However, if you want to enter the Void God Domain, you can’t enter it casually!

Any fourfold heavenly gate, the number of its triple ancestors is very exaggerated, so many triple ancestors, it is impossible to let it enter!

Therefore, without a certain strength, even if you apply to enter the Void God Domain, you will not be approved.

For example, without the Empty Heavenly Gate, the number of Triple Ancestors alone was as high as hundreds of thousands, but in the end, only 10,000 Triple Ancestors were allowed to enter the Void God Domain.

Although Ye Tian was a core disciple and possessed the treatment of a Daoist, it was impossible to let him enter directly, otherwise the other three Origin Ancestors of the Void Heaven Gate would definitely not be happy.

Therefore, Ye Tian must pass the challenge and seize 10,000 places to enter the Void God Domain.

The challenge is very simple, divided into two parts, first break through the seventh level of the Voidless Hall, and once you pass it, you are eligible to participate in the second challenge.

The first layer of the Voidless Hall represents the combat power of the First Primordial Ancestor, and the second layer of the Voidless Hall represents the combat power of the top Heavy Ancestor; The third layer of the Voidless Hall represents the combat power of the Dual Primitive Ancestor; The fourth layer of the Voidless Hall represents the combat power of the top dual Origin Ancestor.

The fifth to tenth layers of the Voidless Hall all represent the combat power of the Triple Origin Ancestor, and if they can break through the eleventh layer, it means that they have the combat power of the weaker Fourth Origin Ancestor.

Ye Tian immediately went to participate in the assessment of the Voidless Temple, in fact, when he wanted to join the Voidless Heavenly Gate, he needed to participate in this assessment, but because the talent was too enchanting, he was directly canceled this assessment.

The seventh floor of the Void Hall.

Ye Tian came here, and an opponent appeared.

Ye Tian directly killed the other party with one blow and completed the assessment.

He did not continue to challenge the eighth layer of the Voidless Hall, so there was no need, just break through the seventh layer.

After a period of time, the Voidless Hall Challenge assessment was over.

“There are actually more than 30,000 Triple Origin Ancestors who have broken through the seventh layer of the Voidless Hall!”

Ye Tian was a little surprised.

Although he killed the opponent of the seventh layer of the Voidless Hall in one blow, this is not the opponent of the seventh layer of the Voidless Hall, and if he allows the Lord of the Voidless Hall to participate in such a challenge, he will not be able to pass at all, and may not even be able to pass the sixth layer.

I have to say that the three ancestors of the Voidless Heaven Gate are very powerful.


There is no empty heavenly gate, a majestic hall.

More than a dozen Fourfold Primal Ancestors were discussing the opening of the Void God Domain here, and after discussing for a while, they talked about Ye Tian.

“This time, the Endless Origin Ancestor who has newly joined our Voidless Heavenly Gate will also enter the Void God Domain.”

“Yes, I looked at the list, there is no problem in getting a place with his strength, but his cultivation is still too far from the limit of the triple original ancestor, that is, he has just broken through the triple original ancestor, and the only advantage is that he has comprehended the limit of the extreme path.”

“In this way, the combat power is afraid that it is not strong, and it is definitely crushing compared to the ordinary triple ancestors, but it has no advantage compared to those top triple ancestors of the five-fold holy gate. Those top three Origin Ancestors have mastered powerful Primordial Control Techniques one by one, while Endless Primordial Ancestors are afraid that they have not even mastered a Primordial Control Technique! ”

“He can go if he wants, anyway, it doesn’t matter if the will doppelganger is killed, let him experience it.” In short, this is a good seedling, and the Void Tooth Holy Gate already knows of his existence, but it does not plan to include it in advance, so it will be placed here first. ”

“Endless Origin Ancestor don’t care about him first, it will take a long time for him to grow up!”

Soon, they were discussing other things.

Not long after, the second assessment began.

More than 30,000 Origin Ancestors compete for 10,000 quotas, and the competition is also fierce, and it takes to go through battles again and again to get a place.

And the place where the original ancestors fought this time is a world that the four original ancestors of the illusion heart original ancestor transformed into with the extreme illusion of the extreme path, even if they are really killed in the battle here, it is only an illusion, and the body will not really die.

Otherwise, if you don’t have to scrap a will doppelganger in an assessment, the price will be too great!

Subsequently, Ye Tian participated in this challenge and fought against a primordial ancestor.

He fought a total of six battles, and he completely won a spot, and there was no need to continue the challenge later.


“The quota has been won, according to the time, there are still five Origin Domain Eras, that is, the 500 million Eternal Era equivalent to the end of the Realm!” Ye Tian muttered.

This period of time is not short, so he is ready to cultivate and improve his strength.

If you improve your cultivation, it’s too late, and you can’t improve your cultivation at all.

“The fastest way to improve my strength is to create a primordial control technique, those top three primordial ancestors have mastered the primordial control technique, if I don’t master the primordial control technique, even if I comprehend so many extreme poles, inscribe so many extreme poles, the combat power may not be as powerful as them!” Ye Tian thought to himself.

The power of the Primordial Control Technique is related to the number of Extreme Extremes contained in it, and most of the Triple Primordial Ancestors create the Primordial Control Technique almost all from the systematic inscription technique.

For example, the inscription technique of the nine-star map, the triple ancestor of the Voidless Heavenly Gate started from this inscription technique and created an original control technique based on the nine-star map.

Different threefold primordial ancestors naturally have different primordial control techniques created.

Ye Tian was also ready to imitate this method, and he was ready to create the Primordial Control Technique from the Primordial Zhou Tian Map.

Of course, at the beginning, he only created a weak Primordial Control Technique, only containing nine Extreme Extreme Techniques, if it contained too many Extreme Polar Techniques, it would take too much time, and he didn’t have time to create such top-notch Primordial Control Techniques now.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian began to silently comprehend creation based on the nine black words.

If they were given such a short time to the other three Primal Ancestors, they would not be able to comprehend anything at all.

However, Ye Tian had too many Extreme Dao Ancestral Talents, and there were many Extreme Dao Talents for comprehension, and the talent was too enchanting.

Coupled with the fact that the Voidless Heavenly Gate also has a special time and space that specializes in supplying the Triple Origin Ancestor to create the Primordial Control Technique, with his identity, he can naturally enter it.

So, Ye Tian was there to comprehend creation.

After two Origin Age years, Ye Tian finally had some understanding.

In a special time and space.

Ye Tian finally succeeded in creating an Primal Control Technique.

Rip and pull!

A black light tore through everything in front of him, and its power surpassed any of Ye Tian’s previous means.

“Primordial Control Technique – Primordial Black Light!”

Ye Tian muttered.

After creating this primordial control technique, Ye Tian’s strength can be described as skyrocketing, and after entering the Void God Domain this time, I am afraid that he can get a lot of good things.

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