As time passed, one by one, the Northern Desolate Beast Beast Core was consumed, improving Ye Tian’s primordial level control body.

Perhaps a single Northern Wilderness Beast Beast Core is of little use, but this time Ye Tian obtained too many North Wilderness Beast Beast Nuclei, so after refining so many North Wilderness Beast Nuclei, Ye Tian’s primitive-level control body became more and more powerful.

Finally, after spending hundreds of thousands of realm years refining all the Northern Desolate Beast Beast Cores, Ye Tian’s strength finally broke the shackles.


The aura of a ninth-realm-level controller permeated from Ye Tian’s body.

At this moment, Ye Tian had completed the final accumulation, broken the shackles, and became a nine-realm-level master.

“Finally reached the Ninth Realm level master!”

Ye Tian was very happy.

The Nine Realms Level Controller is already a level very close to the Ten Realm Level Controller Circle, and is at the same level as the Fourth Senior Sister Snow Girl Controller.

Of course, Ye Tian definitely can’t beat the Snow Lady controller now, but at least it’s very close.

“The next step is to thoroughly perfect my Endless Dao, and then master the changes of hundreds of millions of Endless Dao, and integrate the Endless Dao into the Origin of the Origin Realm Sea, so as to absorb the Origin Cultivation of the Origin Realm Sea.”

Ye Tian said darkly.

“It’s time to go and see the place where the ancestor left behind, maybe you can get some benefits.”

Ye Tian got up, left the temporary cave mansion, and came to the Taichu Pavilion of Taichu Mountain.

The Taichu Pavilion has stored a lot of secret art texts, and any eternal controller can come here to browse them, but if every eternal controller browses the same text, he must leave a classic secret art in exchange.

Of course, the books that remain do not need to be too good, but they must stay.

Therefore, today’s Taichu Pavilion has stored countless secret art books.

Ye Tian was ready to stay in the Taichu Pavilion for a period of time before going elsewhere.

Taichu Pavilion.

Ye Tian came in, and the spirit of the instrument here appeared.

“When entering the Taichu Pavilion, you can browse any text, but you must leave the classics, and if the classics left behind are qualified to observe the corresponding secret texts, I will open the permission.”

The Taichu Pavilion Spirit reminded.

Almost every eternal controller who enters here, he will remind once.

Of course, if he comes in the second time, he will not be alerted.

“Thanks for the reminder!”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and immediately went to investigate the secret techniques of the Taichu Pavilion, if they were valued, they would put some of their secret arts on an exchange platform, and they could exchange the corresponding secret techniques, so as to inherit and browse and learn.

In this way, Ye Tian spent the next few years constantly browsing the occult texts here.

Although at this level, unless it is a very precious top-notch secret technique, it cannot improve its strength.

However, Ye Tian could increase his knowledge, which was very helpful to the changes in the Dao of Enlightenment.

Basically, every secret art is a derivative of the changes of the Dao, so if you understand the countless secret techniques here and understand the changes in the Dao, the speed will be much faster.

Unconsciously, Ye Tian had stayed in the Taichu Pavilion for tens of thousands of realm years.

“It’s time to go, I have taken out all the secret art books that should have been taken out of my body, and there is no way to continue to exchange more secret art books to browse and comprehend!”

Ye Tian muttered.

In short, this time the gain is great, after all, they are all exchanging ordinary secret art books for very advanced secret art books, which is a big profit.

These secret art texts should also have been created or collected by the Primeval Ancestor himself, except for a few precious ones, almost all of them are here.

Of course, although Ye Tian has passed on the understanding, he cannot pass it on, which is a limitation.

Subsequently, Ye Tian left the Taichu Pavilion and came to the Taichu Pagoda in Taichu Mountain.

The Taichu Pagoda is undoubtedly the most precious place in the Taichu Mountain, and it is also the place where many treasures of the Taichu ancestor are stored, and any eternal controller can obtain certain treasures as long as he comes to the Taichu Pagoda.

At first, Ye Tian didn’t know much about the Taichu Pagoda.

But now that I have entered the Taichu Mountain, I naturally have some understanding of the Taichu Pagoda.

The Taichu Pagoda is divided into nine layers, each of which has a test, even if it is the first layer, it requires the strength of the eight realm-level controllers to break through.

One to three layers correspond to the strength of the three grades of the eight-realm-level master.

The four to six layers correspond to the three levels of strength of the nine realm level masters.

And the seven to nine layers correspond to the three grades of strength of the ten realm level controllers.

Through the results of the Taichu Tower, the strength of the other party can be seen to a certain extent.


Ye Tian came to the Taichu Pagoda, and there was a huge list of eternal masters who came here to break into the Taichu Pagoda.

On this list, Ye Tian saw a large number of eternal masters, and also saw some acquaintances.

For example, his three senior brothers and one senior sister.

“Senior Brother Jiang You has broken through the fifth layer, so it seems that Senior Brother is considered a medium grade among the Nine Realm level masters!”

“Fourth Senior Sister Xuenu has broken through the sixth layer, and such strength is at the top of the nine realm level masters. The fourth senior sister is about to attack the Ten Realms level master, and it is normal to have such strength. ”

“Second Senior Brother Ancient Demon has broken through the eighth layer, which shows that Senior Brother Ancient Devil’s strength among the Eternal Masters is considered to be medium.”

“Third Senior Brother Black Immortal actually broke through the ninth layer, and the fourth senior sister said that Third Senior Brother Black Immortal is the strongest, and sure enough.”

The three senior brothers and the four senior sisters are all on the list, indicating that they all have the Taichu Order and have come to the Taichu Mountain.

However, the current Taichu Mountain may not help them much, so they did not stay in the Taichu Mountain.

“Go in and break in, maybe you can get some benefits!”

Ye Tian directly entered the Taichu Tower and came to the first floor.

The Taichu Pagoda’s breakthrough is not complicated, you only need to face an opponent and defeat it.


Ye Tian directly exerted his strength, instantly killed the opponent of the first layer, and broke through the first level.

Then, the second and third levels were easily passed.

But the fourth level is a little difficult, because the opponent of this level is equivalent to the weakest Nine Realms level controller, and he needs to defeat him to pass the fourth level.

Fortunately, Ye Tian’s current strength was not weak, so he quickly defeated the opponent of the fourth level.

Finally, Ye Tian came to the fifth level.

Once he defeated the opponent of the fifth level, Ye Tian could be regarded as a medium combat power among the nine realm-level masters.

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