In the years that followed, Ye Tian also had to cultivate the Extreme Dao and continuously improve the realm of the Extreme Dao.

Originally, Ye Tian planned to cultivate the Spatial Pole Dao first, but now he changed his mind, he wanted to major in the Time Pole Dao, because he copied the Time Pole Dao Ancestor Fu, if he cultivated the Time Pole Dao, the speed would be very fast.

The Extreme Dao Ancestor Fu seemed to be born for the Extreme Dao, which was too suitable for comprehending the Extreme Dao.

The Ancestor Endowment of the Time Pole Dao allowed Ye Tian to reach an incredible level in the cultivation of the Time Pole Dao.

“That Lord of the Stone Pupil possesses the Time Pole Dao Ancestral Endowment, no wonder he has cultivated the Time Pole Dao to a complete realm!” Ye Tian said darkly.

How terrifying it is to cultivate an Extreme Dao to the complete realm!

It can be said that there are very few existences among the perfect masters of the True Realm who can cultivate the Extreme Dao to the complete realm, and only with the corresponding Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment can they easily do it.

And now, Ye Tian can also do it.

Moreover, his own talent far surpassed the Lord of the Stone Pupil, and he had obtained the Ancestor of the Time Pole Dao, so his speed of comprehending the Time Pole Dao would far exceed the Lord of the Stone Pupil.

Although it is difficult to comprehend the Time Pole Dao, and many super-perfect masters can never even comprehend the Time Pole Dao to the Xiaocheng realm, Ye Tian’s comprehension at this moment has almost no bottleneck, and it is very easy.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian’s time pole continued to improve.

Before you know it, tens of millions of eternal years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian found that his time was extremely small!

You know, comprehending the time pole to the Xiaocheng realm, but it is far more difficult than comprehending the time pole Dao, I don’t know how many times, after all, comprehending the time pole is like a heavenly graben for many super perfect masters.

“Extreme Dao Ancestor Fu is too terrifying!”

Ye Tian couldn’t help but sigh.

Seeing the anti-heaven of the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, Ye Tian wanted to copy more Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu.

However, the concept of having the Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment in the Realm is too low, and there are not even cultivators or creatures who have the Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment.

However, the Extreme Dao Deep Sea definitely has some Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowments.

For example, those perfect masters of the extreme realm of the Extreme Deep Sea Palace may have some Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowments.

Of course, he doesn’t really want to contact those extreme realm perfect masters now, mainly because it is too dangerous, for fear of discovering his replica body identity, which will not be good.

“Look for it slowly, don’t force it!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

After the Time Pole Dao is small, it will be more difficult to upgrade to the Dacheng realm, even with Ye Tian’s understanding and the Time Pole Dao Ancestor Endowment, it will take at least hundreds of millions or even a billion eternal years.

Ye Tian didn’t want to spend such a long time comprehending the Time Extreme.

Moreover, it doesn’t make any sense to just one time pole path to reach the Dacheng realm, unless all the polar paths are elevated to the Dacheng realm, the endless extreme path can be incredibly improved.

However, it would take too long to do so.

Therefore, it was enough for Ye Tian to prepare to comprehend these extreme paths to the Xiaocheng realm one by one, and it was enough for the Endless Extreme Dao to be elevated to the Xiaocheng realm, and he could let himself attack the perfect controller of the Void Realm.

“Next, comprehend the Spatial Pole Dao!”

Ye Tian decided.


Polar deep sea.

On this day, Ye Tian finally learned that the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Cemetery was about to open.

However, this time it was opened, the Extreme Path Deep Sea Palace did not allow any Extreme Dao creatures to enter the main tomb of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape, which was the burial place of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape and the place of corpses.

If the bones of an extreme creature of the Extreme Deep Sea Palace were still used by the juniors after death, then many of the perfect masters of the extreme realm of the Extreme Deep Sea Palace would not agree, and would even prohibit the opening of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Cemetery.

However, except for the main burial chamber, all other places can go and break in, without any restrictions.

