For the Boundless Lord’s invitation, Ye Tian naturally did not refuse.

After all, the Lord of the Unbounded Realm is the number one powerhouse in the Realm, and he is far inferior to the other party now.

Moreover, the Lord of the Unbounded must know a lot of secrets, and the understanding of the Primordial Black Sea is also above him, so it is naturally necessary to have a good relationship with the Lord of the Unbounded.

“The Lord of Boundless invites me, then I will disturb!”

Ye Tian followed the Lord of the Boundless, first returned to the End of the Realm, and then escaped from the End of the Realm into the Primordial Black Sea, so he quickly came to the Boundless Lord’s dojo in the Primordial Black Sea.

“The End of the Realm is a transit point for us, convenient for shuttling through the Primordial Black Sea!” The Unbounded Lord said.

“Yes, if there is no end of the boundary, it is indeed very troublesome for us to rush!” Ye Tian nodded.

The Boundless Lord’s dojo is huge, and the materials used here are extraordinary.

“Unbounded Lord, your dojo is simply more majestic than the power of the Extreme Dao Treasure!”

Ye Tian said in shock.

In his opinion, the value of this dojo surpassed a large number of extreme treasures.

Moreover, this dojo could actually be mobile, constantly moving in the Primordial Black Sea, even if Ye Tian came here today, he would not be able to find this dojo in the future.

“I spent a lot of money to build this dojo, it is now a primordial divine weapon, even if it is tens of thousands of extreme treasures, it is not as valuable as it!”

The Unbounded Lord said.

“Primordial Divine Soldier, what kind of weapon division is this?” Ye Tian asked.

The Lord of the Unbounded did not hide it, and directly revealed: “Above the Extreme Dao Treasure is the Primordial Divine Weapon, like the end of the Realm there is no Primordial Divine Weapon, nor is there a weapon to create the Primordial Divine Weapon, and similar materials must be found in the Primordial Black Sea, so that there is hope to create the Primordial Divine Weapon!” Of course, creating the original divine weapon is not an easy task, it is very difficult. ”

“So it is!”

Ye Tian understood.

Subsequently, the Unbounded Lord took out a tea leaf and made a pot of tea for Ye Tian.

“This is primordial tea, you can taste it.”

The Unbounded Lord said.

“Thank you Unbounded Lord!”

Ye Tian tasted a mouthful, and immediately felt that the will of the Extreme Dao had improved a little, and his understanding had improved a little, and the speed of comprehending the Extreme Dao was much faster.

“Good tea!”

Ye Tian was surprised.

It was also the first time he had seen the will of the Extreme Dao that could enhance a strong person of his level, and he could also assist in comprehending the Extreme Dao.

Moreover, the tea brewed from the original ancient tea is delicious.

“Primordial ancient tea is very rare, even I don’t have much, I only drink it occasionally!” The Lord of the Unbounded said with a smile.

“Lord of the Boundless, when you invite me here, you won’t just drink tea, right?”

Ye Tian asked.

“Naturally, it’s not about drinking tea.” The Boundless Lord’s face straightened and said, “Endless Lord, how much do you know about the Ultimate Realm Perfect Master?” ”

Ye Tian said: “The perfect controller of the true realm raises his extreme path to the complete realm or any kind of extreme path to perfection, and then breaks the limit of the extreme true body and achieves the extreme extreme body, he can become the perfect controller of the extreme realm, and if the extreme perfect controller comprehends the extreme extreme path, it is another level, the strength is greatly improved, and then it is to constantly comprehend various extreme extreme ways and enhance his strength.” As for how to improve later, I don’t know. ”

The Lord of Boundless nodded slightly: “The situation that the Lord of Infinity understands is a well-known situation in the End of the Realm and the Deep Sea of the Extreme Dao, but in fact, this division is very rough. Strictly speaking, those who do not comprehend the extreme extreme realm perfect controller can only be regarded as the pseudo-extreme perfect controller, and they are not the real extreme perfect controller at all. Just like the end of the realm, there are only a few who can really be regarded as the perfect masters of the extreme realm, and there are more than a dozen of the extreme deep sea. Of course, if you break through the realm of the Endless Lord, you are also considered one. ”

“The Extreme Perfect Master who comprehends the Extreme Extreme Path is the real Extreme Perfect Master, which can also be called a Heavy Ancestor. Origin Ancestor is another name for the perfect controller of the Extreme Realm, and the End of the Realm and the Ten Directions Black Domain can be called the Original Domain. ”

Original domain, original ancestor!

It was the first time Ye Tian had heard this title, but the Lord of the Unbounded was definitely not a random name.

