“With the Time Snake Bead, I can keep copying the Time Snake Bead, and then use the Extreme Time Pole in the Time Snake Bead to comprehend, then I can raise the Time Pole to the limit realm!”

Ye Tian said excitedly.

Afterwards, he devoted himself to retreat and enlightenment.

Time passed slowly, Ye Tian’s understanding of the extreme time pole became deeper and deeper, and after a long time, the time pole was finally realized by Ye Tian to the extreme realm.

When the Time Pole Dao reached the limit realm, Ye Tian suddenly felt that heaven and earth were different.


The combination of the extreme time pole and the extreme space pole allowed Ye Tian to penetrate the Primordial Black Sea at a glance.

At this moment, he knew that he could completely stay in the original Black Sea, and it was forever, and he would not be ostracized again.


Ye Tian was shuttling quickly in the Primordial Black Sea, and his speed was unknown how many times faster than before.

“I didn’t expect that the combination of time and space polarity in the extreme realm could make my speed so many times faster, it was simply a earth-shaking change!” Ye Tian said in shock.

However, the changes are not limited to that.

Standing in the Primordial Black Sea, he could even sense the end of the Polar Realm and the Extreme Deep Sea, not the initial induction, but the entire Extreme End and the Extreme Deep Sea.

Under his perception, the Extreme Deep Sea and the End of the Realm are like a whole, similar to a heaven and earth, seamlessly integrated, and similar to a prison, and the creatures inside can hardly get out of this prison, unless they comprehend the extreme extreme path, they can get out of this prison and come to the Primordial Black Sea.

In addition, under his perception, the original Black Sea contains infinite space-time changes, if you don’t master the extreme space-time pole, shuttling here is simply random shuttling, and you will get lost here.

Of course, even if you are lost, you can return to the end of the realm, after all, he is a creature of the end of the realm, and he can return at any time, that is, the so-called direct return to the end of the realm from the location location.

However, he did not want to gain anything in the original Black Sea, nor did he want to find any benefits, so he was constantly lost here.

But after comprehending the Extreme Space-Time Extreme Dao, Ye Tian would not be lost.

“That Unbounded Lord must have comprehended the Extreme Space-Time Pole Dao, and the Abyss Palace Lord should also have comprehended it, as for whether the other Extreme Realm Perfect Masters have comprehended the Extreme Space-Time Extreme Dao, it is difficult to say.” Ye Tian guessed.

In the following days, Ye Tian continued to patrol the Primordial Black Sea.

Suddenly this day.

Ye Tian found that a perfect controller of the extreme realm of the end of the realm had escaped from the end of the realm into the primordial black sea, and if he did not comprehend the extreme space-time pole and perceived the end of the entire realm, he would not be able to find the other party’s escape.

But now, he perceives it, but the other party does not perceive his presence.

After this Extreme Realm Perfect Master escaped into the Primordial Black Sea, Ye Tian lost the other party’s perception, obviously the other party’s current location was too far away from him, so he couldn’t perceive it.

“No, another Extreme Realm Perfect Master escaped into the Extreme Realm Perfect Master, how could it be so frequent?”

Ye Tian was surprised.

There are absolutely few perfect masters of the extreme realm who have comprehended the extreme extreme path in the end of the realm, and they have escaped into the Primordial Black Sea one after another, and there must be something big.

But Ye Tian hadn’t heard anything in the realm.


Ye Tian’s replica body locked the other party’s previous position in the Realm by sensing the position of the other party’s retreat.

“It is the perfect controller of the extreme realm of the Extreme Dao True River!”

Ye Tian confirmed the identity of the other party, and both of them were the perfect controllers of the Extreme Dao True River.

Obviously, Ji Dao Zhenhe is hiding something.

However, if he only comprehended an extreme extreme path, he could not stay in the Primordial Black Sea for a long time, so Ye Tian was waiting in the Extreme Dao True River.

Sure enough, not long after, an Extreme Realm Perfect Master returned from the Primordial Black Sea.

“It’s him, the Lord of the Northern Underworld, the fourth strongest under the three powerhouses of the Extreme Dao True River, second only to the Lord of the White Night, the Lord of the Golden Body, and the Lord of Destruction!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

The other Extreme Realm Perfect Masters could not sense the fluctuations of the Lord of the Northern Nether return, but they could not hide Ye Tian, so he accurately locked the Lord of the Northern Netherworld.

In the years that followed, the Lord of the White Night actually returned from the Primordial Black Sea.

“They will definitely go, when the time comes, I will lock their location through the causal polar path, plus I have already sensed the extreme space-time polar path, and I can track them in the Primordial Black Sea!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

After all, he was too curious, these Extreme Realm Perfect Masters of the Extreme Dao True River must have something big, and if there was a big opportunity, he might be able to mix it up.

If it is discovered, then it is discovered, anyway, they have no malice, and they will not embarrass themselves as cultivators of the realm.

And really have to move, with his current strength, he is really not afraid!

Ye Tian waited slowly, and finally on this day, the Lord of the Northern Underworld once again entered the Primordial Black Sea.

Ye Tian did not have the slightest hesitation, followed the other party’s position, and also retreated into the Primordial Black Sea.

The Lord of the North Hades enters the Primordial Black Sea, will form a faint space-time fluctuation, similar to a space-time channel, if you do not comprehend the extreme space-time polar path, you can’t grasp this space-time fluctuation at all, unless you forcibly follow the Lord of the North Hades to enter at the same time, it is possible to keep up with the Lord of the North Nether, otherwise a little later, you can’t enter the place where the Lord of the North Hades is located.

But in that case, it will naturally be discovered by the Lord of the Northern Underworld.

And Ye Tian comprehended the Extreme Space-Time Polar Dao, so he could naturally seize the opportunity to directly escape into the place where the Lord of the Northern Nether was positioned through this space-time fluctuation.

In this way, after he entered the Primordial Black Sea, he would be very close to the Lord of the Northern Underworld, and he could use the Cause and Effect Pole to track the Lord of the Northern Underworld.

Otherwise, the distance was too far, and Ye Tian would not be able to find the Lord of the Northern Underworld.


Ye Tian came to the Primordial Black Sea, and used the extreme space-time pole to cover himself, almost blending into the Primordial Black Sea, and was not easy to find.

This is also careful!

“The Lord of the Northern Underworld is gone, it seems to be gone!”

Ye Tian immediately urged the causal pole of the extreme realm, and locked the position of the Lord of the Northern Nether through a weak causal connection.


Ye Tian shuttled, but slowed down, after all, the speed of the Lord of the Northern Nether was too slow in his eyes, and he could catch up almost instantly.

The Lord of the North Hades shuttled for a while, came to a place, and then stopped.

And Ye Tian was hidden in the distance, in this position, Ye Tian could sense the Lord of the North Nether, but the Lord of the North Nether could not sense him.

At this moment, the Lord of the Northern Underworld took out a token.

Soon, the space of the Primordial Black Sea shook, and a time-space entrance appeared.

At this time, Ye Tian was shocked.

He sensed another piece of heaven and earth, no less than the end of the realm, but it was not the end of the realm.

“Oh my God, the Extreme Dao True River actually found a place similar to the end of the realm, and also mastered the method of entering, no wonder they are so hidden and don’t share it with other eternal heavens and earth!”

Ye Tian was surprised.

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