
Ye Tian’s body was transforming at an incredible speed, and his strength continued to skyrocket.

Since he had broken through in the dojo of the Primordial Black Sea, the energy of countless Primordial Black Seas around him all poured into his body, helping him complete the final Primal Ancestor Body transformation.

The years passed, and in the blink of an eye, a primordial era time passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s original Zhou Tian’s body was finally completely condensed.

“This is the body of the original Zhou Tian, it may be too powerful!”

Ye Tian said in shock.

His current Origin Ancestor body far surpassed those Saint Sons, and he was afraid that he could pinch those Saint Sons to death with one hand, and he didn’t even need to use the Origin Control Technique.

“Try if the Holy Art Dust Golden Light can break my Primordial Zhou Tian body!”

Ye Tian let another replica body strike and directly cast the Dust Golden Light.


The golden light from the dust hit the body of Primordial Zhou Tian, and did not cast the glazed holy cover.


The golden light from the dust only made his body a little painful, and even the defense was not broken.

“It seems that ordinary holy arts will be completely meaningless to me in the future!” Ye Tian smiled.

His current strength has grown to the point that those fourfold ancestors can’t understand it.

Moreover, he can go to the deepest part of the core area of the Cloudless End, there are good things there, if he doesn’t go now, after he breaks through to the Fourth Ancestor, he won’t be able to enter the Cloudless End.

Speaking, Ye Tian first turned all his replica bodies into a state that condensed the original Zhou Tian’s body, and then let a replica body go to the Cloudless Realm.


Cloudless ends.

Ye Tian came here, and then entered the most core area.

Soon, a group of black cloud beasts tried to intercept Ye Tian, and were directly pinched by Ye Tian with one hand.

At this time, he didn’t even need the Glazed Saint Hood, and he could directly enter in the flesh, and he could resist the suppression here.

After a while, Ye Tian entered the most core area.


A group of fourfold primordial ancestor-level black cloud beasts appeared, trying to surround and kill Ye Tian.


“Taichu Fist!”

Ye Tian’s top Primordial Control Technique, the Taichu Fist, created with one hundred and eight extreme extreme paths, instantly killed a four-fold Primordial Ancestor-level black cloud beast.

The power of this punch has surpassed the golden light of the dust.


One by one, the black cloud beasts of the fourfold original ancestor level were bombarded and killed by Ye Tian.

After a while, all these black cloud beasts were destroyed.

“I’m too powerful now, these black cloud beasts can’t threaten me at all!”

Ye Tian muttered.

Immediately, he came to the corpse of the fallen Black Cloud Behemoth.

This black cloud behemoth didn’t know how many years it had fallen, I was afraid that it was extremely long, but the aura it emitted still made Ye Tian feel frightened now.

Fortunately, it fell, otherwise just a wisp of breath could kill Ye Tian.

As Ye Tian got closer and closer to the corpse of this Black Cloud Behemoth, the suppression became bigger and bigger.

However, he ended up making it this far.

“This corpse alone is a priceless treasure, but it’s a pity that I can’t take it away!”

Ye Tian muttered.

Although he couldn’t take this Black Cloud Behemoth, the resources here could be taken away by him.

The many resources bred here are enough to make the four ancestors crazy, and the value is too high.

Therefore, Ye Tian took away the resources one by one, and it took a long time to scrape them all.


Ye Tian tried to probe the inside of the body of this black cloud behemoth, and found that the middle position of this black cloud behemoth was directly pierced by a force and could not be restored.

A wisp of that power seemed to be able to kill him.

Of course, as long as you don’t touch this breath, there is still no danger.

“It’s a pity that there are no treasures left, otherwise just give me a little treasure, I will also make a lot of money!”

Ye Tian said with regret.

However, he did not leave immediately, but realized the breath.

The owner of this breath can penetrate such a terrifying black cloud beast with one blow, its strength is so terrifying, if he comprehends something, or imitates the charm of one ten-thousandth, he can create a very powerful primordial control technique.

So in the following years, Ye Tian wanted to create a primordial control technique involving three hundred and sixty-five extreme paths.

Because to become a fourfold ancestor, you need to take an original control technique as the core, break the shackles, and turn it into an original control technique.

The power of the Origin Control Technique is very terrifying, and the consumption of power is small, and the power will be increased.

He originally wanted to use the Taichu Fist to break through to the Fourth Primordial Ancestor, after all, the Taichu Fist only involved one hundred and eight extreme extremities, and he had comprehended three hundred and sixty-five extreme extremities!

“Don’t rush to break through first, wait until you comprehend the Primordial Control Technique containing three hundred and sixty-five extreme extremes, and then attack the Fourth Primordial Ancestor!” Ye Tian decided.

In the following years, this replica body of his was here to comprehend the breath left by the attack that killed the Black Cloud Behemoth.

The years are like traces, and it is the 10,000 Origin Era in a flash.

Finally, on this day, Ye Tian created this Primordial Control Technique.

In the cloudless end, a black cloud beast of the fourfold original ancestor level had just been born, and Ye Tian pointed out.

Suddenly, a golden light crossed time and space, directly piercing this fourfold primordial black cloud beast.

Then, the black cloud beast turned into powder and dissipated.

In fact, this black cloud beast could not test the power of this move, but Ye Tian felt that it was enough.

“This move contains three hundred and sixty-five extreme polar paths, and it is mainly based on the Endless Extreme Dao, it is called endless golden light!”

Ye Tian named it.

Next, he will impact the Four Primordial Ancestors with endless golden light, turning them into his Origin Control Technique.


Void Tooth Holy Gate.

Ye Tian’s replica body returned.

Just when he was about to apply to attack the Quadruple Origin Ancestor, the Phoenix Ming Origin Ancestor of the Void Tooth Holy Gate issued an order not to let him attack the Quadruple Origin Ancestor for the time being.

“Don’t allow me to attack the Fourfold Ancestor? No wonder the previous Void Tooth Holy Gate stipulated that any holy son who wanted to attack the Fourth Primeval Ancestor must submit an application. Ye Tian said darkly.

He felt that the Void Tooth Holy Gate was afraid that they needed these holy sons to do something, and only the Triple Origin Ancestor could go.


Ye Tian asked the Phoenix Ming Origin Ancestor of the Void Tooth Holy Gate, why was he not allowed to break through?

At this time, Feng Ming Origin Ancestor gave a time.

“No breakthrough is allowed within the 30,000 Origin Domain Era!”

She also only gave such a sentence, as for more information, she did not say.

“The 30,000 Origin Domain Era is not allowed to break through, then wait a little longer, in the next period, focus on creating the Origin Control Technique!”

Ye Tian was ready to create a few more control techniques containing three hundred and sixty-five extreme extremes to enhance his strength.

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