The texts here are all made of the skin of polar creatures, and this material can hold some special information materials, otherwise the general material can not withstand this kind of thing containing extreme information, and will directly turn into powder.

Ye Tian browsed the information here little by little, and soon had some understanding of the Extreme Deep Sea.

The relationship between the end of the realm and the deep sea of the extreme path is equivalent to the same as the mortal world and the immortal world, and the extreme creatures praised themselves as the highest creatures at the beginning, they were born in the deep sea of the extreme road, and they looked down on the creatures of the end of the realm at all, enslaved the creatures of the end of the world, and arbitrarily controlled the life and death of the creatures of the end of the world.

During those years, the Realm Creatures were indeed only servants of the Extreme Dao Creatures, and they were not qualified to resist at all.

After all, many Extreme Dao creatures have the combat power of elementary perfect controllers at the beginning of their birth and are born to control the Extreme Dao, while ordinary creatures at the end of the realm want to obtain the power of the Extreme Dao, and many of them are about to break through to the super perfect controller, and they are naturally inferior to the Extreme Dao creatures.

The only good thing about the end of the world is that the creativity is enough, and a complete cultivation system has been built bit by bit, while the Extreme Dao creatures rely more on their bloodlines and their own Extreme Dao Origin.

As the long years passed, the end of the realm began to give birth to the perfect masters of the extreme realm, but they did not attack those extreme creatures in the deep sea of the extreme path.

It wasn’t until there were more and more perfect masters of the extreme realms of the major eternal heavens and earths of the end of the realm, that the Extreme Deep Sea finally realized that the end of the realm was going to be out of the control of the Extreme Deep Sea.

So, a big war broke out.

Although the number of perfect masters of the end of the realm, super perfect controllers, and even perfect controllers of the virtual realm and true realm are far from the extreme deep sea, the war still looks at the perfect controllers of the extreme realm.

As long as the perfect masters of the extreme realm of the end of the realm win, then the war is equal to victory.

This war did not last long and ended quickly, but the Perfect Master of the Extreme Realm fell several.

After that, the polar creatures of the Polar Deep Sea collectively retreated to the Polar Deep Sea, and the end of the realm was also on an equal footing with the Extreme Deep Sea, and the Extreme Deep Sea did not dare to invade the end of the realm.

Of course, the cultivators of the end of the realm did not dare to step into the deep sea of the extreme path.

“It turned out to be such a relationship!”

Ye Tian said in surprise.

And this also mentioned the Space-Time Ancestral Realm, which turned out to be a special world created by the Extreme Dao creatures, originally for the purpose of selecting and cultivating the servant warriors of the Extreme Dao creatures.

But since that war, the Ancestral Realm of Time and Space has fallen to the side of the End of the Realm, and has also become a treasure land of the End of the Realm.

However, the Space-Time Ancestral Realm is still connected with the Polar Deep Sea, and through the Space-Time Ancestral Realm, you can enter the Polar Path Source Sea, and then from the Polar Path Source Sea, you can enter the Polar Deep Sea.

Of course, the Space-Time Ancestral Realm can only allow super-perfect controllers to enter, and those above the Perfect Controllers of the Void Realm cannot enter the Space-Time Ancestral Realm, nor can they enter the Extreme Deep Sea through this channel.

Therefore, the powerhouses on the other side of the Extreme Deep Sea are not afraid of the end of the realm invading from the Space-Time Ancestral Realm.

“Lord of Time, have you ever been to the Extreme Deep Sea?”

Ye Tian looked at the Lord of Time and asked.

“How dare I go to the Extreme Deep Sea!” The Lord of Time shook his head, “If I go to the Extreme Deep Sea, I can’t be killed immediately!” However, the resources of the Extreme Deep Sea are really rich, and there are a large number of Extreme Dao treasures, if it is not for the strength, I really want to go over and see. However, the Extreme Deep Sea is too powerful, and in addition to some difficulties for those Extreme Dao creatures to advance to the Extreme Realm Perfect Master, it is really not difficult to become the Void Realm Perfect Master and the True Realm Perfect Master. ”


Ye Tian nodded slightly.

