Before trying to create a space-time control technique, Ye Tian first went to create several space-time control techniques that were mainly based on destructive power, as a work to practice.

If it had been in the past, if Ye Tian wanted to create such a time-space control technique, he would need at least hundreds of Eternal Epochs.

However, now, Ye Tian’s speed of creation was too fast.

In less than one eternal era, Ye Hao successfully created a time-space supreme technique, the Hand of Darkness!

Subsequently, Ye Tian spent a while creating another time-space supreme technique-Destruction Pupil Light!

For Ye Tian, it would not take much time to create a space-time supreme technique now, but at least he could accumulate experience and prepare for the creation of a space-time control technique.

In the back, Ye Tian’s creation of the Space-Time Supreme Technique was somewhat arbitrary, mainly to delve into the power of destruction.

This day.

Ye Tian began to formally study and create the Space-Time Control Technique, and its difficulty suddenly increased by a hundred times and a thousand times.

As the years passed, Ye Tian constantly tried to create, and often went to the Dao Domain Tower to fight, and often fought with the big tree in the Rising Realm to sharpen his research skills.

Gradually, Ye Tian had some understanding, but he was still far from creating a space-time control technique.

Before you know it, thousands of eternal epochs have passed.

“It can’t be created.”

Ye Tian shook his head.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to create, but after such a long period of research, he found that without fusing time and space to the peak realm, there is no way to create space-time control techniques with the power of space-time.

Of course, he is not without gains, otherwise 017 would not have studied and created for so long.

He is studying a space-time supreme technique, but he can exert some of the power of the space-time control technique, which has surpassed the top space-time supreme technique, which can be called a half-step space-time mastery technique.

Once he created such a time-space supreme technique, he had hopes of breaking through the third level of the Dao Domain Tower.

Moreover, the Dao he now controls has exceeded the number of two hundred, approaching the number of three hundred step by step.

If the Dao he controlled exceeded three hundred and passed the third level of the Dao Domain Tower, he could join the Eternal Temple.

“I’ve studied it almost enough, as long as a few hundred more Eternal Epochs pass, I can probably completely create a half-step space-time control technique.” Ye Tian said darkly.

In the blink of an eye, more than six hundred eternal epochs have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian finally created this half-step space-time control technique.

This half-step space-time control technique is still based on destructive power, time and space, and is assisted by many paths.

He named this half-step space-time control technique as the piercing light, which condenses a spear piercing light with the ultimate destructive power plus the power of time and space, and instantly pierces all matter.

After creating this half-step space-time control technique, Ye Tian came to the Dao Domain Tower, and he wanted to break through the third level.

The third level of the Dao Domain Tower.

Ye Tian came here, and soon the opponent of the third level appeared.

The will of the opponent of the third level is also a half-step eighth-order, and the will power is not as strong as Ye Tian, after all, he has refined a large number of colorful golden fruits, and the will power is very close to the eighth order.

The strength of will is strong, which also gives him some advantages.

The battle begins!

㓚 Tian didn’t want to delay the battle, his flaws were obvious, that is, insufficient defense, insufficient speed, so he could only rely on the half-step space-time control technique of the Piercing Palace.

Therefore, he must fight quickly.

“Piercing Light!”

A piercing light instantly shot away, locking the other party.

This blow, the opponent cannot avoid unless the opponent’s willpower reaches the eighth order.


The piercing light penetrated the opponent’s body and annihilated most of the opponent’s body.

However, even so, the other party did not fall.

Walk in nothingness!

Ye Tian performed this time-space supreme technique in time, but the opponent’s attack also came, directly injuring Ye Tian.

Fortunately, Ye Tian’s willpower has improved a lot now, and he can react in time, otherwise this time it will be a heavy blow.

Ye Tian went all out, constantly fighting with the other party, and soon cast another piercing light, which hit the other party hard.

However, Ye Tian himself was also seriously injured.

Finally, Ye Tian cast the third piercing light and killed the other party, but he was also beaten to pieces by the other party’s dying blow, and almost fell.

I have to say that the piercing light is powerful enough to allow Ye Tian to leapfrog the level and fight.

