“That tree is it!”

The Frontier Lord looked at the big black tree in front of him.

This big tree is not too big, but the breath is very strange, and the branches on the body are like tentacles, spreading in all directions of time and space, and constantly twisting.

“The power of destruction!”

Ye Tian muttered.

The border lord nodded: “Yes, this big tree has the power of destruction, which is actually a destructive power that extends based on time and space and causes mutation, our defenses are easily shattered by this destructive power, and even our bodies are difficult to resist the invasion of the destructive force, before my doppelganger was killed, that’s it, countless branches attacked, it was too difficult to resist.” Endless Lord, we don’t want to kill it, its defense is terrible, even more difficult to kill than the Fourth Level Peak Legendary Realm Lord, so our task is to rush over 100 million”


Ye Tian is not stupid, he will not think that he has the strength to kill this big tree.

“Come on!”

The Frontier Lord said.


Ye Tian and the Frontier Lord instantly rushed forward

At this moment, the countless branches of that big tree shattered layers of time and space.

“Thousand True Body!”

Ye Tian unleashed this time-space supreme technique, and his body became extremely huge, blocking a large number of branches.

The other two replica bodies rushed over at the fastest speed.


Sendo True Body withstood too many attacks and began to collapse.

Ye Tian himself is the supreme legendary body, so after condensing the supreme body of time and space, his defense is very terrifying, and with the Thousand Dao True Body, the defense is even stronger.

But even so, he still couldn’t bear it.

Soon, this replica body was completely shattered.

But at this moment, Ye Tian’s other two replica bodies were rapidly exerting their void walking, joining forces with the border lord, and they were about to rush out of this area.

“The last critical time and space have arrived!”

Ye Tian and the Frontier Lord realized in their hearts.

This tree will also make a big move, and if this big move cannot be stopped, they will be completely destroyed.


Time and space solidified, countless branches condensed into a giant hand, directly holding this area, and Ye Tian and the border lord’s doppelganger were here, being held and pinched,

This area was directly crushed, and the power of this blow was comparable to the all-out blow of the fourth-level peak legendary realm lord.

Ye Tian burst out with all his might with a replica body, burning everything to cast a sword to slash the three bodies and the attack of the border lord, tearing a gap, and letting his last replica body rush out.

And the border lord also had a doppelganger and rushed out alive.


In a strange area, Ye Tian and the Lord of the Shadow were both alive and ugly, and the other two doppelgangers had fallen

At this moment, they have left the territory of that big tree and will not be attacked.

But what exactly is in these latter areas, the border lords do not know.

“This big tree is too terrifying, if it can’t move, otherwise it is comparable to the peak legendary realm lord of the true fourth level.” Ye Tian commented.

“yes, if it could move. I don’t dare to come here! ”

Frontier Lord Road.

“Let’s recover your injuries first, and then explore here when you recover from your injuries!”

Ye Tian suggested.


The Frontier Lord nodded.

After some time, both recovered from their injuries.

Then, they flew slowly, after all, everything here is very strange, once it falls here, there is no way to come back in a short time, after all, it takes a long time for the border lord to condense the doppelganger again, and the price is also large.

Therefore, the border lords did not dare to mess around.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian and the Frontier Lord traveled through the silent void, and finally encountered a different place.

“Sea of flowers!”

In the distance, a sea of flowers emerged, this sea of flowers is also very strange, suspended in the void like this, definitely not an ordinary sea of flowers.

“Go over and take a look.”

Ye Tian suggested.


The Frontier Lord immediately condensed an avatar. With Ye Tian’s avatar flew over.

But before he got close to the sea of flowers, a floral fragrance spread over, and the two avatars were directly shattered.

“There is indeed danger!”

Ye Tian said solemnly.

Although their avatars are not powerful, they annihilate their avatars in an instant, and this flower fragrance is extremely strange.

“This flower can affect our willpower, the incarnation’s willpower is too weak to bear it, do you want to try it separately?” The border lord hesitated.

Once it fell, it was a complete failure this time.

But this sea of flowers is a chance, if you don’t try it, it’s really a pity.

There are too few opportunities to be useful to them, even if there is little hope, they have to give it a try.

At this time, Ye Tian said, “Let’s do this. Wait until I condense a doppelgänger and try again. My cohesion doppelganger is relatively inexpensive and fast. ”

“Condense the doppelganger here?”

The Frontier Lord was shocked.

If he wants to condense his doppelganger again, he needs at least hundreds of eternal epochs, and he needs to spend a lot of resources. And it takes a long time to divide the will.

Not only him, but also other Peak Legend Realm Lords.

Ye Tian reunited the doppelganger, how fast could it be?

“Endless Lord, how long will it take you to condense your doppelganger, if it’s too long, I’ll take the risk of trying it,” the Frontier Lord said.

“It won’t be long, at most an eternal era!”

Ye Tian said.

In fact, he can condense in a while, but he can’t say that, so he will say that time is a little longer.

“Then soon, just wait.”

The Frontier Lord said.

Ye Tian then began to pretend to condense the doppelganger, but actually went to cultivate.

And the body of the border lord is also beginning to condense (Li Yihao) gather doppelgängers, and time slowly passes like this.

After an eternal era.

Ye Tian instantly condensed the copy body, and the copy body immediately walked out of the body.

“Border lord, the doppelganger condensed into a hundred million”

Ye Tian reminded.

“Okay, then trouble the Endless Lord to send a doppelganger to try, if it’s too dangerous, let’s go directly to other places to see.” Frontier Lord Road.


Ye Tian nodded slightly, and immediately copied his body and flew towards the sea of flowers.

When approaching the sea of flowers, the aroma of the sea of flowers spreads.

Ye Tian originally wanted to stop the spread of the aroma. I want to absorb a hint of aroma research, but I can’t stop it at all. The fragrance of flowers directly entered Ye Tian’s will.

The will of the half-step eighth order constantly resisted the invasion of the flower fragrance, although it was very difficult, it could still resist.

“Yes, you should be able to enter the sea of flowers to support for a while.”

Ye Tian judged the Dao level. _

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