He has really been to the Polar Deep Sea, and now there is a replica body staying in the Polar Deep Sea.

The super perfect controller of the extreme deep sea can be seen in a small place, and there are many perfect controllers of the virtual realm, and occasionally take on a task, you can run into it.

And the perfect controller of the virtual realm is a top existence on the side of the end of the realm, usually not qualified to encounter ah, the status is too high, and in the extreme deep sea, the status of the perfect controller of the virtual realm is just like that, only the status of the perfect controller of the true realm is higher.


Ye Tian continued to look at these materials, and soon saw the information of the entrance passage of the End of the Realm and the Extreme Deep Sea.

According to the information, there are a total of four channels between the End of the Realm and the Extreme Deep Sea, these four passages are also known as the Extreme Dao Heavenly Gate, both sides have sent heavy troops to guard, and a large number of magic arrays have been arranged, even the perfect controller of the Extreme Realm is not easy to penetrate these four Extreme Dao Heavenly Gates.

“It seems that those four Extreme Dao Heavenly Gates are normal passages that cannot be closed, and the crack discovered by the Stone Dragon Demon Lord should be a crack entrance that was made after that great battle.” Ye Tian guessed.

Perhaps there is more than one such crack entrance, maybe there are many.

Therefore, whether it is the extreme deep sea, or the end of the realm, if the two sides want to dive into each other’s territory, they must take these small entrance passages.

These materials also mention the only supreme force in the Extreme Deep Sea, the Extreme Deep Sea Palace.

Extreme Deep Sea Palace, non-Extreme Realm perfect masters are not allowed to join.

Under the Extreme Dao Deep Sea Palace, there are three subordinate organizations of the Extreme Dao Deep Sea Temple, the Extreme Dao Deep Sea Pavilion, and the Extreme Dao Corps, each of which is very powerful.

However, the Extreme Deep Sea Palace is the real pillar, and a large number of Extreme Realm Perfect Masters united together, I am afraid that it is enough to destroy the Eternal Ruins in an instant.

“Those Extreme Realm Perfect Masters of the End of the Realm probably have a similar alliance!” Ye Tian guessed, but he was not qualified to contact that alliance now.

Soon after, Ye Tian saw another piece of information.

“Extreme Dao Genius Battle!”

This is a local battle between the end of the realm and the extreme creatures, the two sides enter a special place, and the strong people sent out are only super perfect controllers at most, and they are not allowed to join the existence above the perfect controllers of the void realm.

This is a way to resolve conflicts, and the winner of the Extreme Genius Battle can also receive precious resource rewards.

“Lord of Time, have you participated in the Extreme Dao Genius Battle?” Ye Tian asked.

“Nope!” The Lord of Time shook his head, “At the time of the last Extreme Dao Genius Battle, I had not yet become a super-perfect master, how could I be eligible to participate!” And to say that it is an extreme genius battle, in fact, is a war of cannon fodder. The end of the realm is also the perfect controller of the extreme realm is qualified to touch the extreme deep sea, the level of the super perfect controller, the number is not equal at all, and the fraction of the people does not know how many times we are. So, we’re just sending some will doppelgangers into sending them to death. For example, in the last session, more than a thousand super-level perfect controllers participated, and in the end, only thirty-six super-level perfect controllers were commanded, and all the others died. Fortunately, it is only a dead will doppelganger, so it is still within the scope of bearing, if it is really completely dead, the end of the realm is unacceptable. ”

“So it is.” Ye Tian understood, “Then when is the next Extreme Dao Genius Battle?” ”

“It didn’t take long for the 3.8 billion eternal years to be held, and generally when there were only 100 million eternal years left, you could apply. Endless Lord, are you going to participate? “The Lord of Time.

“Well, let’s participate!”

Ye Tian nodded.

“Well, I’ll participate too, even if it’s sent to death, if you survive by luck, it will be a big benefit.” Moreover, the place where the Extreme Dao Genius Battle is located is itself a rare treasure land, and it is worth just entering there! “The Lord of Time.

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