Origin Realm Sea, Tucheng.

This is the second address given by the fourth senior sister Xuenu, and a very famous place, much more famous than what Tongyang Mountain, there are many eternal controllers here, and it is the only city composed of eternal controllers.

How rare the Eternal Controller is, and the inhabitants of this city are all made up of Eternal Controllers, which shows how exaggerated.

Of course, this is not the territory of some eternal master, and no one completely occupies it.

The reason why this place attracts so many eternal masters is naturally because of the boundary river monument, and there is more than one boundary river monument, because there are many boundary river monuments.

There is a inheritance of a seven-realm-level controller in Tucheng, this one took the initiative to leave the inheritance, and took out all the dozens of boundary river monuments he obtained in his life as a reward, and everyone can get this reward, provided that he collects the key he put out.

This seven-realm-level controller is called Old Man Turtle Mountain, very vicious, he was originally subject to mortal death, but in fact he can live for a long time, so he arranged for a long time and built Tuta.

Tuta connects multiple time and space, enters the time and space where Tuta is located, and passes some levels to get key fragments, and the key fragments obtained by different levels are different.

Once all the fragments of the key are collected, a truly perfect key can be formed, and a boundary river monument can be obtained, and the boundary river monument can be directly taken from the Tu tower.

The real key is composed of 365 fragments, but a certain 108 key fragments can be combined into small keys, and can also be exchanged for some precious rewards and resources.

After all, the old man of Turtle Mountain left behind not only the boundary river stele, but also many resources, treasures, etc., which can also be exchanged.

And how many key fragments there are in Tuta, it is not clear, almost endless, many eternal controllers are very bored, so they come here to collect key fragments, and even exchange key fragments with each other.

If you’re lucky, you can put together the little keys.

As for trying to get the perfect key, it was very difficult, but over the years, someone still got it together and obtained the boundary river monument from Tuta.

Ye Tian came to Tucheng and learned about these situations, and felt that this Tuta collecting key fragments was like some small games on the earth, but the years were too old, and his memories of the earth were a little blurry.

“This old man of Kameyama really has bad taste, this is to let a large number of eternal masters play games here!” Ye Tian thought to himself.

In his opinion, the purpose of many Eternal Masters in Tucheng is not to obtain the boundary river monument, but more to obtain the fun of obtaining key fragments.

Many eternal masters can’t make progress in endless years, and in fact don’t expect to improve, and if they don’t have some fun, I’m afraid it will be boring.

Many eternal masters went straight into a deep sleep because they were too bored.

Therefore, it is good to have such a city as Tucheng.


“All 365 key fragments, if all collected, are very difficult, and the larger the serial number, the easier it is to collect and the lowest value.”

Ye Tian learned that the number one key fragment was the rarest, there were only dozens in total, followed by the number two key fragment, and there were very few key fragments with integer serial numbers.

In addition, if you collect 36 serial key fragments and 72 consecutive key fragments, you can turn into a treasure box, and put the treasure box into the tower, and you can randomly open a treasure.

Of course, after opening, the treasure box disappears, and the collected key fragments will also be collected by Tuta.

The 36 serial key fragments are combined to form a small treasure box, and 72 serial key pieces are combined to form a large treasure box.

To craft the small key, you must get the number two key fragment, and to synthesize the perfect key, you must collect the number one key fragment.

“Interesting, indeed interesting!”

Ye Tian smiled.

In the shops of Tucheng, some eternal controllers are selling key fragments, which exude eternal and immortal light, and look very extraordinary.

The price of these key fragments fluctuates and is often affected by the number of other key fragments in the city.

The key fragments are sold by ordinary eternal controllers, who know that they are relatively short of resources, so they sell the key fragments that they do not need or are redundant.

Ye Tian looked at some shops, but did not buy them.

He can go to Tuta himself to collect key fragments, unless there is really some kind of key fragment missing, it is difficult to collect, and he will consider buying the missing key fragment.

“Let’s go to Tuta first.”

Ye Tian walked towards Tuta.

Soon, he came to a tower that could not see the height, as if it ran through infinite time and space, and seemed to be infinitely high.

“Very extraordinary, worthy of the Tuta established by the Seven Realms level master!”

Ye Tian muttered.

In the Origin Realm Sea, the number of controllers above the seventh realm level is very rare, and each of them is a big person who shocked the entire Origin Realm Sea.

For example, Ye Tian’s four senior brothers and sisters are such characters.

Ye Tian walked into Tuta, which was divided into an exchange area and a customs area.

Ye Tian came directly to the breakthrough area and saw these level tasks.

The level breaking area is very complicated, such as entering a place called the time and space of the tricky beast, where there are many, many tricky beasts, and killing the tricky beast has a certain chance to get the key fragment.

These strange beasts are special creatures derived from the rules created by the old man of Kameyama, and they are immortal in any time and space, even if they are killed now, after a period of time, they will be reborn.

Unless you break the rules laid out by the old man of Kameyama, you can completely smash and disappear these rules.

And those who are stronger than the old man of Kameyama will naturally not be bored to do this kind of thing.

In short, the stronger the beast, the greater the hope of killing the dropped key fragments.

Of course, every long time, the beast time and space will be opened, there will be a large number of eternal masters into it, this process will have a certain danger, if it falls in the beast time and space, it will really fall.

Therefore, there are still few eternal masters who dare to enter the fight.

In addition to the beast time and space, there is also a battle power tower, according to the strength, there is no danger, every time you break through the floor, you must be able to get a key fragment, which is also the easiest place to get a key fragment.


Ye Tian looked at all the levels where he could obtain key fragments, and he knew it in his heart.

“Go to the Battle Power Tower first and get some key fragments!”

Ye Tian decided.

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