Ye Tian has been paying attention to Han Xuan secretly, but Han Xuan doesn’t know that, after all, Han Xuan is only an eternal controller at the moment, and she is very low-key and stubborn!

Her strength is obviously very strong, and she is almost invincible at the same level, but she is very weak.

“It’s a bit like me!”

Ye Tian secretly said.

But after observing for a period of time, he found that something was wrong with this Han Xuan. The speed of her strength was increasing too fast, and she quickly became a half-step perfect controller.

Moreover, among the half-step perfect controllers, he quickly comprehends the space-time extremes and other kinds of extremes, which is similar to when he created the half-step perfect controllers at the extreme realm.

In the end, Han Xuan realized a very special and powerful extreme way. This extreme way contains the extreme way of time and space and many other extreme ways, but it is mainly based on the extreme way of swords.

“This is not normal, he comprehends the ultimate pole faster than me!”

Ye Tian is very clear that he has such a fast breakthrough speed because he has the talent of copying and many extreme ancestors.

Also, although Han Xuan has a lot of ancestral talents, she didn’t use any treasure resources. How could she be so evil?

But over time, Han Xuan would occasionally reveal some flaws, and through these flaws, Ye Tian roughly had some guesses.

“Han Xuan is a reincarnated person!”

Ye Tian guessed.

Reincarnation is not uncommon, such existences can easily be reincarnated, but the higher the cultivation level, the so-called reincarnation is just abandoning the physical body, only living in a mortal body, and can restore the cultivation level in a single thought.

After all, even if there is one grain of extreme will, it can be easily resurrected.

Therefore, the so-called reincarnation is no different from pretending to be a mortal.

But Han Xuan’s situation was a real reincarnation, and she abandoned everything, even the will of the extreme way, only the kind of memory.

“How is this done?”

Ye Tian was very curious.

If it was possible to achieve this level, many primitive ancestors whose cultivation bases could not break through would do so.

After all, some ancestors had an unstable foundation in their cultivation at the beginning, which made them unable to break through in the later stage.

If they could be reincarnated, their cultivation would be raised to a higher level, and all of them would be demons.

this day.

Ye Tian came to visit the ancestors of Shangling. Although the ancestors of Shangling were not the original ancestors of the sixth level, they were after all the first half-step six-level ancestors of the original realm of Shangling. The original domain has communicative connections, and the knowledge must be extraordinary.

“Endless Holy Ancestor!”

The Holy Ancestor of the Spirit is very respectful.

He was a little curious, why did Ye Tian suddenly come to him?

“Shangling Holy Ancestor, I’m here to ask you something.”

Ye Tian’s remarks directly shocked the Holy Ancestor Shangling. He was invincible in half a step, and could even defeat the Inexhaustible Holy Ancestor, Changbai Daozu, the original ancestor of the sixth level. He even came to ask him for advice!

How frightening is this!

“The Endless Holy Ancestor, please tell me, I’m afraid I can’t solve your confusion!” The Holy Ancestor Shangling said in panic.

Ye Tian asked: “Shangling Holy Ancestor, if an incomparably powerful ancestor wants to be reincarnated, abandon everything, re-cultivate, and rebuild his foundation, can he do it?”

“How is this done?”

The ancestor of Shangling was stunned.

If there is such a way, he wants to practice again, maybe there is hope to surpass the present, even if he may not be able to advance to the sixth-level ancestor, but the hope is definitely higher!

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