Polar Road East Gate.

This is one of the four portals that connect the end of the realm to the Polar Deep Sea, through which you can enter the Polar Deep Sea.

Of course, usually this portal is closed, and it is sealed layer by layer, and it is guarded by the perfect controller of the extreme realm.

But on this day, the seal here was lifted.

A perfect master of the super-class came here, some were brought by the elder powerhouse, and some came by themselves.

The super-perfect masters of the Dao Tower came here with the Lord of Canggu.

Soon, there were a large number of super-perfect masters gathered here, tens of thousands.

But if it is compared with the super perfect masters of the extreme deep sea, it is too few.

After all, the polar creatures of the Extreme Deep Sea, as long as they don’t die, can grow into super-perfect masters.

For polar creatures, the super-perfect masters are equal to adult polar creatures, equivalent to adults among humans.

It can be imagined that the number of super-perfect masters of the Extreme Deep Sea is so large that there are simply everywhere!

It is also difficult for those descendants of the bloodline of extreme creatures to grow to the realm of super-perfect masters.


At this moment, those super perfect masters are very nervous, after all, they will soon enter the battlefield of the Extreme Dao Genius Battle and fight with the Extreme Dao creatures.

And many super perfect masters, who have not even seen extreme creatures, are naturally a little nervous.

They are not afraid of falling a will doppelganger, but they are worried that they will not be able to obtain benefits!

Because the Extreme Dao Genius Battle is also an unimaginable opportunity, if he comes out alive, there is a great hope of becoming a perfect controller of the Void Realm in the future, and it can even be said that it is one hundred percent.

Time passed slowly, and soon a white-haired young man came out of nothingness.

The moment he appeared, all the perfect masters of the Extreme Realm showed a respectful look, even the Lord of Canggu was extremely respectful.

“I’ve seen the Lord of the White Night!”

“I’ve seen the Lord of the White Night!”

“I’ve seen the Lord of the White Night!”

A perfect master of the extreme realm said very politely.


The Lord of the White Night nodded slightly.

At this time, many super-perfect masters were curious about the identity of the Lord of the White Night.

Anyone can see that the Lord of the White Night is definitely the perfect controller of the extreme realm, and it is not an ordinary extreme perfect controller, otherwise other extreme perfect masters will not be extremely respectful to him, as if the junior treats the predecessor.


Ye Tian spied on this Lord of the White Night with his copying talent, and was immediately shocked.

“Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu!”

Ye Tian actually saw the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu from this Lord of the White Night.

He had only seen the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu on the Extreme Dao creatures before, but he did not expect to see the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu on the Perfect Master of the Realm of the End of the Realm.

“The Lord of the White Night has the Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment, and his strength must be terrifying!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Immediately, Ye Tian copied the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu of the Lord of White Night-the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu of Light!


Ye Tian copied this Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowment in an instant, and in this way, he had three Extreme Dao Ancestral Endowments.


Ye Tian communicated with the Lord of Canggu and asked about the Lord of the White Night.

“Lord of Canggu, what is the origin of this Lord of the White Night, it seems that the perfect masters of the extreme realm are very respectful!” Ye Tian asked.

The Lord of Canggu said: “The Lord of the White Night is the palace master of the Extreme Dao True River Eternal Palace, an extremely ancient Extreme Realm Perfect Master, who participated in the battle with the Extreme Path Deep Sea, and killed three Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers, and now after such a long time, his strength is even more terrifying.” Although I am also a perfect master of the Extreme Realm, I am far from being the opponent of the Lord of the White Night. Among the perfect masters of the extreme realm, the strength of the Lord of the White Night can definitely enter the top ten. ”

“The Lord of the White Night is so powerful!”

Ye Tian was shocked.

How terrifying the Extreme Realm Perfect Controller is, and the Lord of the White Night actually killed three, no wonder these Extreme Realm Perfect Controller are very respectful to him.

This is the status that strength brings!

In comparison, the Lord of Canggu should belong to the generalized strength among the perfect masters of the extreme realm.


The Lord of the White Night spoke, “This time, the battlefield where Er and others participate in the Extreme Realm Genius Battle is set in the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm. This is one of the top treasures located in the junction area of the Extreme Deep Sea and the End of the Realm, which is usually in a closed state, but now it is opened, and there are many resources inside, and it is also your opportunity. I will not say anything extraneous, as long as you come back alive, it will be a victory. In addition, the Extreme Dao Deep Sea took out a top Extreme Dao Exotic Treasure Extreme Dao Virtual Mirror to appear a list, which will record the killing list of the Extreme Dao Genius Battle, and there will be a thousand lists in total. I hope that this time on the killing list there will be the names of perfect masters such as Realm End. Whoever enters the killing list will give a rich reward. ”

“Kill List!”

Many super-perfect masters are full of longing in their hearts, and they want to kill this list.

But they also know very well that the super perfect controller of the end of the realm may not even be able to save his life, and it is difficult to enter the killing list.

At this moment, the east gate of the Extreme Dao released an infinite light, connecting an unknown place, that is, the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm.

“The passage of the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm is opened, you can enter, and after each super-perfect controller enters the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm, the landing position is random and there is no regularity. After entering, you can’t leave the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm for an eternal period of time, and once you reach the world, you will be rejected and return here. ”

After the Lord of the White Night finished speaking, he let many super-perfect masters enter it.


A super-level controller entered the Extreme Mang Mountain Realm.

When all the super-perfect masters entered, these extreme perfect masters began to talk.

“You said that this time, how many of our realm’s super perfect masters will come out alive?”

“Last time, there were thirty-six super perfect masters who came out alive, right?”

“I hope there will be more this time! Otherwise, every time like this, the face is not good-looking! ”

“This year’s super perfect masters have super perfect masters who have participated in many extreme genius battles, and their strength is stronger than before, so there should be hope to survive.”

“Strength is not the most important, it still depends on luck, if you are unlucky and are besieged by a large number of extreme creatures, no one can survive ah, after all, there are too many super perfect masters of extreme creatures!”

“They will also fight among themselves, maybe this time they will be lucky!”


“Endless Lord, I hope you can have a good score, if nothing else, you have to enter the killing list, in that case, our Eternal Ruins and Dao Tower can increase their face!”

The Lord of Canggu Secret Dao.

Soon, the killing of the Extreme Dao Genius War really began.

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