“Why, unwilling to become my disciple?”

The Ice and Snow Palace Lord asked.


Ye Tian said immediately.

This is a good opportunity, if you become a disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace Master, then there will be more opportunities to get more resources in the future, and you can even easily access the treasures containing the extreme path!

The Ice and Snow Palace Master could not recognize his identity, so he was not worried that he would be exposed.


The Ice and Snow Palace Lord was very happy.

Soon, Ye Tian was taken to the Ice and Snow Palace by the Ice and Snow Palace Master.

“Golden wing, you are my thirteenth disciple, there are only three disciples in the Ice and Snow Palace at present, I asked them to come and get acquainted with you!” The main road of the Ice and Snow Palace.

“Yes, Master!”

Ye Tianying said.

Soon, Ye Tian met the other three disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace Master.

When he saw one of the disciples, Ye Tian was shocked.

“It turned out to be her!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

This is an ice phoenix, is it the daughter of the lord of the ice phoenix, or did he save the daughter of the lord of the ice phoenix, but he didn’t expect to become a disciple of the lord of the ice and snow palace, this luck is too good!

Now, the daughter of the Lord of the Ice Phoenix is named Bingli, and she has also cultivated to the realm of the perfect controller of the Void Realm, although she is not a purebred polar creature, her bloodline is not weak, coupled with the resource supply of the Ice and Snow Palace Lord, the cultivation speed is naturally not bad.

The other two are the realm of the perfect controller of the true realm, and they are not very far away from the perfect controller of the extreme realm.

However, it is not very difficult for an Extreme Dao creature to become a Perfect Master of the True Realm, but it is extremely difficult to become a Perfect Master of the Extreme Realm, and even a disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace Master is difficult to break this shackle.

I don’t know how many True Realm Perfect Masters there are in the Extreme Deep Sea, there are too many of them, but the Extreme Dao creatures that become the Perfect Masters of the Extreme Realm are very rare, and the breakthrough ratio is too low.

In comparison, the breakthrough rate of the end of the realm is much higher.

After Ye Tian got acquainted with several disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace Master, he was arranged by the Ice and Snow Palace Master to go to a side hall of the Ice and Snow Palace, which would become a place for his future cultivation.

Subsequently, the Ice and Snow Palace Master gave him a lot of cultivation resources, and many treasures of the Ice and Snow Palace were also open to him.

“There are thirty-six Extreme Dao Monuments in the Ice and Snow Palace!!!!”

After Ye Tian knew this, he was shocked.

To know the Extreme Dao True River at the end of the realm, I could only take out more than a dozen Extreme Dao Monuments in one breath, so that people could choose to comprehend!

Compared with the Ice and Snow Palace, the Extreme Dao True River is very barren!

However, the Ice and Snow Palace Master did not give him the treasure containing the Extreme Extreme Dao, which was also very normal.

After all, for the perfect controller of the extreme realm, the treasure containing the extreme extreme path is also very valuable, how can it be given to a disciple!

However, seeing these thirty-six Extreme Dao Monuments was also a huge gain for Ye Tian!

He could copy these thirty-six Extreme Dao Monuments one by one, although he could only copy one at a time, and he could only copy the other Extreme Dao Monuments after they were lifted.

But at the very least, the polar path corresponding to these thirty-six polar path monuments, Ye Tian can use these polar path monuments to comprehend and cultivate to the complete realm.

Of course, for Ye Tian, the biggest gain was the identity of the master disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace, which was enough for him to do a lot of things.

In the following years, Ye Tian continued to send the resources of the Ice and Snow Palace to Ye Tian’s other copy bodies to improve the cultivation of other copy bodies.

And all this, the ice and snow palace master did not discover.

The Ice and Snow Palace Master also occasionally instructed him to practice, but it didn’t help Ye Tian much, but Ye Tian also pretended to benefit a lot.

The years go by.

After Ye Tian became a disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace Master, he gradually made a name for himself in the Extreme Deep Sea, and he also had many achievements, and the name of a peerless genius resounded throughout the Extreme Deep Sea.

Moreover, Ye Tian had broken into many treasure lands, obtained massive resources, and fought for his identity, even if he obtained great benefits, those big people did not dare to make a move against him.

That’s the benefit of identity!

Gradually, Ye Tian’s own cultivation had been elevated to the peak realm of the perfect controller of the True Realm under these resources, and the will of the Extreme Dao had also skyrocketed, and he had now condensed the eleven-layer will pagoda.

And on this day, Ye Tian had another big breakthrough, that is, he finally comprehended the Extreme Dao of Thunder in the Extreme Realm.

Space Polar Dao, Defense Polar Dao, Light Polar Dao, Causal Polar Dao, Thunder Polar Dao.

At present, Ye Tian had raised a total of five Extreme Dao to the extreme realm, and his strength had increased significantly.

This time, Ye Tian entered the Primordial Black Sea to test how long he could stay here, and the result was beyond his imagination.

He can now spend trillions of years in the original Black Sea, and this time the time has increased too much.

Of course, even if it is trillions of years, compared to an eternal era, it is an incomparably short time, and for a practitioner like him, this time is still just a time to take a nap, and it is not worth mentioning.

But this is a good start, if he comprehends a few more extreme paths, maybe he can stay in the Primordial Black Sea for a few eternal years or even longer.

“The original thunder stone has no value to me, or will it be traded for other treasures?”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

However, he can no longer let the Lord of Canggu trade in the Extreme Dao Network, and he can’t trade from the Lord of Bear Blood to the Primordial Thunder Stone on the front foot, and as a result, he does not refine it, but takes it out to trade, which will definitely arouse the suspicion of the Lord of Bear Blood, and even the Lord of Canggu will suspect something.

“Otherwise, get the deal on the side of the Extreme Deep Sea?”

Ye Tian suddenly had this idea.

He is now a disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace Master, and even if he holds the Primordial Thunder Stone, no Extreme Dao creature dares to snatch his Primordial Thunder Stone.

“That’s it!”

Ye Tian decided.


Snow Palace.

On this day, Ye Tian came to consult the Ice and Snow Palace Master.

“Master, the disciple accidentally found a Primordial Thunder Stone, but the disciple does not practice the Extreme Dao of Thunder, and wants to exchange it for other Extreme Dao treasures, I don’t know where to exchange, I hope Master Venerable will give a suggestion.” Ye Tian asked.

“Primordial Thunder Stone? You are really lucky, this is a treasure that only the original Black Sea has, and you are very lucky to hope to find it. It is estimated that a certain extreme realm perfect controller entered the Primordial Black Sea to find it before, and then accidentally fell, which allowed the Primordial Thunder Stone to flow to the outside world, and then luckily found by you! “The main road of the Ice and Snow Palace.

Immediately, she thought about it and gave Ye Tian a token.

“The Extreme Mountain Order allows you to enter the Land of the Extreme Mountain, where all kinds of transactions can be carried out, and even some big people of the Extreme Deep Sea Palace like to enter there to trade with each other. The weakest Extreme Dao creatures who enter there are the top True Realm perfect masters, but you are my disciple, even if you go there, no Extreme Dao creatures dare to say anything. With you with the Primordial Thunder Stone, you should be able to trade what you need. The Ice and Snow Palace Master said.

“Thank you, Master!”

Ye Tian thanked him.

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