Inside the cyan palace.

Ye Tian walked in without encountering any danger.

Obviously, the words on that stone tablet should be true.

If it is false, even if it kills others, it can only kill other people’s doppelgangers, and others can condense the doppelganger again to take revenge, so as to disturb the corpse of the Yang Lie Lord, then it is not the original intention of the Yang Lie Lord~.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yang Lie to find trouble after his death.

There are many treasures in the cyan palace, suspended one by one in a small space.

The moment he came in, Ye Tian knew that he could only choose three treasures, and once he chose three treasures, he would be expelled by the cyan palace.

Of course.

He can also choose to crack the means in the cyan palace to take all the treasures, but it will inevitably take a long time, and at that time, some other demon transcendent realm lords are afraid that they have also survived the time trap and come here.

Therefore, the treasures here will eventually be empty

So there’s no need to waste so much time.

“Time River Pearl, it should be here.

Ye Tian kept searching and soon locked a treasure box.

He felt the power of time from this treasure box, and the location of this treasure box was located in the center of the cyan palace, which must be a very valuable item, most likely the Time River Bead.

Ye Tian spent some time browsing through all the treasures here, and the contents of that treasure box were the most likely.

“Just choose this.”

Ye Tian took the treasure box, and immediately opened it to see that a gray and white bead was placed in the center of the box.

“It’s really the River of Time!”

Ye Tian was overjoyed.

It may not be the most valuable item here, but it is definitely the rarest and the item of the highest value to him.


Ye Tianxuan immediately began to pick other items, and he could also pick two.

Many of the treasures here are very good, although there are some ordinary ones, but even ordinary things are enough to make the heart of any Transcendent Realm Legendary Lord, so those ordinary things are placed in the peripheral cemetery, that is, in the peripheral palaces.

With so many good things, Ye Tian was really hard to choose.

“Choose it!”

Ye Tian stared at one of the items and said.

This is an eternal treasure, and it is not an ordinary eternal treasure.

In the void area, the general Eternal Supreme Treasure is not divided into equal orders, but on the whole, the Eternal Supreme Treasure actually has a division, which can be divided into the lower Eternal Supreme Treasure, the middle Eternal Supreme Treasure, and the upper Eternal Supreme Treasure.

Among them, the upper Eternal Supreme Treasure is almost all in the hands of those peak Legend Realm lords, and what is in front of them is the middle eternal supreme treasure of Xingjian, and it is also the only eternal supreme treasure of the Yanglie Lord.

However, there was damage to this mid-level Eternal Supreme Treasure, which should have been caused when the Yang Lie Lord fought with the enemy.

However, the Eternal Supreme Treasure has the ability to hit me to repair, so the loss is not much now, and its value is still much stronger than those top lower Eternal Supreme Treasures.

It can be said that the Eternal Supreme Treasure on Ye Tian’s body is not as precious as this Eternal Supreme Treasure.


Ye Tian took out the Eternal Supreme Treasure stored in the small space, and its shape was a shuttle.

Due to the particularity here, this Eternal Supreme Treasure was not in an untouchable state, and Ye Tian could easily touch it.

The moment he touched this shuttle, Ye Tian knew its name—Ruyi Void Heavenly Shuttle.

The median Eternal Supreme Treasure Ruyi Void Tianshuo contains a variety of powerful spatial eternal Dao-the five eternal Dao, namely Piercing the Void, Splitting the Void, Shattering, Heavenly Breaking and Ruyi, and these five Eternal Dao are biased towards space.

It can be said that if these five Eternal Daos are cultivated to the legendary realm, it will help Ye Tian control the space in the future.

These five Eternal Daos can also be regarded as powerful Eternal Dao, but they are still inferior to the Gray Mist Eternal Dao.

“Yes, a median eternal treasure is still worth more than the Time River Bead, but the Time River Bead is even rarer.”

Ye Tian muttered.

It took him a little time to initially control this Eternal Supreme Treasure Ruyi Void Tianshuo before putting it away.

At the moment, he can also choose an item

After a while, Ye Tian finally chose the third item——

“Forbidden Sea Fruit!”

The Forbidden Heavenly Sea Fruit was a very precious treasure, a heavenly treasure that could be eaten, he had seen it in the treasure records of the True Holy Land before, and its only use was to enhance willpower without any sequelae.

Among the treasures that enhance the strength of will, the Forbidden Heaven Sea Fruit is listed as a top ten precious treasure.

However, it is too precious and too useful. Even if the number is not too small, there are many people needed, so except for a few Legendary Realm Lords, there are almost nothing, even if any Legendary Lord obtains the Forbidden Heaven Sea Fruit, he will directly eat the refining and enhance his willpower.

In fact, many Half-Step Legend Realm Lords were eager to obtain a Forbidden Heaven Sea Fruit.

For Ye Tian, the role of the Forbidden Sky Sea Fruit is also great, it can help him break through the will bottleneck and impact the sixth-order will.

What is the concept of sixth-order will, even if it is a transcendent realm lord and a few half-step legendary realm lords, the will is only the fifth order, and some legendary realm lords, the will is the sixth order, but it is basically the late sixth-order will.


The will of the Peak Legend Realm Lord can reach the seventh order, while the will of the Eternal Master can even reach the eighth or ninth order, which is too far away from him.

In short, once Ye Tian possessed the sixth-order will, his strength could be improved again, and the will rule heaven and earth would become more powerful.

Therefore, in terms of cost performance, the Forbidden Sky Sea Fruit helped him the most.

“Take it!”

Ye Tian directly took this Forbidden Heavenly Sea Fruit away

At this time, a force surged and directly moved him out of the cyan palace.

When the three treasures arrived, Ye Tian also breathed a sigh of relief.

“If only I could go in again.”

Ye Tian muttered.


He thought of something.

Maybe others can’t enter, because the avatar body is the same, and if you change a doppelganger, you can’t enter the cyan palace, and the detection of the legendary realm lords must be something that the legendary lords can’t avoid.

However, he may be able to avoid it.

For example, if he copies the appearance of other legendary lords and enters this cyan palace, will he be regarded as other legendary lords in the cyan palace.

If this was the case, he could sweep away all the treasures in the cyan palace and leave none behind.

“You can try!”

Ye Tian said excitedly. _

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