Of course, he can also be regarded as the fourth level of peak legendary realm lord combat power.

“Finally broke through, the next step is to raise the control of the Dao to three hundred, and you can completely join the Eternal Temple.”

Ye Tian said excitedly.

So, he began to fully comprehend these paths.

With the improvement of willpower and the creation of a half-step time and space control technique, Ye Tian’s own realm has improved, and the Dao is connected to each other, so the difficulty of Ye Tian’s comprehension of other Dao is naturally reduced.

So, in the back, the time it takes him to control a path is getting shorter and shorter.

This time, Ye Tian was ready to completely control the three hundred paths, so he had been practicing penance.

Of course, the replica body of the Cloud Forest Sea is also constantly using the cloud pulp liquid of the Cloud Forest Sea to quench the supreme body of time and space, and comprehend the Cloud Pattern Monument, but the effect is becoming more and more general, and it is almost useless.

The Void Region has been very calm in this period of time, and there are no major things.

It is worth mentioning that several Legendary Realm Lords were born in the True Sacred Land, but no new Peak Legendary Realm Lords were born.

If you want to give birth to another peak Legend Realm Lord, it is still very difficult.

The years go by.

In the blink of an eye, 10,000 eternal epochs have passed.

For such a long time, Ye Tian’s time-space fusion was close to its peak, but in fact, it was still very difficult to cross this step.

However, the Dao controlled by Ye Tian finally reached three hundred.

The number of Dao under his control reached three hundred, and with the third level of the Dao Domain Tower, Ye Tian had already obtained the qualification to join the Eternal Hall.

This day.

Ye Tian came to the Dao Domain Tower and applied to join the Eternal Hall through the Dao Domain Tower.

At this time, he only needs to wait for the invitation of the Eternal Temple.

Void region, an unknown space-time.

A temple that seems to have the origin of all things stands across time and space.

Suddenly, several Eternal Masters appeared here.

Of course, this is only their incarnation here, not the essence.

Eternal controllers do not have avatars, and they cannot condense doppelgangers, which is also one of the shortcomings of eternal controllers, but their avatars can have hundreds of millions, and each incarnation is comparable to the peak legendary realm lord of the fifth level.

Soon, several Eternal Masters began to discuss.

“There is a summons over there in the Dao Domain Tower, and there is a peak legendary realm lord in the Void Region who has broken through the third level, and has controlled three hundred paths, meeting the qualifications to join the Eternal Hall.”

“Who is it, Lei Yan? Yonghe? Boundary glass? ”

“No, it’s a newly promoted Peak Legend Realm Lord, called the Endless Lord, named Ye Tian, very young.”

“Endless Lord Ye Tian, I really haven’t paid much attention to it, I’ll take a look.”

However, when these eternal masters looked through time and space and looked at Ye Tian, they found that Ye Tian’s future was blurred.

Suddenly, they were shocked.

They are eternal masters, even they can’t see through Ye Tian’s future, how can this be?

“There are two possibilities, one is that Ye Tian is not a creature in our Void Region, then we can’t watch his future, but he is obviously a creature in the Void Region, and this possibility can be erased. The second is that he will definitely be able to become an eternal controller in the future, even a very powerful eternal controller, and Ye Tian in the future directly shielded the timeline of the past body, so that I couldn’t even check it. ”

“No, there is another possibility, that is, he has some treasure that can shield perception, but it is unlikely.”

“Yes, in terms of his talent and growth rate, the second possibility is the most likely, that is, he will definitely become an eternal controller in the future. Of course, even if he can become an eternal controller in the future, if he falls halfway, then the timeline he is in will inevitably collapse completely, and there will be no future timeline for him. ”

“Hahaha, such a genius, it’s too late for us to bless, naturally we won’t allow him to fall.”

“Endless Lord Ye Tian is qualified to join the Eternal Temple, who will pick him up?”

“Let Bai Xu go, I’m the Eternal Master, there’s no need to put down my son to pick up a peak Legend Realm Lord.”

“Okay, then let the white whiskers go.”

After several Eternal Masters finished speaking, they notified the white-bearded old man who was in the void area. _

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