“It’s arrived!”

Ye Tian and the Xuantu controller stopped and came to a sea of black silence.

Behind, the Xuanxian Master also came.

“Black Silent Sea, what are Master Venerable and Endless Masters doing here?” 、

The Xuanxian controller was a little puzzled, but it was difficult to ask anything.

He just stood nearby, waiting, and if something special happened, he would pass.

At this time, some eternal masters gathered around, one by one, peering into time and space from a great distance to check the situation here.


“Xuantu Master, let’s start!”

Ye Tian urged.


The Xuantu controller did not want to delay time, so he directly sat cross-kneeled in the sea of black silence, and immediately began to run the black induction technique.

Although he had some expectations and confidence in the Black Attraction Technique, after all, his life was at stake, and if he failed this time, he would completely lose hope.


The black induction technique operated, and began to attract several black auras at the root of the body.

Originally, he couldn’t sense those black auras, and he didn’t dare to try to find them, but at this moment, under the effect of the black attraction technique, he actually sensed the black aura that destroyed the body of control at the root.

“What a magical black attraction technique, it actually allowed me to find the root of the collapse of the control body, and I sensed these black auras, there is definitely hope this time!”

The Xuantu controller said excitedly.


“Master is going to start trying to solve the physical situation, I hope it can succeed this time!”

The Void Master said expectantly.

But actually, he didn’t think that Ye Tian could help Master Venerable solve his physical condition, and this time was likely to be the same as the previous times.

However, this was the only time he could hope that he could not stop his master from trying.

If you don’t try, you can only wait silently to die, and you won’t be able to survive for long.

“What is the Xuantu Master doing? Is he going to try to solve the physical condition again? ”

“If he can’t succeed, I asked a ten-realm-level controller, and they all said that the injury of the Xuantu controller cannot be solved at all, unless it is to find a great existence such as the primordial ancestor, there is no hope to solve his problem. But how could such an existence as the primordial ancestor help him? ”

“The Xuantu controller tried several times before, but failed, and this time the endless controller went to help solve his physical condition, and it is estimated that he will not succeed.”

“After the Xuantu controller falls, how about we divide the treasures he left behind?”

“Okay, no problem, let’s divide it equally, there is no need to fight.”

These Eternal Masters all believe that the Xuantu Masters cannot restore their physical condition, which is almost a consensus.

However, they did not expect that Ye Tian could actually copy the body of the Xuantu controller, and after studying it for many years, he created the Black Attraction Technique, and personally tested the feasibility of the Black Citation Technique.

Time passed slowly, and under the effect of the black attraction technique, several black auras were finally drawn out and merged into the sea of black silence.


The Black Silent Sea began to collapse and die under the integration of black aura.

In the blink of an eye, the black silent sea that covered this area shattered and died, and this void was also shattered.

And the Xuantu controller walked out from the sea of black silence, the decaying aura on his body began to disappear, blood and flesh were derived, and the injuries on the outside returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

However, the Xuantu controller did not return to its heyday.

At this moment, he is still injured not lightly, and there are sequelae caused by the black induction technique.

In the future, even if you recover all your injuries, your control will weaken a lot, and your strength will drop a lot.

However, he managed to survive.

“Thank you Endless Controller for the grace of reconstruction!”

The Xuantu controller said gratefully.

Although he has not recovered from his injury now, he knows that his controlling body will no longer collapse, how excited his heart is!

“Xuantu controller, gratitude is gratitude, the reward still has to be given!” Ye Tian urged.

“Okay, follow me back to Xuan Tianzong, all the treasures on my body will remain in Xuan Tianzong!”

Xuantu Controller Dao.

After all, he would fall at any time, so he did not leave any treasure on his body.


Ye Tian and the Xuantu controller tore apart time and space and returned to the Xuantian Sect.

“Master is good????”

The Xuanxian Master was shocked.

The collapse of the control body that made countless eternal controllers helpless was actually handled by the endless masters so quickly.

That’s too fast!

Immediately, the master of the mysterious void was overjoyed.

Master Venerable is good, which means that the backer of Xuan Tianzong still exists.

If the Xuantu controller falls, he loses his backers, and it is difficult to keep the great foundation of Xuantian Sect, unless he turns to some big force, but he can’t keep a lot of resources.

But now, Master Venerable has recovered his body and will not fall, and the Xuan Tianzong has been saved.

Xuan Tianzong.

The Xuantu controller took out the three Wanxiang statues directly and handed them to Ye Tian: “Endless Master, these are the three Wanxiang statues, which were promised to you at the beginning, and there are ten treasures, I will immediately take out all the treasures and let you choose.” ”


Ye Tian put away the three Ten Thousand Phases statues and waited for the Xuantu controller to take out all the treasures.


The Xuantu controller placed all the treasures in this void one by one, and even some ordinary treasures were taken out.

Endless treasures occupied this piece of time and space, leaving it to Ye Tian to choose.

“There are really a lot of treasures!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Soon, he directly ignored those ordinary treasures, and his eyes roamed back and forth on some top treasures.

“The Xuantu Master even has a few Cursed Black Stones.”

Ye Tian would not choose it.

At present, he has not yet figured out the value of the cursed black stone, and there are only a few pieces, and it is useless for him to ask for it.

There are still several treasures on the Xuantu controller that can improve the primordial level control body and the will transformation realm, but the Xuantu controller himself does not master the will of the transformation realm and the body of the primitive level control, so it has been kept on the body, not used, and reserved for future use.

But now, he is afraid that there is no hope.

After all, his foundation is damaged, it is good to survive, and there is no way to go further in the future.

Therefore, Ye Tian directly took these treasures, and he did not feel much distressed.

Time passed, and after a long time, Ye Tiancai chose nine treasures, and there was still one short.

“What is this treasure?”

Ye Tian pointed to a black token and asked.

“This is the token of the Primeval Ancestor!” The Xuantu controller introduced.

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