Ye Tianjian comprehended the hundredth Dao monument and caused the resonance of a hundred Dao monuments.

In an instant, a stone staircase appeared in front of him, leading to the endless depths.

“This is…”

Ye Tian was shocked.

Because this does not seem to be going to the third domain, but to a deeper place, ~ Is there a fourth domain?

With doubts, Ye Tian walked up this stone step.

However, the other Peak Legend Realm Lords did not sense this stone step at all, and only thought that Ye Tian had entered the third domain.

After stepping into the stone steps, Ye Tian clearly sensed the changes in the time and space around him, as if he had crossed a long distance in one step and led to the unknown depths.

After a while, he walked all the stone steps and came to a new world.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

“Endless Lord Ye Tian, control a hundred Dao, and obtain the qualification for the reserve member of the Eternal Hall, do you want to apply?”

A voice sounded.

The Temple of Eternity?

Ye Tian wondered, it was the first time he had heard of this name, so he didn’t know anything about it, and he didn’t know how to answer.

So, Ye Tian asked, “What is the Eternal Temple?” ”

The mysterious voice sounded again: “The Eternal Hall is a force established by some Eternal Masters, in addition to the Eternal Masters can join, only a very small number of Peak Legend Realm Lords can join, and the three thousand steles are both a chance and an assessment, you have understood a hundred Dao steles, so you have obtained this qualification.” However, in order to truly join the Eternal Temple, you must complete other tests before you can become one of the members of the Eternal Temple. ”

The Eternal Temple built by the Eternal Master!

Ye Tian knew very well how terrifying such a force was, and if he joined the Eternal Hall, it would be of great help to becoming an Eternal Master.

So, he immediately said, “I want to apply to become a reserve member of the Eternal Temple!” ”


A golden scroll appeared in front of Ye Tian, Ye Tian held it in his hand, and after opening it, three requirements appeared on it.

Requirement 1: Control 300 roads!

Requirement 2: Eternal Will reaches the eighth order!

Requirement 3: Break through the third floor of the Dao Domain Tower!

Ye Tian knew about the Dao Domain Tower, which was located in the third domain of the Dao Domain City, and the Dao Domain Tower could test his strength and hone his combat effectiveness.

Because when it comes to the Peak Legend Realm Lord, it is difficult to fight unscrupulously, and there is no way to arrange a formation to condense the opponent of the Peak Legend Realm Lord.

Therefore, the Peak Legend Realm Lord could only exercise his combat power unless he fought with other Peak Legend Realm Lords.

And the Dao Domain Tower is the place where the Eternal Controller is established, so it can condense opponents one by one, allowing the Peak Legend Realm Lord to test the battle dazzle

According to his understanding, the opponent of the sub-layer of the Dao Domain Tower was comparable to the third level of the Peak Legendary Realm Lord, the opponent of the second layer was comparable to the third and fourth levels of the Peak Legend Realm Lord, and the opponent of the third layer was comparable to the fourth level of the Peak Legendary Realm Lord.

Therefore, it is difficult to break through the third floor of the Dao Domain Tower.

Ye Tian did not have to complete all three requirements. To join the Eternal Temple, he only needs to complete any two.

Strictly speaking, this is not too demanding.

For example, the fourth or fifth level Peak Legend Realm Lord, maybe you can meet two of them. But there is not necessarily a chance to join the Eternal Temple, because the Peak Legend Realm Lord cannot find the Eternal Master, nor can he find the Eternal Temple.

It all depends on chance!

And this time, Ye Tian realized a hundred steles. After controlling a hundred paths and meeting the conditions, he was invited by the Eternal Temple to participate in further assessments.

Some fifth-level Peak Legend Realm Lords did not control a hundred Dao, so even if they came to Dao Domain City, they did not meet the conditions.

At this time, Ye Tian was wondering if Old Man Bai Beard was a member of the Eternal Temple?

The white-bearded old man knew several eternal masters. And he became friends with the Eternal Master, and if the white-bearded old man wanted to join the Eternal Temple, it was naturally not difficult.

“After you go out, visit the old man with white beard and ask about the situation.”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Immediately, he took a look at his surroundings.

The place where he is now should be the core area of the Dao Domain City, where there is a large purple tree standing in endless time and space.

And he is now under the tree.

He sat cross-kneeled under the tree, and found that this tree made him understand the supreme technique of creating time and space faster.

Moreover, he had a feeling that this place, he could only come once, unless he joined the Eternal Temple, he could come often.

He can go to the Third Domain at any time, and he can enter the Dao Domain Tower at any time in the future, even if the Dao Domain City is closed. It is also possible for him to enter the Dao Domain Tower Assessment.

Therefore, he didn’t want to waste time going to the Dao Domain Tower to test his combat power now.

“Just practice here until the Dao Domain City is closed, this opportunity must be grasped.”

Ye Tian began to work hard to comprehend, and with the help of this mysterious purple tree, he constantly comprehended the supreme technique of creating time and space.

Time passed slowly, and the purple tree emitted a large amount of purple aura, pouring into Ye Tian’s body, and this purple aura increased his spiritual understanding many times.

Moreover, the fusion of time and space has become very easy at this moment.


Ye Tian disbanded the other replica bodies, condensed one copy body after another here, and cultivated here at the same time, without wasting a single opportunity.

………… 0

One eternal era after another has passed.

Soon, the Dao Domain City was about to close.

“It’s a pity, it’s going to be moved!

Ye Tian sighed.

The next moment, his body was moved out.

Not only him, but also the other Peak Legend Realm Lords were all moved out, and one by one appeared in the void of the void area.

However, Ye Tian could sense the location of the Dao Domain Tower at this time, and he could enter the Dao Domain Tower at any time, which was one of the benefits of the reserve members of the Eternal Hall.

“Endless Lord, how is the harvest?”

The Underworld Lord appeared beside Ye Tian and asked.

Ye Tian smiled and said, “The harvest is okay, but it’s a pity that the time is too short.” ”

The Lord of the Underworld nodded repeatedly: “Yes, the time is too short, if I let me enter a few more times, I may have hope to complete the fusion of time and space and step into the second level of the Peak Legend Realm Lord.” ”

“Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Ye Tian said.

Immediately, the two tore through the void and returned to the Infinite Sea.

After returning, Ye Tian continued to retreat and comprehend in the Immeasurable Heaven and Earth, and the Lord of the Underworld also continued to retreat and cultivate, digesting all the gains from his perception in the Dao Domain City this time

Before you know it, dozens of eternal epochs have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian finally created the third Space-Time Supreme Technique, and it was also an extremely powerful Supreme Technique, surpassing the other two Space-Time Supreme Skills. _

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