the Eternal Force, similar to the heart, which can increase its own strength.

What’s more, Eternal Hearts are able to increase the Eternal Force.

After the integration of the three aspects of body, will, and innate eternal rules reaches ten percent, it can impact the state of perfection, and at this time, the body is equivalent to having ten percent of the eternal force.

At this point, it is almost difficult to increase the Eternal Force, because the whole body is the Eternal Force, how to increase?

The Eternal Heart, on the other hand, can compress and condense excess Eternal Force into a heart, which ensures that the Eternal Force inside the body becomes more.

In addition, the Initial Realm Legendary Lord can also cultivate the Eternal Heart, although it is difficult to practice, but once trained, he can use the Eternal Power contained in the Eternal Heart to quench the whole body, and impact the last shackles, and he can reach the Perfection Realm Legendary Lord.

This was also the reason why the Frostless Lord suggested that Ye Tian cultivate the secret technique of the Eternal Heart.

The Eternal Heart is a secret technique created by the Legendary Realm Lords over a long period of time, which is very important to the True Sacred Land, and has cultivated a large number of Perfection Realm Legendary Lords for the True Sacred Land.

After Ye Tian obtained the Eternal Heart, he tried to cultivate.

“Well, it doesn’t seem to be very difficult!”

Ye Tian muttered.

He guessed whether his talent was too awesome, so it was easier to cultivate the Eternal Heart, because the Eternal Heart studied his own understanding of the body, the will, and the innate eternal rules, and these three aspects were also related to talent.

His talent far surpassed that of any Legendary Lord, not even the Legendary Realm Lord’s talent.

With such a talent, he naturally had a huge advantage in cultivating the Eternal Heart.

In this way, the years passed, and before you knew it, ten eternal years had passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s Eternal Heart was about to be trained



Countless eternal forces condensed in the sea of will, gradually constructing the appearance of a heart.

For a long time, this heart was completely condensed and exuded a powerful aura.


Ye Tian could sense the tempering of his body by the Eternal Heart at this moment and the increase in strength.

He can use the Eternal Heart to extract the Eternal Force in his body, and then continue to fuse his body, will, and innate eternal rules to form a new Eternal Force again.

In this way, the eternal force in his body will increase, and it will even help the fusion of body, will and innate eternal rules, accelerating his cultivation.

With the cooperation of the Eternal Heart, he can impact the peak realm of the Legendary Lord of the Initial Realm faster.

In the following years, Ye Tian worked hard to attack the peak realm of the Origin Realm Legendary Lord.

After a long time, some new faces appeared in the Origin Sea, all of them were lords above the Immortal Realm, and there were even some legendary lords.

Ye Tian did not stop them, allowing them to haunt in the Origin Sea.

At this time, the Source Sea did not have many resources, and these strong people would not be greedy for such a thing, so gradually, there were not many strong people in the Source Sea, but there were still some Eternal Realm Lords who remained in the Source Sea and the Time and Space Territory.

At the very least, there is less strife here, and there is hope for more resources in the future, maybe with luck. If you get an eternal treasure, you will earn a lot.

For these Eternal Realm Lords who came from the Immeasurable Sea or other Eternal Seas, as long as they did not endanger the sovereignty of the Terrans, the Guardian Legion, or the Source Sea, he almost did not care.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of eternal years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s cultivation was elevated to the peak realm of the Initial Realm Legendary Lord.

At this time, he was only close to completely and perfectly integrating the ten percent of his body with his will and innate eternal rules, and stepped into the realm of the legendary lord of the Perfection Realm.

But this point is difficult to cross, and many Origin Realm Legendary Lords have never broken this shackle in their lives.

Ye Tian tried to break this shackle with the help of the Eternal Heart, but found that it was still a little worse.

“It seems that we must go to the Treasure Land of Returning to the Ruins of the True Holy Land!”

The Treasure Land of Returning to the Ruins is a very important treasure land of the True Unholy Land, and not all members of the Holy Land can enter it. However, Ye Tian could enter the Treasure Land of the Ruins for free.

Strictly speaking, the Treasure Land of Returning to the Ruins is not within the True Sacred Land, but the True Sacred Land has a time-space passage to the Treasure Land of the Ruins.

There is really no holy place, return to the ruins.

When Ye Tian came here, he immediately walked into the gate of the ruins.

The space-time passage after the Gate of Return is somewhat similar to the Space-Time Ladder, but it is somewhat different from the Space-Time Ladder, which is a flat space-time passage, and it does not go to other Eternal Seas.

But such a time-space passage is very secretive, even the legendary realm lord, it is difficult to spy on this time-space passage in the outside world.

Soon, Ye Tian passed through the passage of time and space after the Gate of Returning to the Ruins and arrived at the true Treasure Land of Returning Ruins.


The whole ruins are not very large, the center is the spring, surrounded by energy channels, hundreds of millions of roads connected to the springs.

If you look down from a high place. Then we will find that billions of roads come together from nothingness and pour into this spring, or that billions of roads are united and returned to one place, and after these roads enter the spring, they all turn into the same source energy.

This Origin Energy gathers the power of hundreds of millions of roads, but does not contain the power of any road, as if it is nothingness, and it seems to be the source of all power.

“‘That’s how it turned out to be in the ruins!'”

Ye Tian muttered.

He saw that there were legendary lords sitting on that road, and even saw a familiar figure, the Silver Moon Lord, who also came here, and seemed to be impacting the Legendary Lord realm of the Perfection Realm.

Each of these billions of paths is one, and the legendary eternal realm can find a path that suits you, where you can comprehend and comprehend the mystery of the unity of energy.

The body is energy, the will is also energy, and the innate eternal rule can also be regarded as an energy.

There are hundreds of millions of energy types, but here is the unity of billions of energy, if you can comprehend a little mystery, it will help to break through.

This was also the reason why many legendary lords at the peak of the Initial Realm came here to practice cultivation.

Ye Tian found a mixed element path that was slightly suitable for him, sat on it, and began to comprehend the mystery of energy unity, and at the same time cooperate with the eternal heart to find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Break through at once, it is unlikely to be noon

Therefore, Ye Tian was ready to spend some more years here and strive to break through to the Perfection Realm Legendary Lord realm as soon as possible. _

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