Sunset Palace.

Each eternal controller above the seventh realm level has an independent space, each independent space seems to stand in a time and space, and the core of the convergence of many time and space is the location of the auction table, and a ninth-level controller from the headquarters of the Boundary River Chamber of Commerce acts as an auctioneer to auction items.

Ye Tian already stood in a space-time space in the periphery, after all, he was only an eight-realm-level controller, and the real realm still hadn’t reached the nine-realm-level controller, because he could only be in the outer space-time.

And the space close to the inner periphery of time and space is only controlled by the nine realms level or above, so they can stay there.

Just from the spatial position, you can see the status.

And Ye Tian quickly sensed an acquaintance, the Qingser controller, and the space-time space where the other party was located was not far from Ye Tian.

Seeing the Qingser controller, Ye Tian felt a little embarrassed.

He was too familiar with the Qingser controller, of course, the body, after all, he copied the body of the Qingser controller.

But this matter, the Qingser controller does not know, if he knows, the Qingser controller will definitely find him desperately.

“Endless Master!”

The Qingser controller also sensed Ye Tian and said hello.

And Ye Tian also responded: “Qingser controller, meet again!” ”

The two chatted briefly, and naturally did not continue to speak.

At this time.

There are still Eternal Masters coming here, but there is not a single Ten Realm level controller who finally came here.

At the very least, Ye Tian hadn’t seen a Ten Realm level master.

“It seems that the circle of the Ten Realm level controllers is one level higher, and such an auction will not attract the ten realm level controllers!” Ye Tian said darkly.

From the moment to view.

The seventh-realm-level to nine-realm-level controllers belong to a circle, but the status of the ninth-realm-level controllers is far superior to that of the seventh-realm-level controllers, but the circle is still together.

And the ten-realm-level controller is above another circle, as long as the great existence does not make a move, the ten-realm-level controller is an invincible existence.

And the Ten Elements Ancestor they belong to another circle!

After a long time, almost all the people who came to participate arrived, and if they did not come at this time, they basically did not come.

After all, the speed of the Seven Realms-level masters was so fast, no matter where they were, they all arrived.

Not long after, the auction began.

The person who presided over the auction this time was the Nine Realms level controller of the headquarters of the Boundary River Chamber of Commerce, the Kitano controller.

Kitano Master took out the first auction item.

“Next, auction the first auction item, the Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit, which can help the Eternal Controller raise the eighth-level control body to the ninth-level controller body. Its owner wants to enhance the treasure of willpower and is suitable for the late ninth order Eternal Will. Now start the auction, those who want to bid can say their own offer, and the owner of the Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit will decide! Kitano said.

“The Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit is indeed a good thing!”

Ye Tian muttered.

At the beginning, he wanted to upgrade the eighth-level control body to the ninth-level control body, and he saw it casually here, but if he wanted to obtain such a treasure, he had to pay the equivalent item, otherwise people would not sell it.

If you exchange the treasure that enhances the will for the treasure that enhances the body of control, the other party will not lose.

Of course, if no one wants to trade, it will be lost.

This kind of barter auction, streaming auction is naturally a normal situation.


A Seven Realms Master bid.

“I’ll take out a purple thunder source!”

This Seven Realms level master said.

The purple thunder source is also a treasure that helps to enhance the will, if it is in the late ninth order extreme, a purple thunder source will indeed help break the shackles and break through to the ninth order peak realm.

However, the value of the purple thunder source was slightly worse, not as good as the Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit.

After a while, another Eternal Master spoke, “I will send out a purple thunder source plus a hundred fragrance soul grass. ”

The Passion Soul Grass also helps to improve the will of the late ninth order, but it is of no use to the peak will of the ninth order.

But if the purple thunder source is added to the Passion Soul Grass, the value is similar to the Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit.

At this time, no one else quoted.

“Congratulations to the Dust River Controller for obtaining the Blood Yang Dragon Spirit Fruit by bidding for the Passion Soul Grass and a Purple Thunder Source.” Kitano Controller said.

Next, one item after another was auctioned.

At the beginning, the items auctioned were only useful to the seventh-realm level controllers, but they had little value for the eighth-realm level controllers.


The treasures that are valuable to the eight realm level masters have been auctioned.

“The next auction item is the Black Water Demon Crystal, presumably many Eternal Masters know its name, it comes from the depths of the Realm beyond the Realm River, and it is an incomparably distant depth, far away from the Boundary River and the Origin Realm Sea, in a lost area. The Black Water Demon Crystal is extremely rare, but its value is very high, and it has a one percent chance of forcibly breaking the ninth-level control body into the primitive-level control body. The owner of the auction item this time wants a life source heart, as long as anyone has a life source heart, he can directly complete the transaction. If not, then the treasure that needs to heal the injuries of the Seven Realms Level Master, start bidding now! Kitano said.

At this time.

Many controllers were surprised that they actually exchanged the Black Water Demon Crystal for healing things.

It is too wasteful to exchange such good things for healing things.

But the other party’s injuries must be very serious, and they cannot be healed by themselves, otherwise they will not change the healing things.

“In the Origin Realm Sea, there are only a few Seven Realm level masters who need to heal, it should be one of them.”

“It’s a pity that I don’t have a life source heart, otherwise I really have to bid for it.” Black Water Demon Crystal, I can upgrade my control body to the original level control body, and my strength will skyrocket! ”

“Shouldn’t the other party be mortally injured in order to capture the Black Water Demon Crystal?”

“It should be possible, if you want to obtain the Black Water Demon Crystal, the price is not low, and the other party is likely to be injured because of this.”

While many Eternal Controllers were talking about it, an Eternal Controller bid.

This is still someone Ye Tian knows—the Qingser controller.

The accumulation of Qingse’s controller is enough, and she has condensed the realm of will incarnation, which is very close to the nine-realm-level controller, if she obtains the Black Water Demon Crystal and condenses the primordial level control body, there is really hope to be directly promoted to the ninth realm level controller.

Even if he can’t be promoted, his strength will reach the extreme of an eight-realm-level master.

The Qingser controller took out the life source heart, and naturally directly photographed the Black Water Demon Crystal.

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