The Lord of the Unbounded continued: “Most of the Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers can only be regarded as a Heavy Ancestor, even if they comprehend several Extreme Extreme Ancestors, they can only be regarded as a Heavy Ancestor, if they comprehend the Extreme Space-Time Extreme Dao, and cultivate to the limit of the Extreme Realm Perfect Master, this can be regarded as a double Origin Ancestor; The extreme pole path is fused with the will pagoda, and the extreme pole path is inscribed on the will pagoda, as long as one is successfully inscribed, it is the triple ancestor. ”

“What, the Extreme Dao can be inscribed on the Pagoda of Will?”

Ye Tian was shocked.

“Of course you can, it’s just that ordinary primordial ancestors can’t do it at all, and without comprehending the extreme time and space polar path, the will of the extreme path cannot break the limit, and they are not qualified to inscribe the extreme extreme path on the will pagoda. And to tell you a secret, the condensation method of the Will Pagoda was not created by the end of the realm, but the inheritance I obtained from the end of the realm after an incomparably terrifying strong man fell to the end of the realm, which was passed on to the cultivators of the end of the realm. And the Will Pagoda is too important for the cultivators of the End of the Realm, without the Will Pagoda, many Extreme Realm Perfect Masters have no hope of breaking through to the Extreme Realm Perfect Masters. Just like the Extreme Deep Sea, they have so many True Realm Perfect Masters, why are there so few creatures who have broken through to the Extreme Realm Perfect Masters? It’s that their way is incomplete! In fact, they can’t be blamed for the limitations of this extreme creature, and the Pagoda of Will is the inheritance of cultivators, they have obtained it, and they can’t practice it. ”

“So it is!”

Ye Tian suddenly realized.

He really thought that the Will Pagoda was a supreme method created by the perfect masters of the extreme realm, and it turned out to be the inheritance obtained from the original black armor master!

“Unbounded Lord, what about the Triple Primeval Ancestor?”

Ye Tian continued to ask.

The Lord of the Unbounded continued: “Above the Triple Origin Ancestor is the Quadruple Ancestor, if you want to reach the Fourth Origin Ancestor, it is very difficult, not only does it require the Will Pagoda to achieve the thirty-six layers, but at the very least, you need to comprehend the nine extreme poles, and create the original control technique, the lowest original control technique also involves the power of the nine extreme polar paths, so if you can’t comprehend more than nine extreme extreme paths, you can’t create the original control technique!” I have never seen the fourfold primordial ancestor, even if it is a triple primordial ancestor, there is a big gap in strength between them, for example, the triple ancestor who only comprehends one extreme polar path, and the triple ancestor who comprehends nine extreme polar paths, the difference in strength is too big! As for the five-fold ancestor and six-fold ancestor above the fourfold ancestor, I have only heard of the name, and I have not heard of any relevant information, so don’t ask me! ”

“I didn’t expect that there were so many divisions at the level of the original ancestor!”

Ye Tian said in shock.

“Hahaha, I was also shocked when I first found out, but the Lord of the Golden Body of the End of the Realm and the Lord of the White Night have hope to succeed in the Dual Origin Ancestor, as for the Triple Origin Ancestor, it is difficult, it is not so easy to inscribe the Extreme Extreme Dao on the Will Pagoda, it is many times more difficult than comprehending an Extreme Extreme Dao!” However, if you break through to become the Ancestor of the Endless Lord, you will soon become a Dual Ancestor, and there is even hope to become a Triple Ancestor, and there is a lot of hope! “The Unbounded Lord.

“It’s still early!” Ye Tian said modestly.

Immediately, he was curious again: “Unbounded Lord, what level are you on?” ”

“Me?” The Unbounded Lord smiled and said, “I’m lucky, I can be regarded as a triple ancestor!” ”

“The Lord of the Boundless, those Extreme Dao creatures in the deep sea of the Extreme Dao, they don’t have a Pagoda of Will, can they become the Triple Ancestor?” Ye Tian asked curiously.

The Lord of the Boundless Boundary nodded: “Extreme Dao creatures also have the hope of becoming triple primordial ancestors, but they are many times more difficult than us cultivators, unless they can complete the bloodline transformation and transform into primordial black beasts. The Abyss Palace Master of the Extreme Deep Sea is trying to become the Primordial Black Beast, but unfortunately he has no inheritance, he is all studying blindly, and there is little hope! ”

“Wouldn’t that Unbounded Lord be able to easily kill the Abyss Palace Lord?”

Ye Tian was surprised.

“It is true that you can kill him, but you don’t have to!” The Lord of the Unbounded said: “With the existence of extreme creatures, at least it can put pressure on the cultivators of the end of the realm, otherwise if there is no pressure, the infighting of the end of the realm will be serious, even if the genius of the demon is born, maybe he will die in the assassination, so I keep the extreme path creatures!” ”

“The Unbounded Lord is doing the right thing!”