The Extreme Dao Demon Ape used to have very rich resources, there were too many good things, most of them were brought into the cemetery, so many Extreme Dao creatures were eager to enter the graveyard of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape, so as to find treasures that could improve their strength.

Soon after, Ye Tian also came to the cemetery where the Extreme Dao Demon Ape was located, the Demon Thunder Sea.

The Demon Thunder Sea is a very dangerous place in the Extreme Deep Sea, the rules of the Pole here are very chaotic, and ordinary super-perfect masters cannot bear the rules of the Pole here, and once they enter, they will inevitably be hit hard.

Only the top super perfect masters and the perfect masters of the three realms above dare to go deep here.

In addition, the Demon Thunder Sea is still the territory of the perfect controller of the True Realm, the Lord of Thunder Light, but unfortunately, not long ago, the Lord of Thunder Light accidentally fell, and other extreme creatures entered the Demon Thunder Sea, which found the Extreme Demon Ape Graveyard.

Now, the creatures of the Extreme Path also know a secret, that is, the Lord of Thunder Light was once a servant of the Extreme Path Demon Ape, and after the fall of the Extreme Path Demon Ape, the Lord of Thunder Light guarded its cemetery.

If it weren’t for the fall of the Lord of Thunder Light, this place would not have been discovered.


“The Devilless Thunder Sea is very good here, for those cultivators or extreme creatures who practice the Extreme Dao of Thunder, this place is very suitable for them, although the rules of the Thunder Extreme Dao are chaotic, as long as the strength is strong enough, you can ignore the chaotic Extreme Dao rules here!”

Ye Tian said darkly.


Ye Tian entered the Demon Thunder Sea with the body of the Void Sparrow, and the endless rules of the Extreme Path bombarded Ye Tian’s body without any impact on him.

After all, this Void Sparrow Replica Body has now also been cultivated by Ye Tian to the realm of a super-level perfect master, and it also has the Ultimate Dao Ancestral Endowment, and its potential has gone further.

With the realm of this Void Sparrow body, the strength exerted is not weaker than the body at all.

Of course, Ye Tian’s strength was average compared to some extreme creatures who came here.

Because among the extreme creatures who came here, there were perfect masters of the Void Realm or even perfect masters of the True Realm, and Ye Tian’s strength was much worse than theirs.

“As long as you enter the purpose of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape, you won’t lose money if you have a gain!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

Soon, the entrance to the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Cemetery was opened.


The void cracked, and countless extreme powers turned into an entrance.

In an instant, many extreme creatures entered this cemetery, and Ye Tian immediately entered it.

As soon as they entered this cemetery, everyone felt unimaginable suppression.

“The suppression of the Extreme Dao rules here is too strong, I am the perfect controller of the Void Realm, and my strength has been suppressed to a very low level!”

“I am the perfect controller of the True Realm, and I have all been suppressed!”

“It is the Extreme Dao Treasure of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape – Zhen Dao Seal, this Extreme Dao Exotic Treasure plus the residual power value of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Lord, as well as the suppression of the magic array here, even the perfect controller of the True Realm cannot resist. If everyone uses extreme power to resist, the pressure will be much reduced. If you want to exert your complete strength, unless your strength is comparable to that of the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Lord! ”

“Resist the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Lord? That definitely can’t be done, this time the Extreme Realm Perfect Controller is not allowed to enter, and the most powerful is only the True Realm Perfect Master, and the Extreme Dao Demon Ape Master belongs to the powerful ranks among the Extreme Realm Perfect Masters. ”

“Hahaha, I have a lot of comprehension of the Extreme Dao, and the Extreme Dao realm is not low, and the strength I have exerted here is very strong!”

Ye Tian also used the power of the Time Pole to resist, and sure enough, he reduced the suppression and exerted more strength.

At this time, he thought to himself that if he released all his extreme power, would he be able to exert most of his strength?

“Keep a low profile!”

Ye Tian only displayed a dozen or so Extreme Dao, and then began to go deep into this Extreme Dao Demon Ape Cemetery.

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