“Little Junior Brother, the path of cultivation seems to have the extreme, but it seems that there is no extreme. Just like in the era before the master, any transformation realm will, primitive-level control body, that did not exist. But someone broke the limit and created this realm, and the realm was broken and moved to a higher level. Just like the master, who has broken the extreme of the ten realm level controllers, and has surpassed the realm of the eternal controller in half a step, maybe one day, the masters will take this step and create a new realm. ”

Jiang Youdao.

“That’s right!”

Ye Tian nodded.

Subsequently, Ye Tian chatted with his master brother Jiang You for a long time, and the senior brother was very good and enthusiastic.

Although it was said that among the four senior brothers and sisters, the senior brother was the weakest, it was still a realm that Ye Tian could not reach at present.

Soon after, Ye Tian took his leave and returned to his residence to continue his practice.

Right now, he didn’t have any hope of raising his ninth-order peak will to the Transformation Realm, but at least he had a goal.

As for the body of control, it can only be slowly improved, and it is impatient.

And the changes in many ways must also be understood one by one, and it is also urgent.

At his level, every time he progresses, it is very difficult, and it is naturally impossible to progress as quickly as before.

The years are like a shuttle, and hundreds of thousands of rivers have passed.

This day.

The Eternal Hall in the Void Region conveyed a message to Ye Tian.

“The Silver Demon Master has fallen?”

It was the old man with white whiskers who conveyed the news, so there must be no mistake in the news.

“How could the Silver Demon Master fall?” Ye Tian was a little curious.

Although the Silver Demon Controller was weak in his eyes, and even had some contradictions with him, after all, he was an eternal controller in the Void Region, and he naturally had some attention and would not ignore this matter.

The white-bearded old man said: “How the Silver Demon Controller fell, we don’t know, according to the intelligence, he has hardly gone to any forbidden places, and the Silver Demon Controller has always been very timid, but this time he was on the way to Fengming City, and suddenly fell silently.” He fell so fast that he didn’t even deliver any news, and some of the avatars he left behind dissipated instantly. ”

“Killed by other Eternal Masters?”

Ye Tian guessed.

“As it should be.”

The white-bearded old man nodded.

He didn’t doubt Ye Tian, because Ye Tian’s level, if he killed the Silver Demon Master, he would have killed it long ago, and he would not wait until today.

Therefore, he came to Ye Tian to explain the situation.

“Are there any suspects?” Ye Tian asked.

The white-bearded old man shook his head, “There are no clues, even if you peek into time and space, you can’t find any traces.” ”

Spying into time and space is something that eternal masters like to do, but it’s easy to disrupt time exploration.

Therefore, if the enemy wants to kill the Silver Demon Master, it is impossible to leave traces of time and space.

“Old man Whitebeard, go and investigate, if there are any clues, tell me.”

Ye Tiandao.


The white-bearded old man nodded.

He also knew that it was just a fall of a silver demon controller, and it was not worth Ye Tian to personally investigate, in case it was just a simple vendetta, Ye Tian would not even take revenge on others.

After all, vendettas are common, and the silver demon controller is not his relatives, why should he take revenge?

But if it was aimed at the Void Zone, then he would certainly not stand idly by.

After another period of time, the white-bearded old man came to Ye Tian again.

“Endless controllers, the situation seems to be a little complicated, and the number of fallen Eternal Controllers in the thirteenth realm recently is somewhat large.” The white-bearded old man said.

“A lot of Eternal Masters fall?”

Ye Tian frowned.

“Yes!” Old Man Bai Xu said: “It stands to reason that the Eternal Controller is not easy to fall, and the Thirteenth Boundary River has not had any major events recently, so the frequency of fighting between the Eternal Controller is not high, but in the past tens of thousands of boundary river years, the Eternal Controller has fallen by more than three digits, which is not normal.” ”

“A three-digit Eternal Master has actually fallen!”

Ye Tian was surprised.

Although there are many eternal controllers of the thirteenth boundary river, a giant city has one or several eternal controllers, while the thirteenth boundary river has how many giant cities and how many forces.

It can be said that the eternal controllers of the thirteenth boundary river are at least hundreds of thousands, or even more.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the death of several eternal masters, even the death of a dozen, also causes any waves.

However, more than three digits died in a short period of time, which is not normal.

“How did these eternal masters die?” Ye Tian asked.

The white-bearded old man hurriedly said: “According to our investigation, most of them fell silently, and the murderer could not be found, and only a few were killed by other eternal masters in the process of fighting for treasures. ”

“It seems that the same Eternal Controller or the same force started it, what did they do by killing so many Eternal Masters?”

Ye Tian was curious.

If it is to kill people and seize treasures, it doesn’t make sense, because it can easily erase so many eternal controllers, the strength of the other party must not be weak, and the strength of these eternal controllers of the silver demon controller is too weak, there must be nothing good on the body, even if there are many of them, they are useless to the powerful eternal controllers.

Therefore, killing people and taking treasures cannot be justified.

However, the other party must have killed with a purpose.

Subsequently, Ye Tian inquired about the situation in detail, confirming that those eternal controllers who were killed, the strongest one was also a three-domain level controller.

At this time, the white-bearded old man was also a second-domain level controller, so he was also afraid.

“Old man with white whiskers, you have been staying in the void area recently, don’t run around.”

Ye Tian instructed.


The white-bearded old man nodded, he really didn’t dare to run around, so he stayed in the void area.

There is Ye Tian sitting in the Void Region, and other Eternal Masters cannot easily enter the Void Region, and the Void Region is the most solid barrier and backing for Eternal Masters.


Ye Tian’s replicating body went to the residence of the half-tooth controller, and quickly found the half-tooth controller.

“Senior Brother Ye!”

The half-tooth master said respectfully.

Ye Tian asked directly, “Junior Brother Banya, do you know the news that many Eternal Masters have been killed recently in the Thirteenth Boundary River?” ”

“The Eternal Master was killed? I really don’t know yet! ”

The half-tooth master shook his head.

He is now also a second-realm level controller, and he is about to reach the third-realm level controller, so naturally he rarely pays attention to the affairs of the weak eternal controller.

Subsequently, Ye Tian briefly explained the situation.

After the half-tooth controller knew this, he immediately frowned and said, “This situation is somewhat familiar!” ”

“Familiar?” Ye Tian’s expression moved, “Could it have happened before?” ”

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