The point is that Daozu Heiji still doesn’t know how he was discovered!


Heiji Daozu knew that he couldn’t beat Ye Tian with his current state, so he could only choose to run away.

However, his Escape Treasure Lotus had already exploded, and the last trace of Escape Treasure Lotus had long since dissipated.

As a result, he now only has the usual escape treasure.

But at this moment, he used it, but it didn’t work.

Under the shroud of Ye Tian’s endless black domain, Hei Ji Dao Ancestor’s strength was severely suppressed, his speed was also limited, and many methods were difficult to use.

“Damn, if Dao Fruit is still there, I can still use Yuan Dao, even if I can only cast a trace of Yuan Dao, I can crush your domain!

Daozu Heiji was furious.

“Your Excellency really want to fight with me, I used to be a half-step eighth-level ancestor, even if I lose the Taoist fruit now, but if I work hard, it will not be difficult to perish with you!

Heiji Daozu said “one forty zero”.

“Then try it!”

Ye Tian said without caring.

Heiji Daozu’s eyes became firm, and he directly swallowed a black fruit during the battle, and the aura on his body became extremely powerful.


Endless black light enveloped this area, and instantly enveloped countless creatures in this area, swallowing them, and also swallowing Ye Tian.

“Let’s die together!”

The voice of Daozu Heiji resounded throughout the district.

The terrifying annihilation power enveloped this area, and in an instant, this area disappeared, the silent Black Sea was smashed and cracked, and the huge territory was turned into a forbidden area.


The will of the Dao Dao gathered outside this area, and quickly turned into a broken figure, which is the Ancestor of Dao Heji.

“It’s a big loss this time. The flesh is shattered, and only a part of the will of the extreme way remains. It will take a long time to recover to the half-step sixth-level ancestor realm. If you want to restore the fruit of the Tao, it will take longer years!” Hei Ji Daozu said helplessly.

Fortunately, after killing the enemy, he must flee immediately.


Xumi Daozhu protected him and took him out of here quickly.

Otherwise, after a long time, other Taoist ancestors will come, and he will not be able to escape.

But suddenly, the silent black sea in front of him distorted, and a figure stared at him.

“It’s you, it’s impossible, how could you not die!!! Just now I broke out an attack comparable to the powerful Seventh Layer Primordial Ancestor, annihilating you in an instant, you can’t be alive!!!”1

Heiji Daozu was stunned, he couldn’t believe the fact that Ye Tian was still alive.

However, Ye Tian just now was indeed killed by him, but what died was just a duplicate body.

And he had let another copy body come to him as early as before. After all, he knew that Heiji Daozu was not easy. Even if his cultivation was no longer, he might not be able to survive if he worked hard.

Therefore, with one more replica body, one more hope.

Now, the decision was indeed right.

“Heiji Daozu, you should still fall!” 1

Ye Tian shattered the body of Heiji Daozu with a single blow, shrouded in endless black territory, and shattered Heiji Daozu’s extreme will.

With the shattering of the will of the extreme way, the aura of Heiji Daozu became weaker and weaker.

In the end, Hei Daozu fell and died.

Then, Ye Tian took away the Xumi Daozhu of Heiji Daozu and the treasure resources on his body, and then left here.

Not long after, a Taoist ancestor came here.

When they saw that the community boundary had been shattered, they all shivered and fled here quickly.

In their view, this is most likely the result of one or several seventh-level ancestors.

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