Ye Tian agreed.

At this moment, he thought that if those extreme creatures knew the truth, I was afraid that they would be terrified.

They have always thought that they are above the end of the realm, and their strength is even stronger than the end of the realm, and as a result, the end of the realm can destroy the polar creatures of the deep sea at any time.

The Lord of Boundlessness said again: “Lord of Infinity, the reason why I have introduced you so much is mainly because I am optimistic about you. In the end of the realm, you have a great hope of becoming a triple ancestor, and you can even become a strong person among the triple ancestors. As for the fourfold ancestor, it was too difficult for me to imagine. If you become a triple primordial ancestor in the future, I hope you can send a doppelganger to sit at the end of the realm for a long time, after all, if the original domain is accidentally unlucky, it is still very dangerous to provoke the primordial black beast, just like the end of the Ten Directions Black Domain. And I am a real body, it won’t be long before I will leave, maybe I won’t be able to come back for a long time in the future, if there is a three-fold ancestor sitting in my hometown, it will be much safer! ”

“If you don’t say anything about the Lord of the Boundary, I will definitely send a doppelganger to sit at the end of the Realm!”

Ye Tian affirmed.

“Actually, there is one more request.” The Lord of the Unbounded said, “I hope you can go to a place to help me get a treasure, of course, wait until you reach the Triple Ancestor.” I didn’t dare to go, because I was a real body, and if I fell, then I really fell. But you have a doppelganger, even if the doppelganger falls, it will take a long time to slowly condense, and the loss will not be too big. If you agree, I can give you a copy of the Extreme Dao Inscription Method, without the Extreme Dao Inscription Method, it is almost impossible for you to inscribe the Extreme Extreme Dao on the Will Pagoda on your own, the success rate is too low, almost zero! Moreover, what I gave is still the inscription method of the extreme space polar path, you have comprehended the extreme space polar path, if you have this method, you can use it to inscribe the extreme space pole on the will pagoda in the future, so as to impact the triple original ancestor realm. ”

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian directly agreed, “Boundless Lord, I agree!” ”


The Lord of the Unbounded was excited.

Immediately, the Lord of Boundless took out a black bead: “This is a spatial pole inscription method – Void Inscription, which can increase the success rate of one to five, this method can only be passed on with this bead, and the number of inheritances is limited, you can only inherit once, there are two more in it, I can’t give it to you.” ”


Ye Tian nodded.

Then, Ye Tian began to inherit the Void Inscription Technique.


Countless mysterious information poured into Ye Tian’s will, and was gradually absorbed and digested by Ye Tian.

After a long time, Ye Tian successfully inherited the Void Inscription Technique.

After inheritance, Ye Tian knew how difficult it was to inscribe the extreme path on the Will Pagoda, and he couldn’t try it casually, once it failed, the Will Pagoda would be seriously damaged and would need to be repaired over endless years, or with countless precious materials.

More importantly, if there are too many failures, it will affect the foundation of the Pagoda of Will.

Therefore, the inscription method with a high success rate is naturally extremely precious.

The Void Inscription can increase the success rate of one to five, which is actually one to five, after all, its own success rate is negligible.

The success rate of one to five seems to be very low, but Ye Tian feels that this is definitely not low, if there is really a high inscription method, then the Lord of the Boundless will not say that the Golden Lord of the End of the Realm and the Lord of the Infinity have no hope of becoming the Triple Ancestor.

In addition, if the number of inscription failures increases, the success rate will also decrease.

Therefore, it is better to do it the first time.

“I didn’t expect that becoming a triple ancestor was so difficult, and the price of inscription failure turned out to be so great!” Ye Tian sighed with emotion, “Boundless Lord, is there a treasure that increases the success rate of inscribed Extreme Dao?” ”

The Lord of Boundless nodded: “Naturally, there is, but it is too precious, and I can’t get it.” I also failed six times before I got away with it! The reason why I say that you have a great hope of becoming a triple original ancestor is because you condensed the will pagoda in advance when you were in the realm of a super perfect master, which will increase the success rate of Issei, and you comprehend the extreme space pole in advance before the original ancestor, which can increase the success rate of one percent. In this way, coupled with the Void Inscription Technique of one to five, that is the success rate of three to five! The success rate of three to five, even if the first inscription fails, the success rate within three times is very high. Basically, as long as your luck is not too bad, there is more than ninety percent hope to become a triple ancestor in the future. ”

“The realm of the super perfect controller condenses the will pagoda in advance, and the original ancestor comprehends the extreme pole before can increase the success rate of inscripting the extreme extreme path!!!”

Ye Tian finally knew why the Unbounded Lord valued him so much, because he was a genius!


PS: 4000 words big chapter !!!

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