“It’s worthy of a treasure land, there are many resources in it, and I don’t know a lot of resource treasures!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

If he took these resources away, his cultivation speed would definitely improve very quickly.

In addition, he also found the Nine Pole Golden Lotus, but the Nine Pole Golden Lotus was guarded by more than a dozen creatures comparable to the Triple Primordial Ancestor, and he could not take the Nine Pole Golden Lotus, unless his strength could be upgraded to the realm of the Triple Origin Ancestor, he could easily take the Nine Pole Golden Lotus.

“Don’t rush to get the Nine Extremes Golden Lotus first, I don’t need this thing. I will first take the resources of that treasure land little by little and use it to improve my strength. ”

Ye Tian decided.

In the following years, Ye Tian often consulted the Unbounded Lord and obtained a lot of treasure books and information materials from the Unbounded Lord.

This has a huge effect on identifying treasures and can save time in research.

But as for what the Nine Pole Golden Lotus does, Ye Tian is still unclear, unless he can deduce the Extreme Pole Dao to the extent of the Extreme Pole Dao, he can deduce the role of the Nine Pole Golden Lotus.



Ye Tiantuo’s severely injured body escaped from the treasure land, and as a result, several terrifying creatures also rushed out from the treasure land and caught up with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian’s other replica body appeared, dragging these creatures, which allowed the severely injured replicator body to escape.

The reason for this is naturally to preserve the resources captured!

Soon after, these creatures were rejected by the original Black Sea and returned to the treasure land.

It can be said that no matter what kind of species, if they do not comprehend the extreme time and space pole, they cannot stay in the Primordial Black Sea forever.

Of course, if the number of extreme poles of comprehension is enough, it will stay in the Primordial Black Sea almost indefinitely.

However, the creatures of this treasure land only contain an extreme extreme, but they are of a special race, so their strength is comparable to the triple ancestor, so they can only stay in the Primordial Black Sea for a few minutes.

“It worked!”

“The fruit of no inflammation can greatly improve the cultivation of the Dual Origin Ancestor, and has a weak effect on the Triple Origin Ancestor.”

“The Golden Phoenix Void Grass can enhance the polar will of the Dual Origin Ancestor, and it also has an effect on the Triple Origin Ancestor.”

“Black Feather Stone, which can be used to forge Primordial Divine Weapons.”

One treasure after another appeared in Ye Tian’s hands, and this harvest was very good.

Immediately, Ye Tian took out the treasures that could improve his cultivation and took them out one by one.


Ye Tian’s cultivation improved rapidly, far exceeding the speed of his previous cultivation.

When the treasures obtained were exhausted, Ye Tian entered the treasure land again, but this time it was bad luck, surrounded by several powerful creatures, did not escape in time, and perished in that treasure land.

In this way, Ye Tian tried again and again, obtained more and more treasures, and his cultivation naturally became higher and higher.

The Lord of the Boundless did not expect that Ye Tian, the Dual Origin Ancestor, could actually seize the treasure in that treasure land, and dare to enter it again and again.

After all, even if it is a double ancestor with a will doppelganger, it will take a long time to recover if he loses a doppelganger, and if he dies too many times, it will affect the foundation of will.

But these rules and regulations were not suitable for Ye Tian at all, and even if Ye Tian’s replicating body died many times, it would have no effect.

After a long time, Ye Tian’s cultivation finally rose to the limit of the double original ancestor in only 60 billion eternal years under the accumulation of treasures one by one.

At this time, he felt the existence of a bottleneck, and he only needed to inscribe the Extreme Space Pole Dao on the Will Pagoda to impact the Triple Origin Ancestor Realm.

“Twenty-one Will Pagoda, first inscribe the black text representing the extreme space pole on the first layer of Will Pagoda!”

Ye Tian decided.

He made a breakthrough in the primordial Black Sea dojo without telling anyone, and naturally did not want to be known by the Unbounded Lord.


Layers of will pagodas appeared on Ye Tian’s body, as if this area was shrouded.

“Let’s start inscribe!”

Ye Tian decided.

This black text is equivalent to containing an inscription, and Ye Tian has already understood it.


The power of the Extreme Space Pole Dao began to be inscribed on the first layer of the Will Pagoda under Ye Tian’s control.

He has a fifty percent success rate, and even if he fails the first time, the impact is not great.

Time passed slowly and everything went well.

Just as the inscription was about to be successful, the black text suddenly clashed with the Pagoda of Will.


The Pagoda of Will cracked.


Ye Tian muttered.

If it was anyone else, they would have to spend a long time repairing the crack in the Pagoda of Will, or they would buy an incomparably precious treasure to repair the crack.

Of course, you can also ignore it and continue to break through, but the success rate is lower, and once you continue to inscribe failure, the rift will be even greater, and it may even lead to the destruction of the foundation of the Will Pagoda.

At that time, he will never be able to break through to the realm of the triple primordial ancestor.

“I don’t need a fix!”

Ye Tian directly annihilated this replica body, and then re-copied a replica body.

This will pagoda that replicates the body is intact, and he can continue to impact the Triple Origin Realm.

“The success rate doesn’t make sense to me!”

Ye Tian muttered.

But the reason why he still wanted the Void Inscription was not for himself, but for the Terran, and the Void Inscription could be used as the foundation of the Terran!

Subsequently, Ye Tian continued to inscribe black words representing the extreme space pole on the Will Pagoda.

This time, Ye Tian’s luck was not so bad, and he was directly inscribed successfully.

After all, the success rate of fifty percent ah, if you fail twice, it will be too unlucky!

After the inscription was successful, the black text was integrated into the first layer of the Will Pagoda.


The Will Pagoda began to transform and become more tenacious and powerful, while Ye Tian’s Extreme Dao Will was also skyrocketing, and the body of the original ancestor also began to transform.

His shackles had already disappeared, and his cultivation was rapidly rising, frantically devouring the energy of the Primordial Black Sea.

After a long time, Ye Tian devoured a huge amount of Primordial Black Sea energy, and finally completely stabilized his cultivation in the realm of the Triple Origin Ancestor.

“Continue to inscribe the words representing the pole of time!”

Ye Tian decided.

After all, the Triple Origin Ancestor could inscribe nine extreme polar paths, and he comprehended more than nine extreme extreme paths.

Moreover, the other three primordial ancestors did not dare to fear the failure of the inscription, and he was not afraid, so he directly continued to inscribe.

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