“I’ve seen the Frostless Lord…”

Ye Tian greeted one by one.

“The Endless Lord is amazing!” The Frostless Lord praised.

The other half-step Legend Realm lords also gave words of appreciation, and their words were full of surprise and incredulity.

After Ye Tian greeted the half-step Legendary Realm lords, he looked at this level.

Being able to stop all half-step Legendary Realm Lords, the difficulty of this level can be imagined.

I saw a river in front of many half-step legendary realm lords, this is not a long river of gray mist, but a river of time.

Ye Tian is no stranger to the long river of time, many worlds have long rivers of time, such as countless heavens and earth, worlds in the source sea, and these long rivers of time are tributaries of the long river of time in the source sea.

Like the creatures of the ordinary world, if they break free from the river of time, they can live together with heaven and earth.

For a legendary lord like Ye Tian. The river of time is nothing, and even countless rivers of time can be created at will.

However, the river of time in the gray mist stone statue is not an ordinary river of time.

What exactly is the long river of time, Ye Tian has not entered, so it is not very clear.

“Frostless Lord, is there any mystery in this long river of time?”

Ye Tian asked.

The Frostless Lord said: “This long river of time is a tributary of the long river of time in the void region, which was cut off by the Eternal Controller with the power of the mighty shore, placed here, and then transformed by the Eternal Controller, once we enter this River of Time, our time will be reversed, and our cultivation will continue to decrease, from the legendary lord will retreat to the half-step Eternal Realm, the supreme… Step by step, finally return to the ordinary, assimilated under the river of time. At the last time the Gray Mist Stone Statue was born, a legendary realm lord came here, and he tried to cross the river of time, but in the end, he also failed. We have long known about the existence of this river of time, but we have not been able to cross the past so far, and it is said that there are top legendary realm lords who have entered, but there is no reward. Moreover, the Legendary Realm Lord broke through the previous levels, and the rewards were also ordinary. The chance in the gray mist stone statue is also useful for legendary lords and newly promoted legendary realm lords, and it is of little use to those powerful legendary realm lords, and they naturally will not come in. ”

“So it is.”

Ye Tian nodded slightly.

There is no use for powerful legendary realm lords, those legendary realm lords naturally do not need to come in, come in is to occupy the place, and waste time, it is better to come in and break in by the legendary lords in their own forces.

This is also the reason why the Dragon Ancient Lord did not come in.

“Only powerful Legend Realm Lords can cross this time son!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Minyou felt that he would definitely not be able to break through this long river of time, but this long river of time must also be regarded as a chance.

Otherwise, these half-step Legend Realm Lords wouldn’t still be here

Sure enough.

In the following days, a famous half-step legendary realm lord tried to enter this river of time, and each time he did not wait for a long time, when his cultivation fell to the transcendent realm legendary lord, he returned and began to resume his cultivation.

Ye Tian also consulted these half-step Legend Realm Lords, and they also revealed some.

In the long river of time, although time will be reversed, in this process, you can clearly understand the power of time eternity, which is helpful to the comprehension of other eternal paths, after all, many eternal ways are mixed with the rules of time.

The river of time here is the source of everything, and if you are in the void area, you can’t enter the river of time at all. It is not even perceivable to exist in the river of time, and only here can there be such an opportunity.

And the half-step legendary realm lords did not care about those eternal paths, in fact, they all comprehended a lot of eternal ways of the perfection realm, and what they cared about was complete control of time.

Once you completely control time, you can use the power of time to become a Legendary Realm Lord.

There are two ways to become a Legend Realm Lord. One is complete control of time, and the other is complete control of space.

Once time is controlled, a series of eternal paths related to time can transcend perfection and reach the legendary level. This is the so-called legendary Eternal Dao.

At that time, it will be very powerful in the legendary realm.

But now in the Void Region, many new Legend Realms do not control time or space, and they have forcibly stepped into the Legendary Realm Lords with a legendary eternal path

In the beginning, the Legendary Realm Lord who tried to cross the river of time did not control time, otherwise he would not be unable to cross the river of time.

“I don’t even comprehend a complete eternal path, it’s too far away from controlling time, my gray mist eternal path has fallen into shackles, at the peak of entry, maybe I can use this river of time to comprehend the mystery of time, help it break the shackles and promote to the Xiaocheng realm.”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

So, he was also ready to enter the river of time


As soon as he entered the river of time, the time of this body was forcibly reversed, and even if Ye Tian resisted, he could not resist.

He saw the scene of the past, and almost affected even the other replica bodies.

In desperation, he broke the connection between the copy body so that he was not affected.

Time was going backwards, and Ye Tian’s cultivation was also going backwards.

Realm Legendary Lord!

Legendary Lord of the Perfection Realm!

Origin Realm Legendary Lord!

When he was about to fall out of the Origin Realm Legendary Lord, Ye Tian forcibly rushed out from the river of time.

At this moment, the cultivation of his replicating body was really frozen in the Origin Realm Legendary Lord.

If it is other legendary lords, I am afraid that he will have to practice back step by step, although it only takes some time, but this time is not short, but Ye Tian does not need to cultivate slowly, he directly annihilates this copy body, but (obtained) after changing to a copy body.


Ye Tian’s replica body left here first, and then changed to a replica body and returned.

The others were a little surprised to see Ye Tian resume his cultivation so quickly, but knowing that it was Ye Tian’s secret, no one asked about it.

In this way, Ye Tian cultivated in the river of time almost all the time, constantly comprehending the mystery of time.

Finally, on this day, after a breakthrough in time, Ye Tian’s Gray Mist Eternal Dao directly broke the shackles and was promoted to the Xiaocheng realm.

At the same time, Ye Tian began to comprehend the other Eternal Dao Ren.

Mixed Yuan Eternal Dao, Ten Thousand Lives Eternal Dao seems to have little to do with time, but time and space extend all Eternal Dao, so he controls time more, plus that treasure map and many other opportunities, Ye Tian continues to improve in the Mixed Yuan Eternal Dao and Wansheng Eternal Dao.

These two eternal paths are about to be elevated to the realm of perfection. _

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