I can copy talent

Chapter 212: Xiao Xuan's change

"Doctor Xiao, something happened!"

The decisive battle was won, and the finishing touches were all handed over to Mr. Jiang to arrange.

In the hotel, Xiao Zhan was listening to Tang Ziqi dancing about the benefits of being famous when he suddenly received a call from Mr. Jiang, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

"Song Wuji ran away!"

Xiao Zhan didn't find it strange.

This guy has the strength of foundation building and above, and he also knows the art of Gu insects, so he is definitely not an ordinary person.

It's surprising that he can be caught so easily.

"The one who disappeared together, and Xiao Xuan."

Mr. Jiang's next sentence made Xiao Zhan's complexion suddenly change.

"what happened?"

Xiao Zhan's voice was gloomy, and his eyes were actually cold.

He only noticed Song Wuji at the time, but he didn't notice Xiao Xuan.

Could it be that Xiao Xuan also came to the scene?

"We don't know either, Xiao Xuan seems to be still protecting Song Wuji."

Xiao Zhan's face was even more ugly, and things were worse than he imagined.

"Clarify all the specific details."

Tang Ziqi, who was on the side, looked at this scene, hesitant to say anything, and finally did not speak, just sat on the side and quietly accompanied Xiao Zhan.

"At that time, we went to chase Song Wuji together..."

Mr. Jiang explained the matter from beginning to end.

The group of five of them should have been able to easily take Song Wuji down.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan suddenly rushed out, blocking their way.

Xiao Xuan, who has always been an ordinary person, actually showed amazing strength at that time.

In order not to hurt her, Qi Manyue and Ye Chen both became constrained, and it took a lot of effort to restrain her.

But soon, Song Wuji's attack also began.

The strange power, the all-pervasive Gu worms, made the five of them invincible and unable to resist.

In the end, I could only watch this guy slip away.

"Xiao Xuan, what else is wrong?"

Xiao Zhan frowned, he had vaguely guessed the problem.

"It's similar to the two guys on the field before."

Mr. Jiang made it clear.

Xiao Xuan's state was exactly the same as when he was hit by a Gu worm.

"You know, Xiao Xuan is also here today?"

Xiao Zhan hung up the phone and looked at Tang Ziqi.

"I told her not to come, it should be deceived by Song Wuji."

Tang Ziqi felt guilty.

She could clearly see that Xiao Xuan looked normal since he appeared.

It is very likely that an accident happened when she blocked Xiao Zhan's sight.

Moreover, it was she who hindered Xiao Zhan that allowed Song Wuji to escape and took Xiao Xuan away.

Perhaps, when Xiao Zhan made his move, Song Wuji had no chance to leave at all.

"You wait here, I'll find someone."

Xiao Zhan had no way to blame Tang Ziqi.

Since Song Wuji had left the means long ago, even without Tang Ziqi's obstruction, this guy must have a way to escape.

"be careful!"

Tang Ziqi wanted to explain, but he still didn't say it.

"You too, it's best not to touch any strangers."

Gu worms are really hard to guard against.

Even if Xiao Zhan copied the power of those two guys, he didn't notice that there were Gu worms in their bodies.

Xiao Xuan suddenly encountered a change, and the Gu worms in her body must have been hidden early in the morning.

He detoxified Xiao Xuan last night, but he didn't find anything.

"Don't worry too much, it's not your fault."

Before going out, Xiao Zhan floated a few words, and immediately made Tang Ziqi stunned, staring at the closed door, with tears in his eyes.

"Doctor Xiao, what are your plans now?"

Downstairs of the hotel, Mr. Jiang and his party of five were all waiting here.

The arrest failed, almost watching Xiao Xuan also being taken away by Song Wuji, the special operations team really lost face.

"Qi Manyue stayed behind to protect Tang Ziqi, and it is very likely that there will be other members of the Blood Eagle Society. I don't want to worry about one thing and another."

Xiao Zhan said coldly.

Qi Manyue nodded without hesitation.

In terms of hard power, among these people, she is the weakest.

"Where did Song Wuji go last?"

Xiao Zhan asked.

Mr. Jiang and his party were silent.

At that time, Song Wuji had a car to meet him. Although they immediately called for surveillance, they still could not find the whereabouts of this guy.

Jingle Bell!

Xiao Zhan glanced at it, but it was Zhang Meili who called.

"what's up?"

Originally, Xiao Zhan didn't want to pay attention to this shrew, but thinking of Song Wuji's disappearance, perhaps this woman would have some clues.

"Xiao Zhan, you are inferior to a beast, where did you hide my daughter?"

Zhang Meili wandered outside for a day, and finally thought of Xiao Xuan.

I wanted to go to the hotel to see if her good son-in-law had secured Xiao Xuan.

Unexpectedly, people went to the empty room.

Her first reaction was to look for Xiao Zhan, it must be this guy who deceived her good daughter.

"She was drugged by Song Wuji, I..."

Before Xiao Zhan could finish speaking, he was interrupted roughly by Zhang Meili.

"When is it, you still poured dirty water on Song Shao? I think you drugged my daughter and wanted to do something wrong, but now you have not succeeded, so you came out to blame Song Shao!"


Xiao Zhan couldn't take it any longer and cursed loudly.

"Your daughter is about to be killed by Song Wuji. She was poisoned, and she was injured because of Song Wuji!"

Zhang Mei was stunned.

Silence for a while.

"Okay, Xiao Zhan, you actually did something to my daughter. I warn you, if something goes wrong with my daughter, I want you to pay for it!"


The phone hangs up immediately.

Xiao Zhan was completely speechless.

He can be considered to have seen many rogue shrews, but like Zhang Meili, he is the first.

"What do we do now?"

Mr. Jiang also frowned.

Almost all of them heard the content of the phone call. They thought they could find some clues, but they didn't expect to hear all the speeches of a brain-dead idiot.

"Staring at Zhang Meili, although she is an idiot, with Song Wuji's ability alone, it is almost impossible to disappear under your full control. He will definitely take advantage of this idiot."

Mr. Jiang immediately handed over the task to Jiang Ming.

This kind of thing, Jiang Ming has the most experience.

"What about us?"

Others wondered.

Xiao Zhan frowned and took out the pipe trap.


With a crisp sound, the trap box opened, revealing three Gu worms and a milky white jade pendant.

"Next, there is only hope."

Xiao Zhan took out the two Gu worms he had captured today, and pinched out mysterious formulas with both hands.

Just under the puzzled gazes of several people, the True Qi in the body condensed into a mysterious power, which was attached to the Gu worm.

Gu worms that should have died, actually became active at this time.

"That's okay too?"

Yan Hu people looked stupid.

Several people were stunned at the same time, seeing that the Gu worm actually gave birth to a pair of small transparent wings out of thin air, and flew up with a buzzing buzz.


Xiao Zhan looked indifferent and gave an order.

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