Ye Tian continued to retreat and cultivate, improving his Will Rule Realm.

Finally, on this day, his Will Rule Realm was elevated to the extreme of a Realm Legendary Lord.

If he wanted to improve again, he had to let the rule of will realm transform and be promoted to the world of rules of will. This is also one of the two necessary conditions for attacking the Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord.

Impacting the Will Rule Heaven and Earth had little to do with controlling time, so Ye Tian couldn’t easily transform the Will Rule Realm.

Therefore, he also needs to take advantage of some chances

And the True Sacred Land gave every member who cultivated to the extreme of the Realm Legendary Lord a chance, and Ye Tian could also obtain such an opportunity.

Therefore, he immediately applied for chance from the True Holy Land.


True Placeless agreed.

“Endless Lord, you can enter the place of chance controlled by the True Holy Land, the Wutong Cave Celestial Realm.”

Lord Umon came to inform Ye Tian.

“Thank you!”

Ye Tian thanked him.

The Wutong Cave Celestial Realm is a treasure land of the True Holy Land, which helps the legendary lord of the realm comprehend the will rule heaven and earth.

Of course, it is not necessarily possible to transform the Will Rule Realm into a Will Rule Heaven and Earth, but any Realm Legendary Lord who enters the Wu 133 Tongdong Heavenly Realm basically has a 10% chance of achieving a breakthrough.

The chance of Issei may not be high, but the actual odds are already very high for many realm legendary lords.

The Wutong Cave Celestial Realm is located in the Infinite Sea, where three half-step Legend Realm lords sit, of course, they are sat by doppelgangers, even if they are invaded, the losses will not be too big.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s application was approved, he didn’t need any credentials, he could directly enter the Wutong Cave Heavenly Realm, and those three half-step Legend Realm Lords would not stop Ye Tian.


Ye Tian came to the Wutong Cave Celestial Realm of the Infinite Sea, and in the void of the huge fiery red space gate, there were three ancient temples floating, and the doppelgangers of the three half-step Legend Realm Lords were sitting here.

Almost all of them are rotated here, but there will be no less of the three half-step Legend Realm Lords.

This also shows the importance of the Wutong Cave Heavenly Realm to the True Holy Land, after all, for endless years, there will also be many legendary lords who have comprehended the Will Rule Heaven and Earth in the True Holy Land. Most of them ended up becoming Transcendent Legendary Lords.

Without this treasure land, the number of Transcendent Realm Legendary Lords without the Holy Land would be much smaller.

Ye Tian passed through the entrance gate of the Wutong Cave Celestial Realm and entered the Wutong Cave Celestial Realm.

The entire Wutong Cave Heavenly Realm was a fiery red earth and void, and at this time, there were about eighteen Realm Legendary Lords practicing here.

There is no restriction on cultivation here. However, the longer the cultivation time, if there is no breakthrough, it is almost impossible to break through later, so if it is impossible to break through, the Realm Legendary Lord will also leave here and will not stay here for too long.

The reason why the Cave Heavenly Realm was able to help the legendary lord of the realm comprehend the will rule heaven and earth was because of the Wutong Fire Spirit Tree.

The Wutong Fire Spirit Tree is a very special holy tree, located in the stacks of endless time and space, similar to the eternal supreme treasure, an untouchable existence.

But the Wutong Fire Spirit Tree will fall a Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf every other eternal years, and this Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf cannot exist for too long, but it can make people’s will and rules perfectly fuse, creating a kind of rule heaven and earth.

Therefore, when the Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf fell, one of the legendary lords with the ultimate realm realm could use the Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf to cultivate and comprehend the will rule heaven and earth.

One eternal year, and there are not too many legendary lords who can reach the extreme of the realm realm, so it is enough for the realm legendary lords to distribute.

Basically, if a legendary lord has not yet comprehended 1,000 pieces, the possibility of comprehension is not too great.

Of course, many realm legendary lords will wait for it, and only when they realize that 10,000 pieces have not yet broken through, they will choose to give up.

At this time, there were only nineteen realm extreme legendary lords here, so if it was distributed, nineteen eternal years, Ye Tian would be enough to allocate a Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf, and other realm realm legendary lords would not snatch it with Ye Tian.

Of course, without the help of the Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf, seeing the Wutong Fire Spirit Tree also has a similar effect, but the effect is much worse.

The void around the Wutong Fire Spirit Tree, Ye Tian came here, began to silently comprehend, waiting for the arrival of the Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf that belonged to him.

“Endless Lord, you are here, let’s discuss, how many sycamore fire spirit leaves will belong to you?”

“I have already comprehended a lot of Wutong Fire Spirit Leaves, so I am not in a hurry for the time being.”

“I’m not in a hurry for the time being, it’s okay to let the Endless Lord understand it first.”

After some discussion, from now on, the ninth Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf returned to Ye Tian.

“Thank you!”

Ye Tian thanked him.

In the blink of an eye, nine eternal years have passed.

This day.

Another plane fire spirit leaf floated out from the plane fire spirit tree.

“Endless Lord, it’s your turn.”

The legendary lord of the other realm realm said to the extreme.

Ye Tian nodded, and immediately led this piece of Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf over, fusing his will and rules into it.


The two began to merge, and began to transform from the field of will rules to the world of will rules.

At the same time, Ye Tian was also using the treasure obtained by the gray mist stone statue to assist in comprehension, because that Xingzhang treasure also had the evolution of the will rule heaven and earth, but that treasure map only revealed the process of promoting the will rule field to the will rule heaven and earth, not using Ye Tian’s own will and rules.

But if the two are combined, it will help Ye Tian too much.

Unconsciously, this sycamore fire spirit leaf was exhausted of strength.

But this is still, Ye Tian has already touched the threshold of the will rule heaven and earth.

“If there are a few more Wutong Fire Spirit Leaves, I will definitely be able to break through!”

Ye Tian said confidently.

In this way, Ye Tian comprehended the Wutong Fire Spirit Tree while comprehending the mysterious treasure map, silently waiting for his piece of Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf.

After more than a dozen eternal years had passed, Ye Tian had obtained another Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf and once again used it to comprehend the Will Rule Heaven and Earth.

Gradually, dozens of eternal years passed.

This day.

Ye Tian began to comprehend his fifth Wutong Fire Spirit Leaf.

Halfway through his comprehension, Ye Tian’s perception accumulated to the extreme, triggering a qualitative change.


The field of will rules began to transform into the world of will rules!

And this scene completely stunned the legendary lords of those realm realms. _

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