Whether the Wudao Tower had an extremely strange treasure, he was not sure.

Although he was already a tower master of the Wudao Tower, there were definitely no Extreme Dao Treasures in the treasure vault of the Wudao Tower, unless those Extreme Realm Perfect Masters had hidden Extreme Dao Treasures in their hands.

However, it is a secret and cannot be revealed unless you actively expose it.

“It is worthy of the Extreme Deep Sea, and before it touches the core of the Extreme Deep Sea, it has encountered a transaction at the level of the Extreme Dao Treasure.” Ye Tian was secretly surprised.

Of course, this extremely rare treasure is incomplete, otherwise it would not be taken out for trading.

Unfortunately, the treasures that can make the Extreme Dao True Body become great are also extremely rare, and unless others have extra treasures, they will not be traded for them.

The Extreme Dao True Body is the Extreme Dao Ancestral Body of the Perfect Master of the True Realm.

After the Extreme Dao Ancestral Body of the Super Perfect Controller cultivates to the extreme, breaks the Extreme Dao chain, and breaks through to the Void Realm, the Extreme Dao Ancestral Body will transform, and the Extreme Dao Ancestral Body at that time is called the Extreme Dao Void Body; The Extreme Dao Ancestral Body of the True Realm Perfect Controller is called the Extreme Dao True Body, while the Extreme Dao Ancestral Body of the Extreme Realm Perfect Controller is called the Extreme Dao Extreme Body.

The Extreme Dao Void Body must be cultivated to Dacheng or above before there is anyone who hopes to break through to the Perfect Master of the True Realm; And the Extreme Dao True Body breaks through to the Dacheng realm, and only then can there be hope to break through to the perfect controller of the extreme realm.

Therefore, the cultivation of the Extreme Dao Void Body and the Extreme Dao True Body is very important, and for many True Realm Perfect Masters, they are extremely eager to cultivate the Extreme Dao True Body to the Dacheng realm.

And this Lord of Dark Gold was already at the peak of the Extreme Dao True Body Xiaocheng for endless years, and naturally hoped to break through to the Dacheng Extreme Dao True Body realm.

Therefore, he was willing to take out this damaged Extreme Dao Treasure.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have such a treasure, otherwise I would really be interested in redeeming an extremely exotic treasure!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

However, soon, the Lord of Dark Gold took away the Extreme Dao Treasure and left quickly.

At this time, Ye Tian knew that there must be an extreme creature who contacted the Lord of Dark Gold to trade with the Lord of Dark Gold, but it was not convenient to disclose, and it must be after leaving the Xuandao trading area before trading.

After all, this kind of trading can be unrestricted and can still be traded in the outside world.

Next, Ye Tian continued to wander around the Xuandao trading area, and I have to say that there are really many Extreme Dao treasures here, even if the Extreme Dao treasures of the entire Eternal Ruins are added together, I am afraid that there are not as many as here.

Extreme Dao treasures are like ordinary treasures here, they are too common, and their value is not high.

“If a super perfect controller sneaks here, as long as it is not discovered, he can definitely get a lot of extreme treasures, and there is a great hope of becoming a perfect controller of the void realm!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

It’s a pity that the super perfect controller does not dare to come in, even if he really sneaks in, he does not dare to go deep into the extreme deep sea, only dares to hide in one place, otherwise once discovered, he will definitely die.

“It’s really good luck that I was able to copy the body of the Void Sparrow, dive into the Extreme Deep Sea, and befriend the Lord of the Ice Phoenix!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Ye Tian had been shopping for a long time, and he couldn’t wait to pack all the Extreme Dao treasures and take them away.

However, he did not dare to rob it, otherwise he would be looking for death, and there was no hope of taking away the treasures here.

This day.

An auction in the Xuandao trading area began, similar to the auction of cultivators, and the currency of the auction was Extreme Dao Coin.


In a space and time, an extremely powerful Extreme Dao creature entered the auction venue.

Ye Tian also came, and he also wanted to see if there was anything good here.

At this moment, the arrival of a creature as extreme as a stone statue caused a commotion.

“Lord of the Stone Pupil, he actually came!”

“I didn’t expect that the Xuandao Fair attracted this one!”

“Could it be that there are treasures that the Lord of the Stone Pupil needs here?”

“It is very likely, after all, some precious treasures will occasionally appear in the Xuandao Fair, and it is very normal to attract the Lord of the Stone Pupil.”

When the other extreme creatures were talking about the coming Lord of the Stone Pupil, Ye Tian also stared at the Lord of the Stone Pupil, and his heart was extremely shocked.

“This Lord of the Stone Pupil actually possesses the Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment!”

Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised.

【Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu: Time】

Time Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, this is the top Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu ranked alongside the Space Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu among the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu!

Although he has not yet copied the Extreme Dao Ancestral Talent, he will be able to copy it soon, because his copying talent is about to be promoted.

Before he had only seen the Void Sparrow’s Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, this was the second Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, and when he thought that it would not be long before he could have two Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, how excited his heart was!

“This Lord of Stone Pupil has the Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment, and his strength is probably not simple!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

And he listened to other people’s discussions about the Lord of the Stone Pupil, and gradually understood the Lord of the Stone Pupil.

The Lord of the Stone Pupil, the perfect controller of the True Realm, is ranked at the extreme of the perfect controller of the True Realm, the Extreme Dao True Body Perfection, one Extreme Dao Perfection, and the Three Extreme Dao Dao Dao, and also created the Extreme Dao Palm Technique.

You know, polar creatures are not good at creating, and extreme creatures that can create extreme control techniques are very rare, and most of the polar creatures rely on their natural abilities to fight and their own use of the power of the polar path.

From this, it can be seen how evil the Lord of the Stone Pupil is.

More importantly, the Lord of the Stone Pupil was the heir of an Extreme Realm Perfect Master, an Extreme Dao Creature, and that Extreme Realm Perfect Controller, Extreme Dao Creature, had a very high place in the Extreme Deep Sea Palace.

Therefore, no extreme creature dares to provoke the Lord of the Stone Pupil.

Not long after, the polar creatures were almost here, and the auction officially began.

As time passed, a bit of Extreme Dao treasures was taken out for auction, and a Bit Extreme Dao creature participated in the auction.

The extreme treasures auctioned here are rarer and more cherished, and they are all treasure resources that are difficult for the outside world to buy, otherwise they do not need to be auctioned at auction.

Ye Tian took a fancy to several Extreme Dao Treasures and also participated in the auction, but in the end, the other Extreme Dao creatures were too high, and he still gave up.

After all, he was only interested in these Extreme Dao treasures, and he would not spend all the Extreme Dao Coins to buy them.

After a long time passed, an auction item caught Ye Tian’s attention.

“The next auction is the graveyard of an extreme creature who is the perfect controller of the extreme realm. Everyone knows very well that our polar creatures are all treasures, so many polar creatures are afraid that their bodies will be used by other polar creatures after death, so they build a cemetery for themselves and are buried in it after death. Among them, the graveyard of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Lord was discovered, and now the auction is the place to enter the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Lord’s cemetery, this time the quota is provided by the Extreme Dao Deep Sea Temple, so as long as the auction obtains the quota, you must be able to enter the cemetery. This time, only a hundred places were auctioned. ”

“Now the first place to auction 1,000 Extreme Dao Coins!”

After the Extreme Creature Auctioneer finished speaking, a group of Extreme Creatures became excited.

The graveyard of Lord Extreme Dao Demon Ape, if you enter it and find a treasure, you will make a lot of money!

Therefore, it is worth paying some Extreme Coins to bid for a spot!

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