Not long after, Tianya Saint Ancestor finally successfully brought Ye Tian back.

At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The will clone is killed, it is nothing, but Ye Tian must have a huge amount of resources and the original gold beads. what!

After all, any power needs the primordial gold beads, this is the treasure of the five primordial ancestors!

“Endless Primordial Ancestor, how many Primordial Gold Pearls did you get?”

Tianya Saint Ancestor asked.

“Two hundred and fifty thousand!”

Ye Tian said less than 50,000 pieces. He knew very well that the Holy Sect of the Void Fang would definitely want to trade the original gold beads on him, so he concealed more than 50,000 pieces of the original gold beads. This is for his relatives, otherwise there will be endless years. After that, his relatives grew up to the realm of the four-fold original ancestor, lacking “·zero” and lacking the original gold beads, he could not become the fifth-level original ancestor, and he could not get it.

-To the original gold beads.

Therefore, now I have obtained so many original gold beads, and directly keep some of them.

“250,000 primordial gold beads!!!!”

Heavenly Tooth Sacred Ancestor took a deep breath.

This is enough to make twenty-five half-step five-level ancestors firmly become five-level ancestors!

You must know that there are not many fifth-level ancestors in the entire Void Fang Holy Sect, at best there are more than 300 fifth-level ancestors, so twenty-five fifth-level ancestors are of great significance!

Moreover, it is really necessary to make reasonable use of so many primordial gold beads, but not only twenty-five five primordial ancestors are born!

After all, the success rate of those holy sons themselves is more than 10%, and some can even approach the 20% success rate, so they do not need 10,000 original gold beads.

If used rationally, more than thirty five ancestors can be born.

“Endless Primordial Ancestor, you don’t need so many primordial gold beads, can you donate the extra primal gold beads to the Void Fang Sacred Gate. Of course, the Void Fang Sacred Door will not be in vain, you have broken through to the five-layer primitive ancestor and The Void Tooth Sacred Sect will do its best to provide you with the resources that the fifth-layer primitive ancestor cultivates to the peak of the fifth-layer primitive ancestor. Moreover, I can apply for a primitive treasure bodyguard for you!” Tianya Sacred Ancestor said.

“I promise!

Ye Tian nodded.

He also knew that he could not refuse.

Later, Ye Tian also saw the Holy Ancestor of the Void Fang.

“Endless Ancestor, you are very good!”

The Holy Ancestor Void Fang exclaimed.

“Sect Master, I’m just lucky!” Ye Tian said humbly.

“Don’t be humble with me, you can snatch so many primordial gold beads, which is enough to prove your strength. I really want to know, have you comprehended the three hundred and sixty-five extreme extremes?” .

Ye Tian also knew that he couldn’t hide it, he was so evil this time, everyone would doubt it.

“Yes!” Ye Tian nodded.

Seeing Ye Tian admit it, the Holy Ancestor Void Fang couldn’t help but take a breath, and the Holy Ancestor Tianya was also shocked.

Although there were speculations, they were still shocked when they got Ye Tian’s acknowledgement.

“Three hundred and sixty-five extreme extremes, it seems that you have also solidified the primordial control technique of the supreme life into the primordial control technique of life.” Said the illusory ancestor.

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